![[AWS CDK] S3 Bucket class には、バケット削除時にオブジェクト自動削除もしてくれるオプション autoDeleteObjects がある!](https://devio2023-media.developers.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/amazon-s3.png)
[AWS CDK] S3 Bucket class には、バケット削除時にオブジェクト自動削除もしてくれるオプション autoDeleteObjects がある!
こんにちは、CX事業本部 Delivery部の若槻です。
最近、AWS CDK の S3 Bucket class にautoDeleteObjects
この画期的なオプションを早速(※と言いつつ 2021 年から既に実装されていたようです)試してみました。
S3 Bucket コンストラクトで autoDeleteObjects を有効にします。その際に removalPolicy はDESTROY
import { aws_s3, RemovalPolicy, Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; export class CdkSampleStack extends Stack { public readonly myFileObjectKey: string; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); new aws_s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', { bucketName: `my-bucket-${this.account}-${this.region}`, removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, autoDeleteObjects: true, }); } }
touch test.txt aws s3 cp test.txt s3://${bucketName}/test.txt
S3 Bucket のコンストラクト定義の記述を削除して、デプロイします。
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // new aws_s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', { // bucketName: `my-bucket-${this.account}-${this.region}`, // removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, // autoDeleteObjects: true, // }); }
$ cdk deploy Synthesis time: 3.88s CdkSampleStack: deploying... [1/1] CdkSampleStack: creating CloudFormation changeset... CdkSampleStack Deployment time: 33.03s Stack ARN: arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:stack/CdkSampleStack/e68b6900-f01c-11ed-8538-06bbc29e5367 Total time: 36.91s
autoDeleteObjects による削除の仕組み
というカスタムリソースが追加されています。このカスタムリソースは Lambda 関数と IAM Role から成っています。
Lambda 関数の内容を見てみます。
'use strict'; var C = Object.create, c = Object.defineProperty, f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, w = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, A = Object.getPrototypeOf, P = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, L = (t, e) => { for (var s in e) c(t, s, { get: e[s], enumerable: !0 }); }, d = (t, e, s, r) => { if ((e && typeof e == 'object') || typeof e == 'function') for (let o of w(e)) !P.call(t, o) && o !== s && c(t, o, { get: () => e[o], enumerable: !(r = f(e, o)) || r.enumerable, }); return t; }, l = (t, e, s) => ( (s = t != null ? C(A(t)) : {}), d( e || !t || !t.__esModule ? c(s, 'default', { value: t, enumerable: !0 }) : s, t ) ), k = (t) => d(c({}, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), t), _ = {}; L(_, { autoDeleteHandler: () => g, handler: () => O }), (module.exports = k(_)); var h = require('@aws-sdk/client-s3'), m = l(require('https')), R = l(require('url')), a = { sendHttpRequest: T, log: B, includeStackTraces: !0, userHandlerIndex: './index', }, p = 'AWSCDK::CustomResourceProviderFramework::CREATE_FAILED', D = 'AWSCDK::CustomResourceProviderFramework::MISSING_PHYSICAL_ID'; function y(t) { return async (e, s) => { let r = { ...e, ResponseURL: '...' }; if ( (a.log(JSON.stringify(r, void 0, 2)), e.RequestType === 'Delete' && e.PhysicalResourceId === p) ) { a.log('ignoring DELETE event caused by a failed CREATE event'), await i('SUCCESS', e); return; } try { let o = await t(r, s), n = b(e, o); await i('SUCCESS', n); } catch (o) { let n = { ...e, Reason: a.includeStackTraces ? o.stack : o.message }; n.PhysicalResourceId || (e.RequestType === 'Create' ? (a.log( 'CREATE failed, responding with a marker physical resource id so that the subsequent DELETE will be ignored' ), (n.PhysicalResourceId = p)) : a.log( `ERROR: Malformed event. "PhysicalResourceId" is required: ${JSON.stringify( e )}` )), await i('FAILED', n); } }; } function b(t, e = {}) { let s = e.PhysicalResourceId ?? t.PhysicalResourceId ?? t.RequestId; if (t.RequestType === 'Delete' && s !== t.PhysicalResourceId) throw new Error( `DELETE: cannot change the physical resource ID from "${t.PhysicalResourceId}" to "${e.PhysicalResourceId}" during deletion` ); return { ...t, ...e, PhysicalResourceId: s }; } async function i(t, e) { let s = { Status: t, Reason: e.Reason ?? t, StackId: e.StackId, RequestId: e.RequestId, PhysicalResourceId: e.PhysicalResourceId || D, LogicalResourceId: e.LogicalResourceId, NoEcho: e.NoEcho, Data: e.Data, }; a.log('submit response to cloudformation', s); let r = JSON.stringify(s), o = R.parse(e.ResponseURL), n = { hostname: o.hostname, path: o.path, method: 'PUT', headers: { 'content-type': '', 'content-length': Buffer.byteLength(r, 'utf8'), }, }; await x({ attempts: 5, sleep: 1e3 }, a.sendHttpRequest)(n, r); } async function T(t, e) { return new Promise((s, r) => { try { let o = m.request(t, (n) => s()); o.on('error', r), o.write(e), o.end(); } catch (o) { r(o); } }); } function B(t, ...e) { console.log(t, ...e); } function x(t, e) { return async (...s) => { let r = t.attempts, o = t.sleep; for (;;) try { return await e(...s); } catch (n) { if (r-- <= 0) throw n; await H(Math.floor(Math.random() * o)), (o *= 2); } }; } async function H(t) { return new Promise((e) => setTimeout(e, t)); } var E = 'aws-cdk:auto-delete-objects', u = new h.S3({}), O = y(g); async function g(t) { switch (t.RequestType) { case 'Create': return; case 'Update': return F(t); case 'Delete': return S(t.ResourceProperties?.BucketName); } } async function F(t) { let e = t, s = e.OldResourceProperties?.BucketName, r = e.ResourceProperties?.BucketName; if (r != null && s != null && r !== s) return S(s); } async function I(t) { let e = await u.listObjectVersions({ Bucket: t }), s = [...(e.Versions ?? []), ...(e.DeleteMarkers ?? [])]; if (s.length === 0) return; let r = s.map((o) => ({ Key: o.Key, VersionId: o.VersionId })); await u.deleteObjects({ Bucket: t, Delete: { Objects: r } }), e?.IsTruncated && (await I(t)); } async function S(t) { if (!t) throw new Error('No BucketName was provided.'); if (!(await N(t))) { process.stdout.write(`Bucket does not have '${E}' tag, skipping cleaning. `); return; } try { await I(t); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'NoSuchBucket') throw e; } } async function N(t) { return (await u.getBucketTagging({ Bucket: t })).TagSet?.some( (s) => s.Key === E && s.Value === 'true' ); }
ここで試しに autoDeleteObjects を有効にしたバケットを2つ作成します。
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); new aws_s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', { bucketName: `my-bucket-${this.account}-${this.region}`, removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, autoDeleteObjects: true, }); new aws_s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket2', { bucketName: `my-bucket-2-${this.account}-${this.region}`, removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, autoDeleteObjects: true, }); }
CDK デプロイすると、バケット2つに対してカスタムリソースは1つのみしか作成されていません。同じスタック内で削除用 Lambda 関数を共有するようです。
autoDeleteObjects オプションはいつから実装されていた?
autoDeleteObjects オプションは 2021/10 にv1.126.0
そんなことをついぞ知らずに 2022 年に次のような記事を書いたりしていました。
AWS CDK の S3 Bucket class のautoDeleteObjects