[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] SnapMirrorの転送先ボリュームのサイズ不足である場合の挙動を確認してみた

[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] SnapMirrorの転送先ボリュームのサイズ不足である場合の挙動を確認してみた

Clock Icon2023.12.28



皆さんはSnapMirrorの転送先ボリュームに空きがなかった場合の挙動が気になったことはありますか? 私はあります。

SnapMirrorを使ってAmazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP(以降FSxN)で移行する場合、コスト削減のためにSSDの使用量を抑えたいと考えるかと思います。


  1. SSDのサイズを小さめに作成する
  2. SnapMirrorでできる限り転送する
  3. 途中で中断されたらStorage Efficiencyを実行して空きを作成する
  4. 2と3の処理を繰り返し実行する

「キャパシティプールストレージに流せば良いのでは?」と思われるかもしれませんが、重複排除や圧縮などのStorage EfficiencyはSSD上でしかかけることができません。



  • 冒頭で紹介した方式は実現できない
  • SnapMirrorの転送先ボリュームのサイズ不足である場合、転送が中止される
  • SnapMirrorのInitializeで途中で終了した場合、転送先ボリュームでStorage Efficiencyを有効化することはできない
    • ボリュームサイズを拡張するなど問題を解決した上で再度Initializeした後に操作する必要がある
    • つまり、転送先ボリュームに十分な空き容量がなければ、Storage Efficiencyを実行することができない
  • SnapMirrorの差分同期途中で転送が終了した場合、転送先ボリュームでStorage Efficiencyを有効化することはできない
    • ボリュームサイズを拡張するなど問題を解決した上でチェックポイントを削除した後に操作する必要がある
  • SnapMirrorの転送先ボリュームのサイズは転送元ボリュームのサイズ以上のものになるようにしよう
    • ボリュームの自動拡張の有効化がオススメ
  • 少ないSSDで重複排除や圧縮などのStorage Efficiencyをしっかりと効かせたい場合は、カスケードSnapMirrorを使う方式となる




改めて転送元ボリュームやStorage Efficiency、aggregate、Snapshotを確認しておきます。

::> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1* -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
svm2    vol1_dst
               Enabled -      false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
svm2    vol1_dst2
               Enabled -      false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
svm3    vol1_dst2_dst
               Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               true          true            true                              true                          false
svm3    vol1_dst_dst
               Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               true          true            true                              true                          false
5 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used   percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   16GB 6.85GB    16GB            15.20GB 8.35GB 54%          808.8MB            9%                         808.8MB             9.14GB       60%                  -                 9.14GB              -                                   -
svm2    vol1_dst
                    1.10GB    7.54GB          7.16GB  6.06GB 84%          4.98GB             45%                        3.00GB              11.01GB      154%                 -                 8.05GB              0B                                  0%
svm2    vol1_dst2
                    1.45GB    9.84GB          9.35GB  7.90GB 84%          4.53GB             36%                        4.10GB              12.40GB      133%                 -                 9.06GB              0B                                  0%
svm3    vol1_dst2_dst
                    876.9MB   5.40GB          5.40GB  4.55GB 84%          4.59GB             50%                        2.05GB              9.13GB       169%                 -                 9.04GB              0B                                  0%
svm3    vol1_dst_dst
                    896.3MB   4.90GB          4.90GB  4.03GB 82%          5.11GB             56%                        2.21GB              9.14GB       186%                 -                 9.07GB              0B                                  0%
5 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                            8.38GB       1%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            245.6MB       3%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                       8.24GB      97%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        92.66MB       0%
      Deduplication Metadata                          12.04MB       0%
           Deduplication                              12.04MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   111.0MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                  8.58GB       1%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        3.87GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                        4.71GB       1%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 196.4GB
                               Total Physical Used: 19.87GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.88:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 43.87GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 14.80GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.96:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 43.87GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 14.80GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.96:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 141.9GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 16.29GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 8.71:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 35.57GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 11.23GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 3.17:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 43.87GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 23.87GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 20.00GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 20.00GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.84:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.84:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 28.82GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 19.87GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 8.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.45:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 152.6GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 7.36GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 20.73:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 20.73:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 3
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                     160KB     0%    0%
                                                         24.45MB     0%    0%
                                                           312KB     0%    0%
                                                           292KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           144KB     0%    0%
6 entries were displayed.




volume create -vserver svm2 -volume vol1_dst3 -aggregate aggr1 -state online -type DP -size 2GB -tiering-policy none 

::*> volume create -vserver svm2 -volume vol1_dst3 -aggregate aggr1 -state online -type DP -size 2GB -tiering-policy none -autosize-mode off
[Job 149] Job succeeded: Successful

::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields type, autosize-mode, max-autosize
vserver volume max-autosize autosize-mode type
------- ------ ------------ ------------- ----
svm     vol1   19.20GB      off           RW
svm2    vol1_dst
               100TB        grow_shrink   DP
svm2    vol1_dst2
               100TB        grow_shrink   DP
svm2    vol1_dst3
               100TB        off           DP
svm3    vol1_dst2_dst
               100TB        grow_shrink   RW
svm3    vol1_dst_dst
               100TB        grow_shrink   RW
6 entries were displayed.

SnapMirror Initialize


下準備としてSnapMirror relationshipを作成します。

::*> snapmirror create -source-path svm:vol1 -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -policy MirrorAllSnapshots
Operation succeeded: snapmirror create for the relationship with destination "svm2:vol1_dst3".

::*> snapmirror show
Source            Destination Mirror  Relationship   Total             Last
Path        Type  Path        State   Status         Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
svm:vol1    XDP  svm2:vol1_dst
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            XDP  svm3:vol1_dst2_dst
                                      Idle           -         true    -
5 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields type, autosize-mode, max-autosize
vserver volume max-autosize autosize-mode type
------- ------ ------------ ------------- ----
svm     vol1   19.20GB      off           RW
svm2    vol1_dst3
               100TB        off           DP
2 entries were displayed.


::*> snapmirror initialize -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3
Operation is queued: snapmirror initialize of destination "svm2:vol1_dst3".

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3

                                  Source Path: svm:vol1
                               Source Cluster: -
                               Source Vserver: svm
                                Source Volume: vol1
                             Destination Path: svm2:vol1_dst3
                          Destination Cluster: -
                          Destination Vserver: svm2
                           Destination Volume: vol1_dst3
                            Relationship Type: XDP
                      Relationship Group Type: none
                             Managing Vserver: svm2
                          SnapMirror Schedule: -
                       SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                            SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshots
                                  Tries Limit: -
                            Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
              Consistency Group Item Mappings: -
           Current Transfer Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                                 Mirror State: Uninitialized
                          Relationship Status: Transferring
                      File Restore File Count: -
                       File Restore File List: -
                            Transfer Snapshot: test.2023-12-22_0533
                            Snapshot Progress: 351.6MB
                               Total Progress: 351.6MB
                    Network Compression Ratio: 1:1
                          Snapshot Checkpoint: 594.6KB
                              Newest Snapshot: -
                    Newest Snapshot Timestamp: -
                            Exported Snapshot: -
                  Exported Snapshot Timestamp: -
                                      Healthy: true
                              Relationship ID: e94d0e31-a526-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                          Source Vserver UUID: 04ee1778-a058-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                     Destination Vserver UUID: 5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                         Current Operation ID: 1b60dcad-a527-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                                Transfer Type: initialize
                               Transfer Error: -
                           Last Transfer Type: -
                          Last Transfer Error: -
                    Last Transfer Error Codes: -
                           Last Transfer Size: -
      Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
                       Last Transfer Duration: -
                           Last Transfer From: -
                  Last Transfer End Timestamp: -
                             Unhealthy Reason: -
                        Progress Last Updated: 12/28 02:16:31
                      Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                                     Lag Time: -
                    Current Transfer Priority: normal
                             SMTape Operation: -
                 Destination Volume Node Name: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                 Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Number of Successful Updates: 0
                     Number of Failed Updates: 0
                 Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
                     Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
                  Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                      Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                         Total Transfer Bytes: 0
               Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 0
                Source Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
                                       OpMask: ffffffffffffffff
                       Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
          Percent Complete for Current Status: -

::*> snapmirror show
Source            Destination Mirror  Relationship   Total             Last
Path        Type  Path        State   Status         Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
svm:vol1    XDP  svm2:vol1_dst
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         false   -
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            XDP  svm3:vol1_dst2_dst
                                      Idle           -         true    -
5 entries were displayed.

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3

                                  Source Path: svm:vol1
                               Source Cluster: -
                               Source Vserver: svm
                                Source Volume: vol1
                             Destination Path: svm2:vol1_dst3
                          Destination Cluster: -
                          Destination Vserver: svm2
                           Destination Volume: vol1_dst3
                            Relationship Type: XDP
                      Relationship Group Type: none
                             Managing Vserver: svm2
                          SnapMirror Schedule: -
                       SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                            SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshots
                                  Tries Limit: -
                            Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
              Consistency Group Item Mappings: -
           Current Transfer Throttle (KB/sec): -
                                 Mirror State: Uninitialized
                          Relationship Status: Idle
                      File Restore File Count: -
                       File Restore File List: -
                            Transfer Snapshot: -
                            Snapshot Progress: -
                               Total Progress: -
                    Network Compression Ratio: -
                          Snapshot Checkpoint: 594.6KB
                              Newest Snapshot: -
                    Newest Snapshot Timestamp: -
                            Exported Snapshot: -
                  Exported Snapshot Timestamp: -
                                      Healthy: false
                              Relationship ID: e94d0e31-a526-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                          Source Vserver UUID: 04ee1778-a058-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                     Destination Vserver UUID: 5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                         Current Operation ID: -
                                Transfer Type: -
                               Transfer Error: -
                           Last Transfer Type: initialize
                          Last Transfer Error: Transfer failed. (Volume access error (No space left on device))
                    Last Transfer Error Codes: 6620144, 5898547, 6684700
                           Last Transfer Size: -
      Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
                       Last Transfer Duration: -
                           Last Transfer From: svm:vol1
                  Last Transfer End Timestamp: 12/28 02:24:11
                             Unhealthy Reason: Transfer failed.
                        Progress Last Updated: -
                      Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                                     Lag Time: -
                    Current Transfer Priority: -
                             SMTape Operation: -
                 Destination Volume Node Name: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                 Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Number of Successful Updates: 0
                     Number of Failed Updates: 0
                 Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
                     Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
                  Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                      Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                         Total Transfer Bytes: 0
               Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 0
                Source Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
                                       OpMask: ffffffffffffffff
                       Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
          Percent Complete for Current Status: -



::*> event log show
Time                Node             Severity      Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
12/28/2023 02:22:12 FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                                     ERROR         monitor.volume.nearlyFull: Volume vol1_dst3@vserver:5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8 is nearly full(using or reserving 97% of space and 0% of inodes).
12/28/2023 02:20:09 FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                                     ERROR         monitor.volume.nearlyFull: Volume vol1_dst3@vserver:5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8 is nearly full(using or reserving 97% of space and 0% of inodes).
12/28/2023 02:17:52 FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                                     ERROR         monitor.volume.nearlyFull: Volume vol1_dst3@vserver:5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8 is nearly full(using or reserving 97% of space and 0% of inodes).
12/28/2023 02:12:44 FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                                     NOTICE        arw.volume.state: Anti-ransomware state was changed to "disabled" on volume "vol1_dst3" (UUID: "95d186d3-a526-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8") in Vserver "svm2" (UUID: "5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8").
4 entries were displayed.

Storage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotを確認します。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
svm2    vol1_dst3
                       -      false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used   percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   16GB 6.85GB    16GB            15.20GB 8.35GB 54%          808.8MB            9%                         808.8MB             9.14GB       60%                  -                 9.14GB              -                                   -
svm2    vol1_dst3
               2GB  40.79MB   2GB             2GB     1.96GB 98%          0B                 0%                         0B                  1.96GB       98%                  -                 1.96GB              0B                                  0%
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_dst3

      Vserver : svm2
      Volume  : vol1_dst3

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                            1.96GB       0%
             Footprint in Performance Tier             1.98GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        20.98MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   16.74MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                  2.00GB       0%

      Effective Total Footprint                        2.00GB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 207.5GB
                               Total Physical Used: 21.83GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.50:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 45.82GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 16.61GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.76:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 45.82GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 16.61GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.76:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 144.1GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 18.27GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 7.89:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 37.53GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 13.06GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.87:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 45.82GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 25.82GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 20.00GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 20.00GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.77:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.77:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 30.78GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 21.83GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 8.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.41:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 161.7GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 7.36GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 21.97:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 21.97:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 3
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                     160KB     0%    0%
                                                         24.45MB     0%    0%
                                                           312KB     0%    0%
                                                           292KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           136KB     0%    0%
7 entries were displayed.





::*> volume mount -vserver svm2 -volume vol1_dst3 -junction-path /vol1_dst3
Queued private job: 66

Error: command failed: Volume vol1_dst3 in Vserver "svm2" is not mountable until a "snapmirror initialize" has been completed.


転送先ボリュームでStorage Efficiencyを実行

転送先ボリュームでStorage Efficiencyを実行して、空きが作成されるか確認しましょう。

まず、Storage Efficiencyを有効化します。

::*> volume efficiency on -vserver svm2 -volume vol1_dst
    vol1_dst  vol1_dst2 vol1_dst3
::*> volume efficiency on -vserver svm2 -volume vol1_dst3

Error: command failed: Failed to enable efficiency on volume "vol1_dst3" of Vserver "svm2": A SnapMirror transfer is running or paused. Use the
       "snapmirror show" command to view the status of the transfer. Retry this command when the transfer is complete, or run "snapmirror abort -hard
       true" to abort the SnapMirror transfer and clear any checkpoint data.

SnapMirrorの転送中や転送が中断されている場合はStorage Efficiencyを有効にできないようです。

指示に従ってsnapMirror abortを叩いてみます。

::*> snapmirror abort -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3

Error: command failed: No transfer to abort.

::*> snapmirror abort -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -hard true

Error: command failed: Deleting checkpoint for uninitialized relationship is not supported.

どちらも失敗しました。SnapMirrorのチェックポイントを削除しようにもSnapMirror Initializeが完了していないためできないようです。


少ないSSDで重複排除や圧縮などのStorage Efficiencyをしっかり効かせたい場合は、以下記事のとおりカスケードSnapMirrorを使うと良いでしょう。

SnapMirror update時にボリュームの空き容量が足りない場合


SnapMirror Initializeの時は上手くいきませんでしたが、SnapMirror update時にボリュームの空き容量が足りない場合はどうでしょうか。


::*> volume modify -vserver svm2 -volume vol1_dst3 -size 9GB
Volume modify successful on volume vol1_dst3 of Vserver svm2.

::*> snapmirror show
Source            Destination Mirror  Relationship   Total             Last
Path        Type  Path        State   Status         Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
svm:vol1    XDP  svm2:vol1_dst
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         false   -
                                      Idle           -         true    -
            XDP  svm3:vol1_dst2_dst
                                      Idle           -         true    -
5 entries were displayed.

SnapMirror Initialize


::*> snapmirror initialize -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3Operation is queued: snapmirror initialize of destination "svm2:vol1_dst3".

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -fields state, status, total-progress, progress-last-updated
source-path destination-path state        status total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm2:vol1_dst3   Snapmirrored Idle   -              -

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3

                                  Source Path: svm:vol1
                               Source Cluster: -
                               Source Vserver: svm
                                Source Volume: vol1
                             Destination Path: svm2:vol1_dst3
                          Destination Cluster: -
                          Destination Vserver: svm2
                           Destination Volume: vol1_dst3
                            Relationship Type: XDP
                      Relationship Group Type: none
                             Managing Vserver: svm2
                          SnapMirror Schedule: -
                       SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                            SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshots
                                  Tries Limit: -
                            Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
              Consistency Group Item Mappings: -
           Current Transfer Throttle (KB/sec): -
                                 Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                          Relationship Status: Idle
                      File Restore File Count: -
                       File Restore File List: -
                            Transfer Snapshot: -
                            Snapshot Progress: -
                               Total Progress: -
                    Network Compression Ratio: -
                          Snapshot Checkpoint: -
                              Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8_2148779294.2023-12-28_021628
                    Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 12/28 02:16:28
                            Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8_2148779294.2023-12-28_021628
                  Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 12/28 02:16:28
                                      Healthy: true
                              Relationship ID: e94d0e31-a526-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                          Source Vserver UUID: 04ee1778-a058-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                     Destination Vserver UUID: 5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                         Current Operation ID: -
                                Transfer Type: -
                               Transfer Error: -
                           Last Transfer Type: update
                          Last Transfer Error: -
                    Last Transfer Error Codes: -
                           Last Transfer Size: 3.07GB
      Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: 1:1
                       Last Transfer Duration: 0:1:1
                           Last Transfer From: svm:vol1
                  Last Transfer End Timestamp: 12/28 03:04:32
                             Unhealthy Reason: -
                        Progress Last Updated: -
                      Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                                     Lag Time: 0:49:31
                    Current Transfer Priority: -
                             SMTape Operation: -
                 Destination Volume Node Name: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                 Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Number of Successful Updates: 1
                     Number of Failed Updates: 0
                 Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
                     Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
                  Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                      Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                         Total Transfer Bytes: 9060359240
               Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 112
                Source Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
                                       OpMask: ffffffffffffffff
                       Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
          Percent Complete for Current Status: -


Storage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotを確認します。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
svm2    vol1_dst3
                       -      false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used   percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   16GB 6.85GB    16GB            15.20GB 8.35GB 54%          808.8MB            9%                         808.8MB             9.14GB       60%                  -                 9.14GB              -                                   -
svm2    vol1_dst3
               9GB  693.7MB   9GB             9GB     8.32GB 92%          774.5MB            8%                         8.24GB              9.05GB       101%                 -                 9.04GB              0B                                  0%
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_dst3

      Vserver : svm2
      Volume  : vol1_dst3

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                            8.32GB       1%
             Footprint in Performance Tier             8.41GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        56.82MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   91.26MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                  8.47GB       1%

      Effective Total Footprint                        8.47GB       1%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 270.9GB
                               Total Physical Used: 28.19GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.61:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 52.93GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 22.60GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.34:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 52.93GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 22.60GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.34:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 207.5GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 24.65GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 8.42:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 44.65GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 19.08GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.34:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 52.93GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 32.18GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 20.76GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 20.76GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.65:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.65:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 37.13GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 28.19GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 8.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.32:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 218.0GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 7.36GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 29.60:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 29.60:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 3
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                     160KB     0%    0%
                                                         24.45MB     0%    0%
                                                           312KB     0%    0%
                                                           292KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           136KB     0%    0%
svm2     vol1_dst3
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                    1.29MB     0%    0%
                                                           384KB     0%    0%
                                                           388KB     0%    0%
                                                           284KB     0%    0%
                                                           232KB     0%    0%
                                                           220KB     0%    0%
                                                           144KB     0%    0%
14 entries were displayed.




$ sudo mount -t nfs svm-0058ae83d258ab2e3.fs-0ab6f9b00824a187c.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 /mnt/fsxn/vol1

$ ls -l /mnt/fsxn/vol1
total 9474408
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 01:46 1_padding_file
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 07:53 ABCDE_padding_file
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 05:28 a_padding_file
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 06:55 abcde_padding_file
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 01:47 urandom_block_file
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 05:02 urandom_block_file2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 05:02 urandom_block_file2_copy
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 01:47 urandom_block_file_copy
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Dec 22 06:41 urandom_block_file_copy2

$ sudo cp /mnt/fsxn/vol1/urandom_block_file /mnt/fsxn/vol1/urandom_block_file_copy3


::*> volume show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used   percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   16GB 5.83GB    16GB            15.20GB 9.37GB 61%          808.8MB            8%                         808.8MB             10.16GB      67%                  -                 10.16GB             -                                   -
svm2    vol1_dst3
               9GB  693.7MB   9GB             9GB     8.32GB 92%          774.5MB            8%                         8.24GB              9.05GB       101%                 -                 9.04GB              0B                                  0%
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_dst3

      Vserver : svm2
      Volume  : vol1_dst3

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                            8.32GB       1%
             Footprint in Performance Tier             8.41GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        56.82MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   91.40MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                  8.47GB       1%

      Effective Total Footprint                        8.47GB       1%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 271.9GB
                               Total Physical Used: 29.34GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.27:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 53.94GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 23.70GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.28:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 53.94GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 23.70GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.28:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 207.5GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 24.81GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 8.36:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 44.67GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 19.19GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.33:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 53.94GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 33.18GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 20.76GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 20.76GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.63:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.63:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 38.29GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 29.34GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 8.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.30:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 218.0GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 7.36GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 29.60:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 29.60:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 3
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

SnapMirror Update


::*> snapmirror update -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3
Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "svm2:vol1_dst3".

::*>  snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -fields state, status, total-progress, progress-last-updated
source-path destination-path state        status       total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm2:vol1_dst3   Snapmirrored Transferring 18.73MB        12/28 04:17:21

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -fields state, status, total-progress, progress-last-updated
source-path destination-path state        status       total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm2:vol1_dst3   Snapmirrored Transferring 343.0MB        12/28 04:17:37

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -fields state, status, total-progress, progress-last-updated
source-path destination-path state        status       total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm2:vol1_dst3   Snapmirrored Transferring 651.2MB        12/28 04:18:08

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -fields state, status, total-progress, progress-last-updated
source-path destination-path state        status total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm2:vol1_dst3   Snapmirrored Idle   -              -

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3

                                  Source Path: svm:vol1
                               Source Cluster: -
                               Source Vserver: svm
                                Source Volume: vol1
                             Destination Path: svm2:vol1_dst3
                          Destination Cluster: -
                          Destination Vserver: svm2
                           Destination Volume: vol1_dst3
                            Relationship Type: XDP
                      Relationship Group Type: none
                             Managing Vserver: svm2
                          SnapMirror Schedule: -
                       SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                            SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshots
                                  Tries Limit: -
                            Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
              Consistency Group Item Mappings: -
           Current Transfer Throttle (KB/sec): -
                                 Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                          Relationship Status: Idle
                      File Restore File Count: -
                       File Restore File List: -
                            Transfer Snapshot: -
                            Snapshot Progress: -
                               Total Progress: -
                    Network Compression Ratio: -
                          Snapshot Checkpoint: 265.8KB
                              Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8_2148779294.2023-12-28_021628
                    Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 12/28 02:16:28
                            Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8_2148779294.2023-12-28_021628
                  Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 12/28 02:16:28
                                      Healthy: false
                              Relationship ID: e94d0e31-a526-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                          Source Vserver UUID: 04ee1778-a058-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                     Destination Vserver UUID: 5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                         Current Operation ID: -
                                Transfer Type: -
                               Transfer Error: -
                           Last Transfer Type: update
                          Last Transfer Error: Transfer failed. (Volume access error (No space left on device))
                    Last Transfer Error Codes: 6620144, 5898547, 6684700
                           Last Transfer Size: -
      Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
                       Last Transfer Duration: -
                           Last Transfer From: svm:vol1
                  Last Transfer End Timestamp: 12/28 04:26:04
                             Unhealthy Reason: Transfer failed.
                        Progress Last Updated: -
                      Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                                     Lag Time: 2:34:18
                    Current Transfer Priority: -
                             SMTape Operation: -
                 Destination Volume Node Name: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                 Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Number of Successful Updates: 1
                     Number of Failed Updates: 1
                 Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
                     Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
                  Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                      Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                         Total Transfer Bytes: 9060359240
               Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 112
                Source Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
                                       OpMask: ffffffffffffffff
                       Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
          Percent Complete for Current Status: -


Storage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotを確認します。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
svm2    vol1_dst3
                       -      false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used   percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   16GB 5.83GB    16GB            15.20GB 9.37GB 61%          825.3MB            8%                         825.3MB             10.17GB      67%                  -                 10.17GB             -                                   -
svm2    vol1_dst3
               9GB  16KB      9GB             9GB     9.00GB 99%          92.31MB            1%                         8.24GB              9.05GB       101%                 -                 9.05GB              0B                                  0%
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_dst3

      Vserver : svm2
      Volume  : vol1_dst3

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                            9.00GB       1%
             Footprint in Performance Tier             9.09GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                             0B       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   89.38MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                  9.09GB       1%

      Effective Total Footprint                        9.09GB       1%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 282.1GB
                               Total Physical Used: 29.97GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.41:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 53.97GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 24.30GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.22:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 53.97GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 24.30GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.22:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 207.8GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 25.45GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 8.17:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 44.69GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 19.80GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.26:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 53.97GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 33.86GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 20.11GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 20.11GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.59:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.59:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 38.92GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 29.97GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 8.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.30:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 228.1GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 7.36GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 30.98:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 30.98:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 3
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                     160KB     0%    0%
                                                         24.45MB     0%    0%
                                                           312KB     0%    0%
                                                           292KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           212KB     0%    0%
                                                           300KB     0%    0%
svm2     vol1_dst3
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                    1.29MB     0%    0%
                                                           384KB     0%    0%
                                                           388KB     0%    0%
                                                           284KB     0%    0%
                                                           232KB     0%    0%
                                                           220KB     0%    0%
                                                           428KB     0%    0%
15 entries were displayed.


転送先ボリュームでStorage Efficiencyの有効化

転送先ボリュームでStorage Efficiencyを有効化します。

::*> volume efficiency on -vserver svm2 -volume vol1_dst3

Error: command failed: Failed to enable efficiency on volume "vol1_dst3" of Vserver "svm2": A SnapMirror transfer is running or paused. Use the
       "snapmirror show" command to view the status of the transfer. Retry this command when the transfer is complete, or run "snapmirror abort -hard
       true" to abort the SnapMirror transfer and clear any checkpoint data.

先ほどStorage Efficiencyを有効化した際と同様のエラーですね。

::*> snapmirror abort -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3

Error: command failed: No transfer to abort.

::*> snapmirror abort -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -hard true
Operation is queued: snapmirror abort for the relationship with destination "svm2:vol1_dst3".

SnapMirror relationshipを確認します。

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3                                  Source Path: svm:vol1
                               Source Cluster: -
                               Source Vserver: svm
                                Source Volume: vol1
                             Destination Path: svm2:vol1_dst3
                          Destination Cluster: -
                          Destination Vserver: svm2
                           Destination Volume: vol1_dst3
                            Relationship Type: XDP
                      Relationship Group Type: none
                             Managing Vserver: svm2
                          SnapMirror Schedule: -
                       SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                            SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshots
                                  Tries Limit: -
                            Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
              Consistency Group Item Mappings: -
           Current Transfer Throttle (KB/sec): -
                                 Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                          Relationship Status: Idle
                      File Restore File Count: -
                       File Restore File List: -
                            Transfer Snapshot: -
                            Snapshot Progress: -
                               Total Progress: -
                    Network Compression Ratio: -
                          Snapshot Checkpoint: -
                              Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8_2148779294.2023-12-28_021628
                    Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 12/28 02:16:28
                            Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8_2148779294.2023-12-28_021628
                  Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 12/28 02:16:28
                                      Healthy: false
                              Relationship ID: e94d0e31-a526-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                          Source Vserver UUID: 04ee1778-a058-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                     Destination Vserver UUID: 5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                         Current Operation ID: -
                                Transfer Type: -
                               Transfer Error: -
                           Last Transfer Type: update
                          Last Transfer Error: Transfer failed. (Volume access error (No space left on device))
                    Last Transfer Error Codes: 6620144, 5898547, 6684700
                           Last Transfer Size: -
      Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
                       Last Transfer Duration: -
                           Last Transfer From: svm:vol1
                  Last Transfer End Timestamp: 12/28 04:26:04
                             Unhealthy Reason: Transfer failed.
                        Progress Last Updated: -
                      Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                                     Lag Time: 2:38:8
                    Current Transfer Priority: -
                             SMTape Operation: -
                 Destination Volume Node Name: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                 Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Number of Successful Updates: 1
                     Number of Failed Updates: 1
                 Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
                     Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
                  Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                      Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                         Total Transfer Bytes: 9060359240
               Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 112
                Source Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
                                       OpMask: ffffffffffffffff
                       Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
          Percent Complete for Current Status: -

Snapshot Checkpointが265.8KBから-になっています。

Storage Efficiencyを有効化します。

::*> volume efficiency on -vserver svm2 -volume vol1_dst3
Efficiency for volume "vol1_dst3" of Vserver "svm2" is enabled.

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compressionvserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
svm2    vol1_dst3
               Enabled -      false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used   percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   16GB 5.83GB    16GB            15.20GB 9.37GB 61%          825.3MB            8%                         825.3MB             10.17GB      67%                  -                 10.17GB             -                                   -
svm2    vol1_dst3
               9GB  693.5MB   9GB             9GB     8.32GB 92%          774.5MB            8%                         8.24GB              9.05GB       101%                 -                 9.04GB              0B                                  0%
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_dst3

      Vserver : svm2
      Volume  : vol1_dst3

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                            8.32GB       1%
             Footprint in Performance Tier             8.57GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        56.82MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   249.0MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                  8.62GB       1%

      Effective Total Footprint                        8.62GB       1%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 282.1GB
                               Total Physical Used: 29.39GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.60:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 53.95GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 23.74GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.27:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 53.95GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 23.74GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.27:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 207.8GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 24.87GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 8.35:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 44.68GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 19.25GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.32:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 53.95GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 33.17GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 20.77GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 20.77GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.63:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.63:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 38.33GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 29.39GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 8.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.30:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 228.1GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 7.36GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 30.98:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 30.98:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 3
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                     160KB     0%    0%
                                                         24.45MB     0%    0%
                                                           312KB     0%    0%
                                                           292KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           212KB     0%    0%
                                                           300KB     0%    0%
svm2     vol1_dst3
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                    1.29MB     0%    0%
                                                           384KB     0%    0%
                                                           388KB     0%    0%
                                                           284KB     0%    0%
                                                           232KB     0%    0%
                                                           220KB     0%    0%
                                                           152KB     0%    0%
15 entries were displayed.


SnapMirror update

それでは再度SnapMirror updateを行います。

::*> snapmirror update -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "svm2:vol1_dst3".

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -fields state, status, total-progress, progress-last-updatedsource-path destination-path state        status       total-progress progress-last-updated----------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm2:vol1_dst3   Snapmirrored Transferring 34.94MB        12/28 04:57:48

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -fields state, status, total-progress, progress-last-updated
source-path destination-path state        status       total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm2:vol1_dst3   Snapmirrored Transferring 682.8MB        12/28 04:58:35

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3 -fields state, status, total-progress, progress-last-updated
source-path destination-path state        status total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm2:vol1_dst3   Snapmirrored Idle   -              -

::*> snapmirror show -destination-path svm2:vol1_dst3

                                  Source Path: svm:vol1
                               Source Cluster: -
                               Source Vserver: svm
                                Source Volume: vol1
                             Destination Path: svm2:vol1_dst3
                          Destination Cluster: -
                          Destination Vserver: svm2
                           Destination Volume: vol1_dst3
                            Relationship Type: XDP
                      Relationship Group Type: none
                             Managing Vserver: svm2
                          SnapMirror Schedule: -
                       SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                            SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshots
                                  Tries Limit: -
                            Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
              Consistency Group Item Mappings: -
           Current Transfer Throttle (KB/sec): -
                                 Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                          Relationship Status: Idle
                      File Restore File Count: -
                       File Restore File List: -
                            Transfer Snapshot: -
                            Snapshot Progress: -
                               Total Progress: -
                    Network Compression Ratio: -
                          Snapshot Checkpoint: 262.5KB
                              Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8_2148779294.2023-12-28_021628
                    Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 12/28 02:16:28
                            Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8_2148779294.2023-12-28_021628
                  Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 12/28 02:16:28
                                      Healthy: false
                              Relationship ID: e94d0e31-a526-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                          Source Vserver UUID: 04ee1778-a058-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                     Destination Vserver UUID: 5af907bb-a065-11ee-981e-bdd56ead09c8
                         Current Operation ID: -
                                Transfer Type: -
                               Transfer Error: -
                           Last Transfer Type: update
                          Last Transfer Error: Transfer failed. (Volume access error (No space left on device))
                    Last Transfer Error Codes: 6620144, 5898547, 6684700
                           Last Transfer Size: -
      Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
                       Last Transfer Duration: -
                           Last Transfer From: svm:vol1
                  Last Transfer End Timestamp: 12/28 05:06:22
                             Unhealthy Reason: Transfer failed.
                        Progress Last Updated: -
                      Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                                     Lag Time: 2:55:12
                    Current Transfer Priority: -
                             SMTape Operation: -
                 Destination Volume Node Name: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
                 Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Number of Successful Updates: 1
                     Number of Failed Updates: 2
                 Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
                     Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
                  Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                      Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                         Total Transfer Bytes: 9060359240
               Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 112
                Source Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
                                       OpMask: ffffffffffffffff
                       Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
          Percent Complete for Current Status: -


Storage Efficiencyの実行状態を確認します。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1_dst3
Vserver    Volume           State     Status      Progress           Policy
---------- ---------------- --------- ----------- ------------------ ----------
svm2       vol1_dst3        Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:03:10  -


Storage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotを確認します。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
svm2    vol1_dst3
               Enabled -      false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true                          false
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used   percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   16GB 5.83GB    16GB            15.20GB 9.37GB 61%          825.3MB            8%                         825.3MB             10.17GB      67%                  -                 10.17GB             -                                   -
svm2    vol1_dst3
               9GB  72KB      9GB             9GB     9.00GB 99%          95.56MB            1%                         8.24GB              9.06GB       101%                 -                 9.05GB              0B                                  0%
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_dst3

      Vserver : svm2
      Volume  : vol1_dst3

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                            9.00GB       1%
             Footprint in Performance Tier             9.01GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        50.61MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                    6.29MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                  9.05GB       1%

      Effective Total Footprint                        9.05GB       1%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0ab6f9b00824a187c-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 282.1GB
                               Total Physical Used: 30.04GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.39:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 53.96GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 24.36GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.21:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 53.96GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 24.36GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.21:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 207.8GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 25.52GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 8.14:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 44.69GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 19.87GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.25:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 53.96GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 33.85GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 20.11GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 20.11GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.59:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.59:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 38.98GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 30.04GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 8.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.30:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 228.1GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 7.36GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 30.98:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 30.98:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 3
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1, vol1_dst3
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                     160KB     0%    0%
                                                         24.45MB     0%    0%
                                                           312KB     0%    0%
                                                           292KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           148KB     0%    0%
                                                           292KB     0%    0%
                                                           156KB     0%    0%
svm2     vol1_dst3
                  test.2023-12-22_0533                    1.29MB     0%    0%
                                                           384KB     0%    0%
                                                           388KB     0%    0%
                                                           284KB     0%    0%
                                                           232KB     0%    0%
                                                           220KB     0%    0%
                                                           432KB     0%    0%
15 entries were displayed.

SnapMirror転送中にStorage Efficiencyによりデータが削減され、転送しきれるかと思ったのですができませんでした。



冒頭で紹介した方式は実現できないことが確認できました。カスケードSnapMirrorを活用する方法でStorage Efficiencyをかけたデータを最終的な転送先FSxNファイルシステムに転送するのが良いでしょう。



移行中にSnapMirrorベースライン転送が失敗した場合、ネットワーク接続の切断、転送の中止、コントローラ フェイルオーバーなど、様々な原因があります。失敗の原因を修正後、再開チェックポイントがある場合はSnapMirror転送を再開できます。



以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!

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