[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] Snapshot取得後にInactive data compressionを実行しても物理使用量が減少するのか確認してみた

[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] Snapshot取得後にInactive data compressionを実行しても物理使用量が減少するのか確認してみた

SnapshotはInactive data compressionを実行する際の障壁にならない
Clock Icon2024.01.22



皆さんはAmazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP(以降FSxN)でSnapshot取得後にInactive data compressionを実行しても物理使用量が減少するのか気になったことはありますか? 私はあります。

以下記事でカスケードSnapMirrorの中間ボリュームでInactive data compression実行後にSnapMirrorをすると、中間ボリュームのInactive data compressionによるデータ削減効果がSnapMirrorの転送先でも維持されていることを確認しました。


もしかすると、Inactive data compressionのようなaggregateレイヤーで動作するデータ削減効果はSnapshotの影響を無視するのでしょうか。



  • Snapshot取得後にInactive data compressionを実行しても即座に物理データ使用量が削減される
    • AFSではなく、Snapshotしかデータが存在しなくても削減される




ファイル書き込み前のStorage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotの情報は以下のとおりです。

::> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state    policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ -------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Disabled auto   false       false              efficient               false         false           true                              false                           false

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state    progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Disabled Idle for 00:28:38 Sat Jan 20 04:02:39 2024 Sat Jan 20 04:02:39 2024 0B           0%              0B             316KB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size  available filesystem-size total   used  percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ----- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   128GB 121.6GB   128GB           121.6GB 316KB 0%           0B                 0%                         0B                  316KB         0%                    316KB        0%                   -                 316KB               0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                             316KB       0%
             Footprint in Performance Tier             2.14MB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        107.5MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                    1.83MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 109.6MB       0%

      Effective Total Footprint                       109.6MB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId012f5aba611482f32-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 460KB
                               Total Physical Used: 432KB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.06:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 152KB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 300KB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 152KB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 300KB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 960KB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 7.75MB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 652KB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 7.62MB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 152KB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 152KB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 432KB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 432KB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 308KB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 132KB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 2.33:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 2.33:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     860.6GB   861.8GB 1.12GB   83.83MB       0%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   0B                           0B              0%                      0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                              1.12GB         0%
      Aggregate Metadata                             6.93MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    46.48GB         5%

      Total Physical Used                           83.83MB         0%

      Total Provisioned Space                         129GB        14%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
There are no entries matching your query.


$ sudo mount -t nfs svm-0a7c58a5f3a47283c.fs-012f5aba611482f32.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 /mnt/fsxn/vol1
$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                   Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-0a7c58a5f3a47283c.fs-012f5aba611482f32.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4  122G  320K  122G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol1

$ yes \
  $(base64 /dev/urandom -w 0 \
    | head -c 1K
  ) \
  | tr -d '\n' \
  | sudo dd of=/mnt/fsxn/vol1/1KB_random_pattern_text_block_48GiB bs=4M count=12288 iflag=fullblock
12288+0 records in
12288+0 records out
51539607552 bytes (52 GB, 48 GiB) copied, 346.536 s, 149 MB/s

ファイル書き込み後のStorage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregateの情報は以下のとおりです。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state    progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Disabled Idle for 00:36:14 Sat Jan 20 04:02:39 2024 Sat Jan 20 04:02:39 2024 0B           0%              0B             48.20GB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size  available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   128GB 73.40GB   128GB           121.6GB 48.20GB 39%          0B                 0%                         0B                  48.20GB       38%                   48.20GB      40%                  -                 48.20GB             0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           48.20GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            48.23GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   27.50MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 48.54GB       5%

      Effective Total Footprint                       48.54GB       5%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId012f5aba611482f32-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 48.19GB
                               Total Physical Used: 48.19GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.20GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.34GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.20GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.34GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 48.19GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 48.19GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 48.19GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 48.19GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 308KB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 132KB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 2.33:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 2.33:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     812.2GB   861.8GB 49.60GB  48.53GB       5%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   0B                           0B              0%                      0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             49.56GB         5%
      Aggregate Metadata                            44.20MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    94.96GB        10%

      Total Physical Used                           48.53GB         5%

      Total Provisioned Space                         129GB        14%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.



::*> snapshot create -vserver svm -volume vol1 -snapshot test.2024-01-20_0439 -snapmirror-label test

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2024-01-20_0439                     152KB     0%    0%

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1 -instance

                                    Vserver: svm
                                     Volume: vol1
                                   Snapshot: test.2024-01-20_0439
                       Snapshot Data Set ID: 4294968322
                Snapshot Master Data Set ID: 6452728471
                              Creation Time: Sat Jan 20 04:39:43 2024
                              Snapshot Busy: false
                             List of Owners: -
                              Snapshot Size: 152KB
                 Percentage of Total Blocks: 0%
                  Percentage of Used Blocks: 0%
                    Consistency Point Count: 165
                                    Comment: -
                        File System Version: 9.13
                   File System Block Format: 64-bit
                           Physical Snap ID: 1
                            Logical Snap ID: 1
                      Database Record Owner: -
                              Snapshot Tags: SM_Label=test
                              Instance UUID: 09b46587-f567-4a9e-abc1-05e7ee340b32
                               Version UUID: 09b46587-f567-4a9e-abc1-05e7ee340b32
                            7-Mode Snapshot: false
            Label for SnapMirror Operations: test
                             Snapshot State: -
                       Constituent Snapshot: false
                                       Node: FsxId012f5aba611482f32-01
                     AFS Size from Snapshot: 48.20GB
          Compression Savings from Snapshot: 0B
                Dedup Savings from Snapshot: 0B
             VBN Zero Savings from Snapshot: 0B
Reserved (holes and overwrites) in Snapshot: 0B
                      Snapshot Logical Used: 48.20GB
         Performance Metadata from Snapshot: 1.52MB
                   Snapshot Inofile Version: 4
                                Expiry Time: -
                           Compression Type: none
                       SnapLock Expiry Time: -
                        Application IO Size: -
           Is Qtree Caching Support Enabled: false
                      Compression Algorithm: lzopro
            Snapshot Created for Conversion: false

Inactive data compressionの実行

Inactive data compressionの実行をします。

::*> volume efficiency on -vserver svm -volume vol1
Efficiency for volume "vol1" of Vserver "svm" is enabled.

::*> volume efficiency modify -vserver svm -volume vol1 -compression true

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression modify -vserver svm -volume vol1 -is-enabled true

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression start -volume vol1 -inactive-days 0
Inactive data compression scan started on volume "vol1" in Vserver "svm"

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -instance

                                                                Volume: vol1
                                                               Vserver: svm
                                                            Is Enabled: true
                                                             Scan Mode: default
                                                              Progress: RUNNING
                                                                Status: SUCCESS
                                                 Compression Algorithm: lzopro
                                                        Failure Reason: -
                                                          Total Blocks: -
                                                Total blocks Processed: -
                                                            Percentage: 0%
                                                  Phase1 L1s Processed: 2454
                                                    Phase1 Lns Skipped:
                                                                        L1:     0
                                                                        L2:     0
                                                                        L3:     0
                                                                        L4:     0
                                                                        L5:     0
                                                                        L6:     0
                                                                        L7:     0
                                                   Phase2 Total Blocks: 0
                                               Phase2 Blocks Processed: 0
                                     Number of Cold Blocks Encountered: 625632
                                             Number of Repacked Blocks: 0
                                     Number of Compression Done Blocks: 622088
                                              Number of Vol-Overwrites: 0
           Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): 0
             Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 0
Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): -
  Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 0
                           Average time for Cold Data Compression(sec): 0
                                                        Tuning Enabled: true
                                                             Threshold: 14
                                                 Threshold Upper Limit: 21
                                                 Threshold Lower Limit: 14
                                            Client Read history window: 14
                                        Incompressible Data Percentage: 0%

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -instance

                                                                Volume: vol1
                                                               Vserver: svm
                                                            Is Enabled: true
                                                             Scan Mode: default
                                                              Progress: RUNNING
                                                                Status: SUCCESS
                                                 Compression Algorithm: lzopro
                                                        Failure Reason: -
                                                          Total Blocks: -
                                                Total blocks Processed: -
                                                            Percentage: 73%
                                                  Phase1 L1s Processed: 48924
                                                    Phase1 Lns Skipped:
                                                                        L1:     0
                                                                        L2:     0
                                                                        L3:     0
                                                                        L4:     0
                                                                        L5:     0
                                                                        L6:     0
                                                                        L7:     0
                                                   Phase2 Total Blocks: 16506912
                                               Phase2 Blocks Processed: 12089718
                                     Number of Cold Blocks Encountered: 12630880
                                             Number of Repacked Blocks: 0
                                     Number of Compression Done Blocks: 12589968
                                              Number of Vol-Overwrites: 0
           Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): 0
             Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 0
Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): -
  Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 0
                           Average time for Cold Data Compression(sec): 0
                                                        Tuning Enabled: true
                                                             Threshold: 14
                                                 Threshold Upper Limit: 21
                                                 Threshold Lower Limit: 14
                                            Client Read history window: 14
                                        Incompressible Data Percentage: 0%

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -instance

                                                                Volume: vol1
                                                               Vserver: svm
                                                            Is Enabled: true
                                                             Scan Mode: -
                                                              Progress: IDLE
                                                                Status: SUCCESS
                                                 Compression Algorithm: lzopro
                                                        Failure Reason: -
                                                          Total Blocks: -
                                                Total blocks Processed: -
                                                            Percentage: -
                                                  Phase1 L1s Processed: -
                                                    Phase1 Lns Skipped: -
                                                   Phase2 Total Blocks: -
                                               Phase2 Blocks Processed: -
                                     Number of Cold Blocks Encountered: 12630880
                                             Number of Repacked Blocks: 0
                                     Number of Compression Done Blocks: 12589968
                                              Number of Vol-Overwrites: 0
           Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): 14
             Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 1
Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): -
  Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 1
                           Average time for Cold Data Compression(sec): 13
                                                        Tuning Enabled: true
                                                             Threshold: 14
                                                 Threshold Upper Limit: 21
                                                 Threshold Lower Limit: 14
                                            Client Read history window: 14
                                        Incompressible Data Percentage: 0%

Inactive data compressionの実行が完了して5分後のStorage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotの情報は以下のとおりです。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 00:48:30 Sat Jan 20 04:02:39 2024 Sat Jan 20 04:02:39 2024 0B           0%              0B             48.21GB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size  available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   128GB 73.39GB   128GB           121.6GB 48.21GB 39%          0B                 0%                         0B                  48.35GB       38%                   48.21GB      40%                  -                 48.21GB             0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           48.35GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            48.40GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   52.98MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 48.72GB       5%

      Footprint Data Reduction                        46.36GB       5%
           Auto Adaptive Compression                  46.36GB       5%
      Effective Total Footprint                        2.36GB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId012f5aba611482f32-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 96.06GB
                               Total Physical Used: 9.80GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.80:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 47.86GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 9.78GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 4.90:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 47.86GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 9.78GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 4.90:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 96.41GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 10.30GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.36:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.21GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 10.27GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 4.69:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 47.86GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 47.86GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 55.74GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 9.80GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 45.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 5.69:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 48.20GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 147.8MB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 334.09:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 334.09:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     847.9GB   861.8GB 13.90GB  12.67GB       1%                    45.94GB                     77%                                 2.05GB               0B                           45.94GB         77%                     2.05GB           -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             49.73GB         5%
      Aggregate Metadata                            10.12GB         1%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    59.26GB         7%

      Total Physical Used                           12.67GB         1%

      Total Provisioned Space                         129GB        14%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2024-01-20_0439                   147.6MB     0%    0%

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1 -instance

                                    Vserver: svm
                                     Volume: vol1
                                   Snapshot: test.2024-01-20_0439
                       Snapshot Data Set ID: 4294968322
                Snapshot Master Data Set ID: 6452728471
                              Creation Time: Sat Jan 20 04:39:43 2024
                              Snapshot Busy: false
                             List of Owners: -
                              Snapshot Size: 147.6MB
                 Percentage of Total Blocks: 0%
                  Percentage of Used Blocks: 0%
                    Consistency Point Count: 165
                                    Comment: -
                        File System Version: 9.13
                   File System Block Format: 64-bit
                           Physical Snap ID: 1
                            Logical Snap ID: 1
                      Database Record Owner: -
                              Snapshot Tags: SM_Label=test
                              Instance UUID: 09b46587-f567-4a9e-abc1-05e7ee340b32
                               Version UUID: 09b46587-f567-4a9e-abc1-05e7ee340b32
                            7-Mode Snapshot: false
            Label for SnapMirror Operations: test
                             Snapshot State: -
                       Constituent Snapshot: false
                                       Node: FsxId012f5aba611482f32-01
                     AFS Size from Snapshot: 48.20GB
          Compression Savings from Snapshot: 0B
                Dedup Savings from Snapshot: 0B
             VBN Zero Savings from Snapshot: 0B
Reserved (holes and overwrites) in Snapshot: 0B
                      Snapshot Logical Used: 48.20GB
         Performance Metadata from Snapshot: 1.52MB
                   Snapshot Inofile Version: 4
                                Expiry Time: -
                           Compression Type: none
                       SnapLock Expiry Time: -
                        Application IO Size: -
           Is Qtree Caching Support Enabled: false
                      Compression Algorithm: lzopro
            Snapshot Created for Conversion: false


  • aggr show-efficiencyTotal Physical Used : 48.19GB -> 9.80GB
  • aggr show-efficiencyPhysical Size Used by Snapshot Copies : 48.19GB -> 147.8MB
  • aggr showphysical-used : 48.53GB -> 12.67GB



CloudWatchメトリクスからもStorage Efficiencyによるデータ削減量StorageEfficiencySavingsとSSDとキャパシティプールストレージの物理データ使用量であるStorageUsedの値を確認します。

Inactive data compression実行後のストレージの物理使用量とStorageEfficiencySavingsのメトリクス

Inactive data compressionを実行したタイミングでストレージの物理使用量が減り、データ削減量が増えていることが分かります。

つまりはSnapshot取得後のInactive data compressionでも効果があることが分かります。

もし、Snapshot取得後にInactive data compressionによるデータ削減効果が得られないとするならば残念だったのですが、これは嬉しいですね。

Snapshotはデフォルトのポリシーでも毎時、日次、週次で取得しています。そしてInactive data compressionは日次で動作します。仮にInactive data compressionがSnapshotで取得しているデータブロックに対して効果がないのであれば、デフォルトのSnapshotポリシーで動作している環境でInactive data compressionを有効化する効果は薄いと考えます。




::*> snapshot delete -vserver svm -volume vol1 -snapshot test.2024-01-20_0439

Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes data that is stored only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot copy "test.2024-01-20_0439" for
         volume "vol1" in Vserver "svm" ? {y|n}: y

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
There are no entries matching your query.

Storage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregateの情報は以下のとおりです。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 01:04:37 Sat Jan 20 04:02:39 2024 Sat Jan 20 04:02:39 2024 0B           0%              0B             48.21GB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size  available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ----- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   128GB 73.39GB   128GB           121.6GB 48.21GB 39%          0B                 0%                         0B                  48.21GB       38%   48.21GB      40%                  -                 48.21GB             0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           48.21GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            48.41GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   200.9MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 48.72GB       5%

      Footprint Data Reduction                        46.36GB       5%
           Auto Adaptive Compression                  46.36GB       5%
      Effective Total Footprint                        2.36GB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId012f5aba611482f32-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 47.86GB
                               Total Physical Used: 9.79GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 4.89:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 47.86GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 9.79GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 4.89:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 47.86GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 9.79GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 4.89:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.21GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 10.29GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 4.69:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.21GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 10.29GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 4.69:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 47.86GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 47.86GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 55.73GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 9.79GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 45.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 5.69:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 660KB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 272KB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 2.43:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 2.43:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     847.8GB   861.8GB 13.94GB  12.72GB       1%                    45.94GB                     77%                                 2.05GB               0B            45.94GB         77%                     2.05GB           -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             49.73GB         5%
      Aggregate Metadata                            10.16GB         1%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    59.30GB         7%

      Total Physical Used                           12.72GB         1%

      Total Provisioned Space                         129GB        14%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.

aggr show-efficiencyTotal Physical Usedが9.80GBから9.79GBに減少したなど微々たるもので大きな変化はありませんでした。

Snapshot取得後にファイルを削除した状態でInactive data compressionを実行した場合の物理使用量の変化


ふと、「Snapshot取得後にファイルを削除した状態でInactive data compressionを実行した場合はどんな挙動になるのだろう」と気になりました。





$ sudo mount -t nfs svm-073883c3dde85c8e0.fs-0451902d5d3fc71e2.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 /mnt/fsxn/vol1

$ yes \
  $(base64 /dev/urandom -w 0 \
    | head -c 1K
  ) \
  | tr -d '\n' \
  | sudo dd of=/mnt/fsxn/vol1/1KB_random_pattern_text_block_48GiB bs=4M count=12288 iflag=fullblock
12288+0 records in
12288+0 records out
51539607552 bytes (52 GB, 48 GiB) copied, 346.775 s, 149 MB/s

$ ls -lh /mnt/fsxn/vol1
total 49G
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 48G Jan 22 06:49 1KB_random_pattern_text_block_48GiB

ファイル書き込み後のStorage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregateの情報は以下のとおりです。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state    progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Disabled Idle for 00:19:03 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 0B           0%              0B             48.20GB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   64GB 12.60GB   64GB            60.80GB 48.20GB 79%          0B                 0%                         0B                  48.20GB       75%                   48.20GB      79%                  - 48.20GB             0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           48.20GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            48.23GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   29.33MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 48.55GB       5%

      Effective Total Footprint                       48.55GB       5%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 48.19GB
                               Total Physical Used: 48.19GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.20GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.34GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.20GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.34GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 48.19GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 48.19GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 48.19GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 48.19GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 0B
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 0B
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used,sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     812.2GB   861.8GB 49.60GB  48.49GB       5%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   0B                           0B              0%                      0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             49.56GB         5%
      Aggregate Metadata                            44.08MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    94.96GB        10%

      Total Physical Used                           48.49GB         5%

      Total Provisioned Space                          65GB         7%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.



::*> snapshot create -vserver svm -volume vol1 -snapshot test.2024-01-22_0654 -snapmirror-label test

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2024-01-22_0654                     144KB     0%    0%

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1 -instance

                                    Vserver: svm
                                     Volume: vol1
                                   Snapshot: test.2024-01-22_0654
                       Snapshot Data Set ID: 4294968322
                Snapshot Master Data Set ID: 6451744734
                              Creation Time: Mon Jan 22 06:54:03 2024
                              Snapshot Busy: false
                             List of Owners: -
                              Snapshot Size: 144KB
                 Percentage of Total Blocks: 0%
                  Percentage of Used Blocks: 0%
                    Consistency Point Count: 166
                                    Comment: -
                        File System Version: 9.13
                   File System Block Format: 64-bit
                           Physical Snap ID: 1
                            Logical Snap ID: 1
                      Database Record Owner: -
                              Snapshot Tags: SM_Label=test
                              Instance UUID: 39be6539-c91a-45e0-bd50-b9d60aba5c1f
                               Version UUID: 39be6539-c91a-45e0-bd50-b9d60aba5c1f
                            7-Mode Snapshot: false
            Label for SnapMirror Operations: test
                             Snapshot State: -
                       Constituent Snapshot: false
                                       Node: FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-01
                     AFS Size from Snapshot: 48.20GB
          Compression Savings from Snapshot: 0B
                Dedup Savings from Snapshot: 0B
             VBN Zero Savings from Snapshot: 0B
Reserved (holes and overwrites) in Snapshot: 0B
                      Snapshot Logical Used: 48.20GB
         Performance Metadata from Snapshot: 1.52MB
                   Snapshot Inofile Version: 4
                                Expiry Time: -
                           Compression Type: none
                       SnapLock Expiry Time: -
                        Application IO Size: -
           Is Qtree Caching Support Enabled: false
                      Compression Algorithm: lzopro
            Snapshot Created for Conversion: false



$ sudo rm /mnt/fsxn/vol1/1KB_random_pattern_text_block_48GiB
$ ls -lh /mnt/fsxn/vol1
total 0

$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                   Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-073883c3dde85c8e0.fs-0451902d5d3fc71e2.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4   61G   46G   16G  75% /mnt/fsxn/vol1

$ ls -lh /mnt/fsxn/vol1/.snapshot
total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Jan 22 06:43 test.2024-01-22_0654

$ ls -lh /mnt/fsxn/vol1/.snapshot/test.2024-01-22_0654
total 49G
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 48G Jan 22 06:49 1KB_random_pattern_text_block_48GiB

$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                                                  Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-073883c3dde85c8e0.fs-0451902d5d3fc71e2.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1                                nfs4   61G   46G   16G  75% /mnt/fsxn/vol1
svm-073883c3dde85c8e0.fs-0451902d5d3fc71e2.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1/.snapshot/test.2024-01-22_0654 nfs4  3.3G  3.3G     0 100% /mnt/fsxn/vol1/.snapshot/test.2024-01-22_0654


ファイル削除後のStorage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotの情報は以下のとおりです。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state    progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Disabled Idle for 00:28:02 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 0B           0%              0B             217.7MB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   64GB 15.79GB   64GB            60.80GB 45.01GB 74%          0B                 0%                         0B                  48.21GB       75%                   45.01GB      74%                  - 217.7MB             0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           48.21GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            48.25GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   47.47MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 48.57GB       5%

      Effective Total Footprint                       48.57GB       5%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 48.40GB
                               Total Physical Used: 48.19GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 201.5MB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 201.6MB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 201.5MB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 201.6MB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.42GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.35GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 218.0MB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 359.4MB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 201.5MB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 201.5MB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 48.19GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 48.19GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 48.20GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 48.00GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used,sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     812.1GB   861.8GB 49.62GB  48.53GB       5%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   0B                           0B              0%                      0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             49.58GB         5%
      Aggregate Metadata                            44.54MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    94.98GB        10%

      Total Physical Used                           48.53GB         5%

      Total Provisioned Space                          65GB         7%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2024-01-22_0654                   48.00GB    75%  100%

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1 -instance

                                    Vserver: svm
                                     Volume: vol1
                                   Snapshot: test.2024-01-22_0654
                       Snapshot Data Set ID: 4294968322
                Snapshot Master Data Set ID: 6451744734
                              Creation Time: Mon Jan 22 06:54:03 2024
                              Snapshot Busy: false
                             List of Owners: -
                              Snapshot Size: 48.00GB
                 Percentage of Total Blocks: 75%
                  Percentage of Used Blocks: 100%
                    Consistency Point Count: 166
                                    Comment: -
                        File System Version: 9.13
                   File System Block Format: 64-bit
                           Physical Snap ID: 1
                            Logical Snap ID: 1
                      Database Record Owner: -
                              Snapshot Tags: SM_Label=test
                              Instance UUID: 39be6539-c91a-45e0-bd50-b9d60aba5c1f
                               Version UUID: 39be6539-c91a-45e0-bd50-b9d60aba5c1f
                            7-Mode Snapshot: false
            Label for SnapMirror Operations: test
                             Snapshot State: -
                       Constituent Snapshot: false
                                       Node: FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-01
                     AFS Size from Snapshot: 48.20GB
          Compression Savings from Snapshot: 0B
                Dedup Savings from Snapshot: 0B
             VBN Zero Savings from Snapshot: 0B
Reserved (holes and overwrites) in Snapshot: 0B
                      Snapshot Logical Used: 48.20GB
         Performance Metadata from Snapshot: 1.52MB
                   Snapshot Inofile Version: 4
                                Expiry Time: -
                           Compression Type: none
                       SnapLock Expiry Time: -
                        Application IO Size: -
           Is Qtree Caching Support Enabled: false
                      Compression Algorithm: lzopro
            Snapshot Created for Conversion: false


Inactive data compressionの実行

Inactive data compressionを実行します。

::*> volume efficiency on -vserver svm -volume vol1
Efficiency for volume "vol1" of Vserver "svm" is enabled.

::*> volume efficiency modify -vserver svm -volume vol1 -compression true

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression modify -vserver svm -volume vol1 -is-enabled true

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression start -volume vol1 -inactive-days 0
Inactive data compression scan started on volume "vol1" in Vserver "svm"

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -instance

                                                                Volume: vol1
                                                               Vserver: svm
                                                            Is Enabled: true
                                                             Scan Mode: default
                                                              Progress: RUNNING
                                                                Status: SUCCESS
                                                 Compression Algorithm: lzopro
                                                        Failure Reason: -
                                                          Total Blocks: -
                                                Total blocks Processed: -
                                                            Percentage: 1%
                                                  Phase1 L1s Processed: 0
                                                    Phase1 Lns Skipped:
                                                                        L1:     0
                                                                        L2:     0
                                                                        L3:     0
                                                                        L4:     0
                                                                        L5:     0
                                                                        L6:     0
                                                                        L7:     0
                                                   Phase2 Total Blocks: 16506912
                                               Phase2 Blocks Processed: 194048
                                     Number of Cold Blocks Encountered: 193152
                                             Number of Repacked Blocks: 0
                                     Number of Compression Done Blocks: 193136
                                              Number of Vol-Overwrites: 0
           Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): 0
             Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 0
Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): -
  Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 0
                           Average time for Cold Data Compression(sec): 0
                                                        Tuning Enabled: true
                                                             Threshold: 14
                                                 Threshold Upper Limit: 21
                                                 Threshold Lower Limit: 14
                                            Client Read history window: 14
                                        Incompressible Data Percentage: 0%

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -instance

                                                                Volume: vol1
                                                               Vserver: svm
                                                            Is Enabled: true
                                                             Scan Mode: -
                                                              Progress: IDLE
                                                                Status: SUCCESS
                                                 Compression Algorithm: lzopro
                                                        Failure Reason: -
                                                          Total Blocks: -
                                                Total blocks Processed: -
                                                            Percentage: -
                                                  Phase1 L1s Processed: -
                                                    Phase1 Lns Skipped: -
                                                   Phase2 Total Blocks: -
                                               Phase2 Blocks Processed: -
                                     Number of Cold Blocks Encountered: 12582728
                                             Number of Repacked Blocks: 0
                                     Number of Compression Done Blocks: 12581224
                                              Number of Vol-Overwrites: 0
           Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): 462
             Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 77
Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan started(sec): -
  Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan ended(sec): 77
                           Average time for Cold Data Compression(sec): 384
                                                        Tuning Enabled: true
                                                             Threshold: 14
                                                 Threshold Upper Limit: 21
                                                 Threshold Lower Limit: 14
                                            Client Read history window: 14
                                        Incompressible Data Percentage: 0%

Inactive data compressionの実行が完了してから15分後のStorage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotの情報は以下のとおりです。

::*> date show -fields date
  (cluster date show)
node                      date
------------------------- -------------------------
FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-01 1/22/2024 07:32:12 +00:00
FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-02 1/22/2024 07:32:12 +00:00
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 00:58:19 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 0B           0%              0B             219.0MB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   64GB 15.79GB   64GB            60.80GB 45.01GB 74%          0B                 0%                         0B                  48.21GB       75%                   45.01GB      74%                  - 219.0MB             0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           48.21GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            48.28GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   69.23MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 48.59GB       5%

      Footprint Data Reduction                        46.20GB       5%
           Auto Adaptive Compression                  46.20GB       5%
      Effective Total Footprint                        2.39GB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 48.21GB
                               Total Physical Used: 9.83GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 4.90:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 6.12MB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 1.37GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 6.12MB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1.37GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.42GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 10.18GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 4.76:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 219.3MB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.72GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 6.12MB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 6.12MB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 55.77GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 9.83GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 45.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 5.67:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 48.20GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 48.00GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used,sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     848.0GB   861.8GB 13.77GB  12.54GB       1%                    45.94GB                     77%                                 2.06GB               0B                           45.94GB         77%                     2.06GB           -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             49.60GB         5%
      Aggregate Metadata                            10.11GB         1%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    59.13GB         7%

      Total Physical Used                           12.54GB         1%

      Total Provisioned Space                          65GB         7%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2024-01-22_0654                   48.00GB    75%  100%

Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copiesは特に変わりありませんが、Total Physical Usedphysical-usedは先ほどの検証と同様に約35GB以上減少しています。


Snapshot取得後にファイルを削除してからInactive data compression実行後のストレージの物理使用量とStorageEfficiencySavingsのメトリクス

Inactive data compressionを実行したタイミングでストレージの物理使用量が減っていますが、データ削減量は全く変わっていません。謎です。




::*> snapshot restore -vserver svm -volume vol1 -snapshot test.2024-01-22_0654

Warning: Quota rules currently enforced on volume "vol1" might change during this operation. If the currently enforced quota rules are different from those in Snapshot copy "test.2024-01-22_0654", you
         might have to resize or reinitialize quotas on this volume after this operation.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Warning: Export policies currently enforced on the qtrees of volume "vol1" will not change during this operation. If the currently enforced export policies are different from those in Snapshot copy
         "test.2024-01-22_0654", reassign the export policies of the qtrees on this volume after this operation.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y


$ ls -lh /mnt/fsxn/vol1/
total 49G
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 48G Jan 22 06:49 1KB_random_pattern_text_block_48GiB

$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                                                  Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-073883c3dde85c8e0.fs-0451902d5d3fc71e2.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1                                nfs4   61G   49G   13G  80% /mnt/fsxn/vol1
svm-073883c3dde85c8e0.fs-0451902d5d3fc71e2.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1/.snapshot/test.2024-01-22_0654 nfs4  3.3G  194M  3.1G   6% /mnt/fsxn/vol1/.snapshot/test.2024-01-22_0654


Storage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotの情報は以下のとおりです。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state    progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Disabled Idle for 01:11:00 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 0B           0%              0B             48.21GB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size,dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   64GB 12.59GB   64GB            60.80GB 48.21GB 79%          0B                 0%                         0B                  48.40GB       76%                   48.21GB      79%        -                 48.21GB             0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           48.40GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            48.45GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   53.50MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 48.76GB       5%

      Footprint Data Reduction                        46.36GB       5%
           Auto Adaptive Compression                  46.36GB       5%
      Effective Total Footprint                        2.40GB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 96.19GB
                               Total Physical Used: 10.00GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.62:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 47.98GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 9.97GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 4.81:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 47.98GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 9.97GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 4.81:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 96.41GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 10.37GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 9.30:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.21GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 10.33GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 4.67:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 47.98GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 47.98GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 55.94GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 10.00GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 45.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 5.59:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 48.20GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 193.8MB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 254.69:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 254.69:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-savedsis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     847.8GB   861.8GB 14.00GB  12.77GB       1%                    45.94GB                     77%                                 2.06GB               0B                           45.94GB77%                     2.06GB           -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             49.77GB         5%
      Aggregate Metadata                            10.16GB         1%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    59.35GB         7%

      Total Physical Used                           12.77GB         1%

      Total Provisioned Space                          65GB         7%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2024-01-22_0654                   193.7MB     0%    0%

Physical Size Used by Snapshot CopiesとSnapshotのサイズがどちらも193.8MBと小さくなりましたね。







$ sudo rm /mnt/fsxn/vol1/1KB_random_pattern_text_block_48GiB

$ ls -lh /mnt/fsxn/vol1/.
total 0

$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                                                  Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-073883c3dde85c8e0.fs-0451902d5d3fc71e2.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1                                nfs4   61G   49G   13G  80% /mnt/fsxn/vol1
svm-073883c3dde85c8e0.fs-0451902d5d3fc71e2.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1/.snapshot/test.2024-01-22_0654 nfs4  3.3G  3.3G     0 100% /mnt/fsxn/vol1/.snapshot/test.2024-01-22_0654

ファイル削除後のStorage Efficiency、ボリューム、aggregate、Snapshotの情報は以下のとおりです。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state    progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Disabled Idle for 01:22:28 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 Mon Jan 22 06:33:53 2024 0B           0%              0B             16.91MB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size,dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   64GB 15.79GB   64GB            60.80GB 45.01GB 74%          0B                 0%                         0B                  48.21GB       75%                   45.01GB      74%        -                 21.59MB             0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           48.21GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            48.48GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   274.8MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 48.79GB       5%

      Footprint Data Reduction                        46.39GB       5%
           Auto Adaptive Compression                  46.39GB       5%
      Effective Total Footprint                        2.40GB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0451902d5d3fc71e2-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 48.00GB
                               Total Physical Used: 10.00GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 4.80:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 48.00GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 1.38GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 34.68:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 48.00GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1.38GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 34.68:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.22GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 10.36GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 4.65:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 17.23MB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.75GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 17.23MB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 17.23MB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 55.93GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 10.00GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 45.94GB
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 5.59:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 48.20GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 48.19GB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-savedsis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     847.7GB   861.8GB 14.06GB  12.84GB       1%                    45.94GB                     77%                                 2.06GB               0B                           45.94GB77%                     2.06GB           -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             49.80GB         5%
      Aggregate Metadata                            10.20GB         1%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    59.42GB         7%

      Total Physical Used                           12.84GB         1%

      Total Provisioned Space                          65GB         7%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.

::*> snapshot show -volume vol1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      vol1
                  test.2024-01-22_0654                   48.19GB    75%  100%

Physical Size Used by Snapshot CopiesとSnapshotのサイズがどちらも48.19Gと大きくなりましたね。





SnapshotはInactive data compressionを実行する際の障壁にならない

Snapshot取得後にInactive data compressionを実行しても物理使用量が減少することを確認しました。

SnapshotがInactive data compressionを実行する際の障壁にならないことが分かって安心しました。

Inactive data compressionを実行したことによるパフォーマンスへの影響が少ないワークロードではInactive data compressionを有効にして運用したいですね。


以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!

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