![[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] FlexCloneで書き込み可能なクローンボリュームを作ってみた](https://devio2023-media.developers.io/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/amazon-fsx-for-netapp-ontap.png)
[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] FlexCloneで書き込み可能なクローンボリュームを作ってみた
皆さんは検証用に一時的に使用するボリュームをサクッと用意したいなと思ったことはありますか? 私はあります。
- FlexCloneとはクローン元ボリュームのSnapshotを利用して高速にクローンボリュームを作成する機能
- クローンボリュームを作成するタイミングで新規にSnapshotを作成することも、既存のSnapshotを選択することも可能
- 実際のデータのコピーは行われないので即座にクローンボリュームが作成される
- クローンへ新たに書き込まれたデータ分だけのサイズが消費される
- クローンボリュームのクローンボリュームも作成可能
- ボリューム単位クローンだけでなく、ボリューム内のファイルやLUNのクローンも作成可能
- クローンボリューム作成後にクローン元ボリュームを削除したい場合は、依存関係を切ることで対応可能
- FlexCloneをネストさせている場合、中間のクローンボリュームをスプリットさせることはできない
抜粋 : NetApp FlexCloneテクノロジでソフトウェア開発を高速化
抜粋 : NetApp Tech Community ONLINE vol.46
テストファイル作成前のボリューム、aggregate、Storage Efficiencyの状態は以下のとおりです。物理ストレージ消費量の変化をわかりやすくするため、Storage Efficiencyは無効にし、Tiering Policyはnoneにしています。
::> set diag Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y ::*> version NetApp Release 9.13.1P7D3: Wed Feb 14 13:11:46 UTC 2024 ::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1* -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end vserver volume state progress last-op-begin last-op-end last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size ------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- ----------------- svm vol1 Disabled Idle for 00:12:28 Sun Apr 07 01:38:49 2024 Sun Apr 07 01:38:49 2024 0B 0% 0B 308KB ::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1* -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression vserver volume state policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume ------- ------ -------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- svm vol1 Disabled auto false false efficient false false true false false ::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy vserver volume size available filesystem-size total used percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percentlogical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent ------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ----- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- svm vol1 128GB 121.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 308KB 0% 0B 0% 0B 308KB 0% 308KB 0%- 308KB none 0B 0% ::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance Name of the Aggregate: aggr1 Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 136KB Total Physical Used: 284KB Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 136KB Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 284KB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.00:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 136KB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 284KB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 616KB Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.80MB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 616KB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.80MB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 136KB Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 136KB Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 284KB Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 284KB Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 0B Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 0B Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1 Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Number of Volumes Offline: 0 Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1 Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1 ::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp aggregate availsize size usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- aggr1 860.6GB 861.8GB 1.12GB 46.98MB 0% 0B 0% 0B 0B 0B 0% 0B - ::*> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 1.12GB 0% Aggregate Metadata 4.14MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 45.36GB 5% Total Used 46.48GB 5% Total Physical Used 46.98MB 0% Total Provisioned Space 129GB 14% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed.
$ sudo mount -t nfs svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 /mnt/fsxn/vol1 $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 122G 320K 122G 1% /mnt/fsxn/vol1 $ sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol1/random_pattern_binary_block_1GiB bs=1M count=1024 1024+0 records in 1024+0 records out 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 6.32884 s, 170 MB/s $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 122G 1.1G 121G 1% /mnt/fsxn/vol1
::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy vserver volume size available filesystem-size total used percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent ------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- svm vol1 128GB 120.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 1.00GB 0% 0B 0% 0B 1.00GB 1% 1.00GB 1% - 1.00GB none 0B 0% ::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance Name of the Aggregate: aggr1 Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 1.00GB Total Physical Used: 1.00GB Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.00:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.00GB Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.01GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.01GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 1.00GB Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 1.00GB Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 1.00GB Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 1.00GB Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 0B Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 0B Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1 Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Number of Volumes Offline: 0 Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1 Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1 ::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp aggregate availsize size usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- aggr1 859.6GB 861.8GB 2.13GB 1.06GB 0% 0B 0% 0B 0B 0B 0% 0B - ::*> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 2.12GB 0% Aggregate Metadata 5.43MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 45.36GB 5% Total Used 47.48GB 5% Total Physical Used 1.06GB 0% Total Provisioned Space 129GB 14% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed.
::*> snapshot show -volume vol1 There are no entries matching your query. ::*> volume clone create sharing-by-split show split ::*> volume clone show This table is currently empty. :*> volume clone create -parent-volume vol1 -flexclone vol1_clone -junction-path /vol1_clone [Job 44] Job succeeded: Successful ::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW ::*> volume clone show -instance Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone FlexClone Type: RW FlexClone Parent Vserver: svm FlexClone Parent Volume: vol1 FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 FlexClone Volume State: online Junction Path: /vol1_clone Junction Active: true Space Guarantee Style: none Space Guarantee In Effect: true FlexClone Aggregate: aggr1 FlexClone Data Set ID: 1027 FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2163179381 FlexClone Size: 128GB Used Size: 1.00GB Split Estimate: 1.01GB Blocks Scanned: - Blocks Updated: - Comment: QoS Policy Group Name: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: - Caching Policy Name: - Parent volume type: READ_WRITE Inherited Physical Used from Base Snapshot: 1.00GB Inherited Savings from Base Snapshot: 0B FlexClone Used Percentage: 0% Vserver DR Protection: - Percentage Complete: - Volume-Level UID: - Volume-Level GID: - UUID of the FlexGroup: - FlexGroup Master Data Set ID: - FlexGroup Index: - Maximum size of a FlexGroup Constituent: - Constituent Volume Role: - Is Active FlexGroup Constituent: true Is Constituent Volume: false Is Volume a FlexGroup: false Extended Volume Style: flexvol Type of Workflow: auto SnapLock Type: non-snaplock ::*> ::*> volume clone sharing-by-split show This table is currently empty.
今回は同じSVMにクローンボリュームを作成しましたがvolume clone createのコマンドリファレンスを確認すると、-parent-vserver
::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 164KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 220KB 0% 0% 2 entries were displayed.
::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy vserver volume size available filesystem-size total used percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent ------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- svm vol1 128GB 120.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 1.00GB 0% 0B 0% 0B 1.00GB 1% 1.00GB 1% - 1.00GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone 128GB 120.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 1.00GB 0% 0B 0% 0B 1.27MB 0% 1.00GB 1% - 1.00GB none 0B 0% 2 entries were displayed. ::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance Name of the Aggregate: aggr1 Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 6.03GB Total Physical Used: 1.00GB Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 6.00:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 2.01GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.00:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 6.03GB Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.01GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 5.94:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.01GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 2.01GB Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 2.01GB Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 1.00GB Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 1.00GB Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 4.02GB Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 852KB Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 4945.92:1 Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 1.00GB Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 1.27MB FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 810.30:1 Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 2447.64:1 Number of Volumes Offline: 0 Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1 Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 2 ::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp aggregate availsize size usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- aggr1 859.6GB 861.8GB 2.17GB 1.10GB 0% 0B 0% 0B 0B 0B 0% 0B - ::*> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 2.17GB 0% Aggregate Metadata 7.48MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 45.36GB 5% Total Used 47.53GB 5% Total Physical Used 1.10GB 0% Total Provisioned Space 257GB 28% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed.
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone $ sudo mount -t nfs svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1_clone /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone$ df -hT -t nfs4Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 122G 1.1G 121G 1% /mnt/fsxn/vol1 svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1_clone nfs4 122G 1.1G 121G 1% /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone $ sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone/random_pattern_binary_block_2GiB bs=1M count=20482048+0 records in 2048+0 records out 2147483648 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 13.7145 s, 157 MB/s $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 122G 1.1G 121G 1% /mnt/fsxn/vol1
::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy vserver volume size available filesystem-size total used percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent ------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- svm vol1 128GB 120.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 1.00GB 0% 0B 0% 0B 1.00GB 1% 1.00GB 1% - 1.00GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone 128GB 118.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 3.01GB 2% 0B 0% 0B 2.01GB 2% 3.01GB 2% - 3.01GB none 0B 0% 2 entries were displayed. ::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance Name of the Aggregate: aggr1 Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 8.03GB Total Physical Used: 3.01GB Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 2.67:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 4.02GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 3.01GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.33:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 8.04GB Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 3.03GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 2.65:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.00GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.02GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 4.02GB Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 4.02GB Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 3.01GB Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 3.01GB Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 4.02GB Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 900KB Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 4682.14:1 Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 3.01GB Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 2.01GB FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.50:1 Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 3.49:1 Number of Volumes Offline: 0 Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1 Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 2 ::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp aggregate availsize size usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- aggr1 857.6GB 861.8GB 4.19GB 3.12GB 0% 0B 0% 0B 0B 0B 0% 0B - ::*> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 4.18GB 0% Aggregate Metadata 13.55MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 45.36GB 5% Total Used 49.54GB 5% Total Physical Used 3.12GB 0% Total Provisioned Space 257GB 28% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed. ::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW ::*> volume clone show -instance Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone FlexClone Type: RW FlexClone Parent Vserver: svm FlexClone Parent Volume: vol1 FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 FlexClone Volume State: online Junction Path: /vol1_clone Junction Active: true Space Guarantee Style: none Space Guarantee In Effect: true FlexClone Aggregate: aggr1 FlexClone Data Set ID: 1027 FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2163179381 FlexClone Size: 128GB Used Size: 3.01GB Split Estimate: 1.00GB Blocks Scanned: - Blocks Updated: - Comment: QoS Policy Group Name: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: - Caching Policy Name: - Parent volume type: READ_WRITE Inherited Physical Used from Base Snapshot: 1.00GB Inherited Savings from Base Snapshot: 0B FlexClone Used Percentage: 2% Vserver DR Protection: - Percentage Complete: - Volume-Level UID: - Volume-Level GID: - UUID of the FlexGroup: - FlexGroup Master Data Set ID: - FlexGroup Index: - Maximum size of a FlexGroup Constituent: - Constituent Volume Role: - Is Active FlexGroup Constituent: true Is Constituent Volume: false Is Volume a FlexGroup: false Extended Volume Style: flexvol Type of Workflow: auto SnapLock Type: non-snaplock
$ sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol1/random_pattern_binary_block_3GiB bs=1M count=30723072+0 records in 3072+0 records out 3221225472 bytes (3.2 GB, 3.0 GiB) copied, 20.8923 s, 154 MB/s $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 122G 4.1G 118G 4% /mnt/fsxn/vol1
::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy vserver volume size available filesystem-size total used percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent ------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- svm vol1 128GB 117.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 4.02GB 3% 0B 0% 0B 4.02GB 3% 4.02GB 3% - 4.02GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone 128GB 118.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 3.01GB 2% 0B 0% 0B 2.01GB 2% 3.01GB 2% - 3.01GB none 0B 0% 2 entries were displayed. ::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance Name of the Aggregate: aggr1 Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 11.05GB Total Physical Used: 6.02GB Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.83:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 7.03GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 6.02GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.17:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 4.01GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 4.01GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 11.05GB Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 6.05GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.83:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.02GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.04GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 7.03GB Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 7.03GB Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 6.02GB Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 6.02GB Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 4.02GB Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 928KB Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 4540.87:1 Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 3.01GB Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 2.01GB FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.50:1 Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 3.49:1 Number of Volumes Offline: 0 Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1 Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 2 ::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp aggregate availsize size usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- aggr1 854.6GB 861.8GB 7.21GB 6.16GB 1% 0B 0% 0B 0B 0B 0% 0B - ::*> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 7.19GB 1% Aggregate Metadata 15.78MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 45.36GB 5% Total Used 52.56GB 6% Total Physical Used 6.16GB 1% Total Provisioned Space 257GB 28% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed. ::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW ::*> volume clone show -instance Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone FlexClone Type: RW FlexClone Parent Vserver: svm FlexClone Parent Volume: vol1 FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 FlexClone Volume State: online Junction Path: /vol1_clone Junction Active: true Space Guarantee Style: none Space Guarantee In Effect: true FlexClone Aggregate: aggr1 FlexClone Data Set ID: 1027 FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2163179381 FlexClone Size: 128GB Used Size: 3.01GB Split Estimate: 1.00GB Blocks Scanned: - Blocks Updated: - Comment: QoS Policy Group Name: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: - Caching Policy Name: - Parent volume type: READ_WRITE Inherited Physical Used from Base Snapshot: 1.00GB Inherited Savings from Base Snapshot: 0B FlexClone Used Percentage: 2% Vserver DR Protection: - Percentage Complete: - Volume-Level UID: - Volume-Level GID: - UUID of the FlexGroup: - FlexGroup Master Data Set ID: - FlexGroup Index: - Maximum size of a FlexGroup Constituent: - Constituent Volume Role: - Is Active FlexGroup Constituent: true Is Constituent Volume: false Is Volume a FlexGroup: false Extended Volume Style: flexvol Type of Workflow: auto SnapLock Type: non-snaplock
::*> volume clone create -parent-volume vol1_clone -flexclone vol1_clone_clone -junction-path /vol1_clone_clone [Job 48] Job succeeded: Successful
::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy vserver volume size available filesystem-size total used percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent ------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- svm vol1 128GB 117.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 4.02GB 3% 0B 0% 0B 4.02GB 3% 4.02GB 3% - 4.02GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone 128GB 118.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 3.01GB 2% 0B 0% 0B 2.01GB 2% 3.01GB 2% - 3.01GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone_clone 128GB 118.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 3.01GB 2% 0B 0% 0B 1.13MB 0% 3.01GB 2% - 3.01GB none 0B 0% 3 entries were displayed. ::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance Name of the Aggregate: aggr1 Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 20.08GB Total Physical Used: 6.02GB Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 3.33:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 10.04GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 6.02GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.67:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 4.01GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 4.01GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 20.09GB Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 6.05GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 3.32:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.02GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.04GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 10.04GB Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 10.04GB Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 6.02GB Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 6.02GB Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 10.04GB Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 1.41MB Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 7274.14:1 Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 6.03GB Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 2.01GB FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 2.99:1 Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 7.98:1 Number of Volumes Offline: 0 Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1 Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 3 ::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp aggregate availsize size usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- aggr1 854.5GB 861.8GB 7.25GB 6.17GB 1% 0B 0% 0B 0B 0B 0% 0B - ::*> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 7.23GB 1% Aggregate Metadata 16.35MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 45.36GB 5% Total Used 52.61GB 6% Total Physical Used 6.17GB 1% Total Provisioned Space 385GB 42% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed. ::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW vol1_clone_clone svm vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 online RW 2 entries were displayed. ::*> volume clone show -instance Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone FlexClone Type: RW FlexClone Parent Vserver: svm FlexClone Parent Volume: vol1 FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 FlexClone Volume State: online Junction Path: /vol1_clone Junction Active: true Space Guarantee Style: none Space Guarantee In Effect: true FlexClone Aggregate: aggr1 FlexClone Data Set ID: 1027 FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2163179381 FlexClone Size: 128GB Used Size: 3.01GB Split Estimate: 1.00GB Blocks Scanned: - Blocks Updated: - Comment: QoS Policy Group Name: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: - Caching Policy Name: - Parent volume type: READ_WRITE Inherited Physical Used from Base Snapshot: 1.00GB Inherited Savings from Base Snapshot: 0B FlexClone Used Percentage: 2% Vserver DR Protection: - Percentage Complete: - Volume-Level UID: - Volume-Level GID: - UUID of the FlexGroup: - FlexGroup Master Data Set ID: - FlexGroup Index: - Maximum size of a FlexGroup Constituent: - Constituent Volume Role: - Is Active FlexGroup Constituent: true Is Constituent Volume: false Is Volume a FlexGroup: false Extended Volume Style: flexvol Type of Workflow: auto SnapLock Type: non-snaplock Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone_clone FlexClone Type: RW FlexClone Parent Vserver: svm FlexClone Parent Volume: vol1_clone FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 FlexClone Volume State: online Junction Path: /vol1_clone_clone Junction Active: true Space Guarantee Style: none Space Guarantee In Effect: true FlexClone Aggregate: aggr1 FlexClone Data Set ID: 1028 FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2163179382 FlexClone Size: 128GB Used Size: 3.01GB Split Estimate: 3.02GB Blocks Scanned: - Blocks Updated: - Comment: QoS Policy Group Name: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: - Caching Policy Name: - Parent volume type: READ_WRITE Inherited Physical Used from Base Snapshot: 3.01GB Inherited Savings from Base Snapshot: 0B FlexClone Used Percentage: 2% Vserver DR Protection: - Percentage Complete: - Volume-Level UID: - Volume-Level GID: - UUID of the FlexGroup: - FlexGroup Master Data Set ID: - Press <space> to page down, <return> for next line, or 'q' to quit... 2 entries were displayed. ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 168KB 0% 0% hourly.2024-04-07_0205 208KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 224KB 0% 0% hourly.2024-04-07_0205 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 172KB 0% 0% vol1_clone_clone clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 316KB 0% 0% 6 entries were displayed.
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone_clone $ sudo mount -t nfs svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1_clone_clone /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone_clone $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 122G 4.1G 118G 4% /mnt/fsxn/vol1 svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1_clone nfs4 122G 3.1G 119G 3% /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1_clone_clone nfs4 122G 3.1G 119G 3% /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone_clone $ sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone_clone/random_pattern_binary_block_5GiB bs=1M count=5120 5120+0 records in 5120+0 records out 5368709120 bytes (5.4 GB, 5.0 GiB) copied, 35.1638 s, 153 MB/s $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 122G 4.1G 118G 4% /mnt/fsxn/vol1 svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1_clone nfs4 122G 3.1G 119G 3% /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone svm-0365ba78d7ad91348.fs-009351b227391d1f1.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1_clone_clone nfs4 122G 8.1G 114G 7% /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone_clone $ ls -lR /mnt/fsxn/vol1* /mnt/fsxn/vol1: total 4210836 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Apr 7 01:53 random_pattern_binary_block_1GiB -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 3221225472 Apr 7 02:12 random_pattern_binary_block_3GiB /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone: total 3158132 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Apr 7 01:53 random_pattern_binary_block_1GiB -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2147483648 Apr 7 02:09 random_pattern_binary_block_2GiB /mnt/fsxn/vol1_clone_clone: total 8421664 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Apr 7 01:53 random_pattern_binary_block_1GiB -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2147483648 Apr 7 02:09 random_pattern_binary_block_2GiB -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5368709120 Apr 7 02:19 random_pattern_binary_block_5GiB
::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy vserver volume size available filesystem-size total used percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent ------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- svm vol1 128GB 117.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 4.02GB 3% 0B 0% 0B 4.02GB 3% 4.02GB 3% - 4.02GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone 128GB 118.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 3.01GB 2% 0B 0% 0B 2.01GB 2% 3.01GB 2% - 3.01GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone_clone 128GB 113.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 8.03GB 6% 0B 0% 0B 5.03GB 4% 8.03GB 7% - 8.03GB none 0B 0% 3 entries were displayed. ::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance Name of the Aggregate: aggr1 Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 25.10GB Total Physical Used: 11.04GB Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 2.27:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 15.06GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 11.04GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.36:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 4.01GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 4.00GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 25.11GB Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 11.09GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 2.26:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.02GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.05GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 15.06GB Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 15.06GB Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 11.04GB Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 11.04GB Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 10.04GB Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 1.46MB Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 7059.62:1 Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 11.05GB Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 7.04GB FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.57:1 Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 3.00:1 Number of Volumes Offline: 0 Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1 Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 3 ::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp aggregate availsize size usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- aggr1 849.5GB 861.8GB 12.29GB 11.23GB 1% 0B 0% 0B 0B 0B 0% 0B - ::*> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 12.26GB 1% Aggregate Metadata 30.16MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 45.36GB 5% Total Used 57.64GB 6% Total Physical Used 11.23GB 1% Total Provisioned Space 385GB 42% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed. ::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW vol1_clone_clone svm vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 online RW 2 entries were displayed. ::*> volume clone show -instance Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone FlexClone Type: RW FlexClone Parent Vserver: svm FlexClone Parent Volume: vol1 FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 FlexClone Volume State: online Junction Path: /vol1_clone Junction Active: true Space Guarantee Style: none Space Guarantee In Effect: true FlexClone Aggregate: aggr1 FlexClone Data Set ID: 1027 FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2163179381 FlexClone Size: 128GB Used Size: 3.01GB Split Estimate: 1.00GB Blocks Scanned: - Blocks Updated: - Comment: QoS Policy Group Name: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: - Caching Policy Name: - Parent volume type: READ_WRITE Inherited Physical Used from Base Snapshot: 1.00GB Inherited Savings from Base Snapshot: 0B FlexClone Used Percentage: 2% Vserver DR Protection: - Percentage Complete: - Volume-Level UID: - Volume-Level GID: - UUID of the FlexGroup: - FlexGroup Master Data Set ID: - FlexGroup Index: - Maximum size of a FlexGroup Constituent: - Constituent Volume Role: - Is Active FlexGroup Constituent: true Is Constituent Volume: false Is Volume a FlexGroup: false Extended Volume Style: flexvol Type of Workflow: auto SnapLock Type: non-snaplock Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone_clone FlexClone Type: RW FlexClone Parent Vserver: svm FlexClone Parent Volume: vol1_clone FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 FlexClone Volume State: online Junction Path: /vol1_clone_clone Junction Active: true Space Guarantee Style: none Space Guarantee In Effect: true FlexClone Aggregate: aggr1 FlexClone Data Set ID: 1028 FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2163179382 FlexClone Size: 128GB Used Size: 8.03GB Split Estimate: 3.01GB Blocks Scanned: - Blocks Updated: - Comment: QoS Policy Group Name: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: - Caching Policy Name: - Parent volume type: READ_WRITE Inherited Physical Used from Base Snapshot: 3.01GB Inherited Savings from Base Snapshot: 0B FlexClone Used Percentage: 6% Vserver DR Protection: - Percentage Complete: - Volume-Level UID: - Volume-Level GID: - UUID of the FlexGroup: - FlexGroup Master Data Set ID: - Press <space> to page down, <return> for next line, or 'q' to quit... 2 entries were displayed. ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 168KB 0% 0% hourly.2024-04-07_0205 208KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 224KB 0% 0% hourly.2024-04-07_0205 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 184KB 0% 0% vol1_clone_clone clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 348KB 0% 0% 6 entries were displayed.
スプリットをすると物理ストレージ消費量が増加することが見込まれます。volume clone split estimateを実行して、どのぐらい増加するのか、空きは十分かチェックしておきましょう。
::*> volume clone split estimate Split Vserver FlexClone Estimate --------- ------------- ---------- svm vol1_clone 1.00GB vol1_clone_clone 3.01GB 2 entries were displayed.
- FlexCloneボリュームの新しいSnapshotコピーは、スプリット処理中は作成できません。
- データ保護関係に属しているFlexCloneボリュームや負荷共有ミラーに属しているFlexCloneボリュームは、親ボリュームからスプリットすることはできません。
- スプリットの実行中にFlexCloneボリュームをオフラインにすると、スプリット処理が中断されます。FlexCloneボリュームをオンラインに戻すと、スプリット処理が再開されます。
- スプリットの実行後、親FlexVolボリュームとクローンの両方で、それぞれのボリュームギャランティに基づいたスペースの完全な割り当てが必要になります。
- FlexCloneボリュームを親ボリュームからスプリットしたあとは、この2つを再び結合することはできません。
- ONTAP 9.4 以降では、 AFF システム上のボリュームのギャランティが none である場合、 FlexClone ボリュームのスプリット処理では物理ブロックが共有され、データはコピーされません。そのため、ONTAP 9.4以降では、AFFシステムのFlexCloneボリュームのスプリットは、他のFASシステムのFlexCloneスプリット処理よりも高速です。AFF システムでの FlexClone スプリット処理の向上には、次の利点があります。
- 親からクローンをスプリットしたあともストレージ効率が維持されます。
- 既存の Snapshot コピーは削除されません。
- 処理時間が短縮されます。
- FlexClone ボリュームをクローン階層の任意のポイントからスプリットできます。
::*> volume clone split start -flexclone vol1_clone Warning: Are you sure you want to split clone volume vol1_clone in Vserver svm ? {y|n}: y [Job 49] Job is queued: Split vol1_clone. ::*> volume clone split show This table is currently empty. ::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields clone-volume vserver volume clone-volume ------- ------ ------------ svm vol1 false svm vol1_clone true svm vol1_clone_clone true 3 entries were displayed. 1::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW vol1_clone_clone svm vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 online RW 2 entries were displayed. ::*> security audit log show -fields timestamp, node, application, vserver, username, input, state, message -application ssh -state Error|Success timestamp node application vserver username input state message -------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ---------------------- -------- ------------- ----- --------------------------------------------- "Sun Apr 07 01:50:34 2024" FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 ssh FsxId009351b227391d1f1 fsxadmin Login Attempt Error Your privileges has changed since last login. "Sun Apr 07 01:50:34 2024" FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 ssh FsxId009351b227391d1f1 fsxadmin Logging in Success - "Sun Apr 07 01:51:10 2024" FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 ssh FsxId009351b227391d1f1 fsxadmin Question: Warning: These diagnostic command... : y Success - "Sun Apr 07 01:51:10 2024" FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 ssh FsxId009351b227391d1f1 fsxadmin set diag Success - "Sun Apr 07 02:03:21 2024" FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 ssh FsxId009351b227391d1f1 fsxadmin volume clone create -parent-volume vol1 -flexclone vol1_clone -junction-path /vol1_clone Success - "Sun Apr 07 02:15:56 2024" FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 ssh FsxId009351b227391d1f1 fsxadmin volume clone create -parent-volume vol1_clone -flexclone vol1_clone_clone -junction-path /vol1_clone_clone Success - "Sun Apr 07 02:28:07 2024" FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 ssh FsxId009351b227391d1f1 fsxadmin Question: Are you sure you want to split cl... : y Success - "Sun Apr 07 02:28:07 2024" FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 ssh FsxId009351b227391d1f1 fsxadmin volume clone split start -flexclone vol1_clone Success - 8 entries were displayed.
::*> volume clone split start -flexclone vol1_clone_clone Warning: Are you sure you want to split clone volume vol1_clone_clone in Vserver svm ? {y|n}: y [Job 51] Job is queued: Split vol1_clone_clone. ::*> volume clone split show Blocks ------------------ Vserver FlexClone Scanned Updated % Complete --------- ------------- -------- -------- -------- svm vol1_clone_clone 201127 198786 9 ::*> volume clone split show -instance Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone_clone Percentage Complete: 21 Blocks Scanned: 458687 Blocks Updated: 456346 ::*> volume clone split show Blocks ------------------ Vserver FlexClone Scanned Updated % Complete --------- ------------- -------- -------- -------- svm vol1_clone_clone 651995 649654 30 ::*> volume clone split show Blocks ------------------ Vserver FlexClone Scanned Updated % Complete --------- ------------- -------- -------- -------- svm vol1_clone_clone 2106795 786661 99 ::*> volume clone split show This table is currently empty. ::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields clone-volume vserver volume clone-volume ------- ------ ------------ svm vol1 false svm vol1_clone true svm vol1_clone_clone false 3 entries were displayed.
の物理データ消費量は5.03GBから8.03とvolume clone split estimate
::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy vserver volume size available filesystem-size total used percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent ------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- svm vol1 128GB 117.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 4.02GB 3% 0B 0% 0B 4.02GB 3% 4.02GB 3% - 4.02GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone 128GB 118.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 3.01GB 2% 0B 0% 0B 2.01GB 2% 3.01GB 2% - 3.01GB none 0B 0% svm vol1_clone_clone 128GB 113.6GB 128GB 121.6GB 8.03GB 6% 0B 0% 0B 8.03GB 6% 8.03GB 7% - 8.03GB none 0B 0% 3 entries were displayed. ::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance Name of the Aggregate: aggr1 Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-01 Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 22.09GB Total Physical Used: 14.06GB Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.57:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 15.06GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 14.05GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.07:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 12.05GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 12.04GB Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 22.10GB Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 14.11GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.57:1 Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 12.05GB Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 12.10GB Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 15.06GB Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 15.06GB Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1 Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 14.06GB Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 14.06GB Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1 Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 7.03GB Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 1.12MB Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 6445.31:1 Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 3.01GB Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 2.01GB FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.50:1 Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 4.99:1 Number of Volumes Offline: 0 Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1 Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 3 ::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp aggregate availsize size usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- aggr1 846.4GB 861.8GB 15.38GB 14.33GB 2% 0B 0% 0B 0B 0B 0% 0B - ::*> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 15.36GB 2% Aggregate Metadata 25.44MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 45.36GB 5% Total Used 60.74GB 7% Total Physical Used 14.33GB 2% Total Provisioned Space 385GB 42% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed. ::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW ::*> volume clone show -instance Vserver Name: svm FlexClone Volume: vol1_clone FlexClone Type: RW FlexClone Parent Vserver: svm FlexClone Parent Volume: vol1 FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 FlexClone Volume State: online Junction Path: /vol1_clone Junction Active: true Space Guarantee Style: none Space Guarantee In Effect: true FlexClone Aggregate: aggr1 FlexClone Data Set ID: 1027 FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2163179381 FlexClone Size: 128GB Used Size: 3.01GB Split Estimate: 1GB Blocks Scanned: - Blocks Updated: - Comment: QoS Policy Group Name: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: - Caching Policy Name: - Parent volume type: READ_WRITE Inherited Physical Used from Base Snapshot: 1.00GB Inherited Savings from Base Snapshot: 0B FlexClone Used Percentage: 2% Vserver DR Protection: - Percentage Complete: - Volume-Level UID: - Volume-Level GID: - UUID of the FlexGroup: - FlexGroup Master Data Set ID: - FlexGroup Index: - Maximum size of a FlexGroup Constituent: - Constituent Volume Role: - Is Active FlexGroup Constituent: true Is Constituent Volume: false Is Volume a FlexGroup: false Extended Volume Style: flexvol Type of Workflow: auto SnapLock Type: non-snaplock ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 168KB 0% 0% hourly.2024-04-07_0205 208KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 224KB 0% 0% hourly.2024-04-07_0205 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 184KB 0% 0% 5 entries were displayed.
既存の Volume SnapMirror 関係にあるソースボリュームまたはデスティネーションボリュームから FlexClone ボリュームを作成できます。ただし、これを行うと、以降に行う SnapMirror のレプリケーション処理が正常に完了しないことがあります。
FlexClone ボリュームを作成すると、 SnapMirror によって使用される Snapshot コピーがロックされる可能性があるため、レプリケーションが機能しないことがあります。この場合、 FlexClone ボリュームが削除されるか、親ボリュームからスプリットされるまで、 SnapMirror はデスティネーションボリュームへのレプリケーションを停止します。この問題には、次の 2 つの方法で対処できます。
- FlexClone ボリュームが一時的に必要で、 SnapMirror レプリケーションが一時的に停止されても構わない場合は、 FlexClone ボリュームを作成し、可能となった時点で削除するか親からスプリットします。
- FlexClone ボリュームが削除されるか親からスプリットされた時点で、 SnapMirror レプリケーションが正常に続行されます。
- SnapMirror レプリケーションの一時的な停止を許容できない場合は、 SnapMirror ソースボリュームで Snapshot コピーを作成し、その Snapshot コピーを使用して FlexClone ボリュームを作成します。( FlexClone ボリュームをデスティネーションボリュームから作成している場合、 Snapshot コピーが SnapMirror デスティネーションボリュームにレプリケートされるまで待機する必要があります)。
この方法で SnapMirror ソースボリューム内に Snapshot コピーを作成すると、 SnapMirror によって使用されている Snapshot コピーをロックすることなくクローンを作成できます。
SnapMirror のソースボリュームまたはデスティネーションボリュームから FlexClone ボリュームを作成する際の考慮事項
::*> snapmirror protect -path-list svm:vol1 -destination-vserver svm -policy MirrorAllSnapshots -auto-initialize true [Job 52] Job is queued: snapmirror protect for list of source endpoints beginning with "svm:vol1". ::*> snapmirror show This table is currently empty. ::*> job show 52 Owning Job ID Name Vserver Node State ------ -------------------- ---------- -------------- ---------- 52 SnapMirror protect svm FsxId009351b227391d1f1-02 Failure Description: snapmirror protect for list of source endpoints beginning with "svm:vol1" ::*> job show 52 -instance Job ID: 52 Owning Vserver: svm Name: SnapMirror protect Description: snapmirror protect for list of source endpoints beginning with "svm:vol1" Priority: Medium Node: FsxId009351b227391d1f1-02 Affinity: Cluster Schedule: @now Queue Time: 04/07 05:57:23 Start Time: 04/07 05:57:26 End Time: 04/07 05:57:26 Drop-dead Time: - Restarted?: false State: Failure Status Code: 1 Completion String: Out of 1 endpoints, 0 endpoints have been protected and protection has failed for 1 endpoints. List of paths that failed protection and reasons for failure: svm:vol1 : Failed to identify aggregate on which to create volume "vol1_dst". (No eligible aggregate to place the volume. Make sure that a non-root, non-taken-over, non-snaplock, non-composite aggregate with enough free space exists at the destination cluster. If aggr-list is configured for the Vserver make sure that an eligible aggregate is present in that list. Verify that the number of volumes is less than the supported maximum on the nodes in the destination cluster.) Job Type: SnapMirror-ProtectV1 Job Category: SnapMirror UUID: b3ece0ff-f4a3-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c Execution Progress: Complete: Out of 1 endpoints, 0 endpoints have been protected and protection has failed for 1 endpoints. List of paths that failed protection and reasons for failure: svm:vol1 : Failed to identify aggregate on which to create volume "vol1_dst". (No eligible aggregate to place the volume. Make sure that a non-root, non-taken-over, non-snaplock, non-composite aggregate with enough free space exists at the destination cluster. If aggr-list is configured for the Vserver make sure that an eligible aggregate is present in that list. Verify that the number of volumes is less than the supported maximum on the nodes in the destination cluster.) [1] User Name: fsxadmin Process: mgwd Restart Is or Was Delayed?: false Restart Is Delayed by Module: -
snapmirror protect
によるSnapMirror relastionshipの作成に失敗しました。aggregateの特定ができないとのことでしたが、他の検証では同様のコマンドで成功したので謎です。
手動でボリュームの作成、SnapMirror relastionshipの作成、initializeを行います。
::*> volume create -vserver svm -volume vol1_dst -aggregate aggr1 -state online -type DP -size 4GB -tiering-policy none -autosize-mode grow [Job 54] Job succeeded: Successful ::*> snapmirror create -source-path svm:vol1 -destination-path svm:vol1_dst -policy MirrorAllSnapshots Operation succeeded: snapmirror create for the relationship with destination "svm:vol1_dst". ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Uninitialized Idle - true - ::*> snapmirror initialize -destination-path svm:vol1_dst Operation is queued: snapmirror initialize of destination "svm:vol1_dst". ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Uninitialized Transferring 0B true 04/07 06:09:55 ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Uninitialized Finalizing 1.02GB true 04/07 06:10:05 ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Snapmirrored Transferring 0B true 04/07 06:10:13 ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Snapmirrored Transferring 1.90GB true 04/07 06:10:21 ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Snapmirrored Finalizing 1.90GB true 04/07 06:10:21 ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Snapmirrored Finalizing 3.07GB true 04/07 06:10:36 ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Snapmirrored Idle - true -
::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_060955 140KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 384KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_060955 172KB 0% 0% 6 entries were displayed.
::*> snapmirror update -destination-path svm:vol1_dst Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "svm:vol1_dst". ::*> snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated ----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- svm:vol1 XDP svm:vol1_dst Snapmirrored Idle - true - ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061310 148KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 384KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_060955 320KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061310 156KB 0% 0% 7 entries were displayed.
::*> snapmirror show-history Destination Source Start End Path Path Operation Time Time Result ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 manual-update 4/7/2024 06:14:14 4/7/2024 06:14:16 success svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 manual-update 4/7/2024 06:13:10 4/7/2024 06:13:12 success svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 scheduled-update 4/7/2024 06:09:55 4/7/2024 06:10:46 success svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 initialize 4/7/2024 06:09:55 4/7/2024 06:10:13 success svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 create 4/7/2024 06:09:18 4/7/2024 06:09:18 success 5 entries were displayed.
SnapMirror relastionship作成後にFlexCloneをした場合
それでは、SnapMirror relastionship作成後にFlexCloneをした場合、SnapMirrorの転送は正常に行えるでしょうか。
::*> volume clone create -parent-volume vol1 -flexclone vol1_clone2 -junction-path /vol1_clone2 [Job 56] Job succeeded: Successful ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061414 148KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 140KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_clone2 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 996KB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 388KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061310 280KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061414 156KB 0% 0% 9 entries were displayed. ::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW vol1_clone2 svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 online RW 2 entries were displayed.
::*> snapmirror update -destination-path svm:vol1_dst Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "svm:vol1_dst". ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 144KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 148KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_clone2 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 1.09MB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 388KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061414 232KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 232KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 156KB 0% 0% 10 entries were displayed. ::*> snapmirror show-history Destination Source Start End Path Path Operation Time Time Result ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 manual-update 4/7/2024 06:17:06 4/7/2024 06:17:10 success . . (以下略) . .
SnapMirror relastionship作成後にFlexCloneをした場合 (sm_createdのSnapshotを指定)
::*> volume clone create -parent-volume vol1 -flexclone vol1_clone3 -junction-path /vol1_clone3 -parent-snapshot snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 [Job 57] Job succeeded: Successful ::*> volume clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- svm vol1_clone svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 online RW vol1_clone2 svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 online RW vol1_clone3 svm vol1 snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 online RW 3 entries were displayed. ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 144KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 148KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_clone2 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 1.09MB 0% 0% vol1_clone3 snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 1.09MB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 388KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061414 232KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 232KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 156KB 0% 0% 11 entries were displayed.
::*> snapmirror update -destination-path svm:vol1_dstOperation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "svm:vol1_dst". ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 144KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 148KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061924 140KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_clone2 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 1.09MB 0% 0% vol1_clone3 snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 1.12MB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 388KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 232KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 236KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061924 156KB 0% 0% 12 entries were displayed. ::*> snapmirror show-history -max-rows-per-relationship 1 Destination Source Start End Path Path Operation Time Time Result ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 manual-update 4/7/2024 06:19:24 4/7/2024 06:19:26 success
::*> snapmirror update -destination-path svm:vol1_dst Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "svm:vol1_dst". ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 144KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 148KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_062014 148KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_clone2 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 1.09MB 0% 0% vol1_clone3 snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 1.12MB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 388KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 232KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 236KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061924 232KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_062014 156KB 0% 0% 13 entries were displayed. ::*> snapmirror show-history -max-rows-per-relationship 1 Destination Source Start End Path Path Operation Time Time Result ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 manual-update 4/7/2024 06:20:14 4/7/2024 06:20:16 success
::*> snapmirror update -destination-path svm:vol1_dst Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "svm:vol1_dst". ::*> snapmirror show-history -max-rows-per-relationship 1 Destination Source Start End Path Path Operation Time Time Result ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 manual-update 4/7/2024 06:21:17 4/7/2024 06:21:19 success ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 144KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 148KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_062117 148KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_clone2 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 1.09MB 0% 0% vol1_clone3 snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 1.12MB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 388KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 232KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 236KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_062014 236KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_062117 156KB 0% 0% 13 entries were displayed.
::*> snapmirror update -destination-path svm:vol1_dst Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "svm:vol1_dst". ::*> snapmirror show-history -max-rows-per-relationship 1 Destination Source Start End Path Path Operation Time Time Result ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- svm:vol1_dst svm:vol1 manual-update 4/7/2024 06:21:56 4/7/2024 06:21:58 success ::*> snapshot show -volume vol1* ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- svm vol1 clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 200KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 144KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 148KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_062156 148KB 0% 0% vol1_clone clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 252KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone_clone.2024-04-07_021551.0 188KB 0% 0% vol1_clone2 clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 1.09MB 0% 0% vol1_clone3 snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 1.12MB 0% 0% vol1_dst clone_vol1_clone.2024-04-07_020316.0 388KB 0% 0% clone_vol1_clone2.2024-04-07_061613.0 232KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_061706 236KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_062117 236KB 0% 0% snapmirror.646592b9-f47f-11ee-8e23-0fe9d475982c_2163179383.2024-04-07_062156 156KB 0% 0% 13 entries were displayed.
NetApp ONTAPのFlexCloneを紹介しました。
以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!