![[レポート] Improving Application Startup Performance #AltConf2018 #WWDC18](https://devio2023-media.developers.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/wwdc2018-eyecatch-400x400.jpg)
[レポート] Improving Application Startup Performance #AltConf2018 #WWDC18
こちらはAltConfで行われたセッション「Improving Application Startup Performance」のレポートです。
スピーカーはtumblrのEngineerのKen Ackerson(@pearapps)さんです。
- アプリの起動時間を最適化する方法を複数の視点から見ていく
For the last year at Tumblr we have been extensively working on improving our application's start up time. Learn about many different aspects of optimizing your application's startup time as well as some interesting things we have learned along the way.
Table of Contents
- Introduction / Backstory
- Problems and solutions
- General performance tips
Introduction / Backstory
Application Startup Timeとは
- Pre-Main time + Post-main time = Application Startup Time
- Time for the user to be able to interact with your application after pressing the Icon
- 86% of consumers have deleted applications because of performance issues.
- Users hate to wait
- 2016
- Tumblr application started in approx. 12-15 seconds
- No production performance metrics
Problems and solutions
- File Activity
- System Usage
- Time Profiler
- Network
- Before UIApplication callbacks
- View metrics with the
env variable
SchemeのArgumentsのEnvironment Variablesに DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS
dylib loading time
- Loading of dynamic libraries
- Apple recommends only 6 non-Apple dynamic libraries
Tumblrアプリのdynamic frameworkの数の変遷
- 2015-2016
- 66 third party (non-Apple) dynamic frameworks
- 2017
- Mixed static libraries and dynamic frameworks
- 2018
- Almost exclusively static libraries where possible
static librariesへの移行
- Cocoapods 1.5.x
- Supports static linking for Swift
- Turn off use_frameworks!
- Hybrid solutions if needed
Rebase/binding time and ObjC setup time
- This is the time it takes to setup all of your Objective-C classes and selectors
- Remove unused Objective-C code
- Use Swift
Clean up leaks
- Use the Leaks Instrument and the Memory Graph Debugger to clean up leaks
Third party librariesに関する注意点
- Be careful about adding third party libraries
- We have seen seconds (!) taken from our launch time due to a few third party libraries
- Be careful about adding trendy libraries
Asset loading
- We found issues with UIImage(named: "")
- Costs between 15-50+ ms depending on device per image
- Similar issues with UIFont - especially bundled fonts.
UIImage(named: "") solution 1
UIImage(named: "") solution 2
Other use cases
- UIFont
- CoreData NSMangedobjectModel allocations
- Other I/O blocking application startup
Optimizing View Controllers
- Lazily load VCs with VC containment
General performance tips
Concurrent Programming using GCD groups
Compiler settings we've enabled
- WMO (Whole Module Optimization)
- LTO (Link time Optimization)
Other compiler settings to investigate
- Unroll loops
- Repeated use of weak references
- Profile, Profile, Profile!
- Use less dynamic libraries
- Use Swift and/or remove dead Objective-C code
- Measure and optimize assets and UIViewController initializations during launch
- Make sure your project settings are optimal for the tradeoffs you want
More Resources
- Optimizing App Startup Time - WWDC 2016
- App Startup Time: Past, Present, and Future - WWDC 2017
- iOS App Launch time analysis and optimizations
- Optimizing Facebook for iOS start time
Thats all