Deploying a React Application in a Few Minutes Using AWS Amplify
Hemanth of Alliance Department here. In this blog, I tried Deploying a React Application in a Few Minutes Using AWS Amplify.
AWS Amplify
A JavaScript library designed for frontend and mobile developers that are used in creating cloud-enabled applications. It provides a declarative and simple interface for various cloud functions such as authentication, data, storage, hosting, and more. AWS Amplify also includes a graphical user interface called Amplify Studio, which enables developers to quickly construct and deploy a full-stack project, including frontend UI and backend.
A user interface library for JavaScript. It enables the creation of reusable and interactive components. React can be used to make a complicated web app2 or to add some dynamic elements to a straightforward HTML page.
creating a react app
checking in localhost using npm start
Making changes in the code, for example changing the background color to yellow from pink
Now creating the production build using npm run build
Go to AWS Amplify and click on get started
In Amplify Hosting click on get started
Click on "Deploy without Git provider" and click on continue
Give an app name, drag and drop the above created build folder and click on save and deploy
checking the domain
The application has been successfully deployed
Hope with this you get an idea of how to deploy a React Application in a Few Minutes Using AWS Amplify. Thank you for seeing the blog till the end.