ECS-Optimized Bottlerocket AMIでECS環境を構築する
中山(順)@リカバリー中 です。
最近全くインプットができてなかったので、リハビリを兼ねて少し前に一般提供を開始した"ECS-Optimized" Bottlerocket AMIを利用してECS環境を構築したいと思います。
The Bottlerocket AMI for Amazon ECS is now Generally Available
bottlerocket-os / bottlerocket
なお、ECS-Optimized Bottlerocket AMIにはいくつかの制約がありますのでご注意ください。
Using Bottlerocket with Amazon ECS
ECS ExecやFireLens in task definitionsは早めにサポートしてくれるとうれしいなーと思いました。
ブログリハビリも兼ねて、ECSクラスターを作成するところからやっていこうと思います。 手順はこちらのドキュメントを参考にしています。
Using a Bottlerocket AMI with Amazon ECS
$ aws ecs create-cluster \ --cluster-name bottlerocket
{ "cluster": { "clusterArn": "arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:cluster/bottlerocket", "clusterName": "bottlerocket", "status": "ACTIVE", "registeredContainerInstancesCount": 0, "runningTasksCount": 0, "pendingTasksCount": 0, "activeServicesCount": 0, "statistics": [], "tags": [], "settings": [ { "name": "containerInsights", "value": "disabled" } ], "capacityProviders": [], "defaultCapacityProviderStrategy": [] } }
ECS-Optimized BottlerocketのAMI IDは、パブリックパラメーターストアで確認できます。
$ aws ssm get-parameter \ --name "/aws/service/bottlerocket/aws-ecs-1/x86_64/latest/image_id" \ --query Parameter.Value \ --output text
IAM Role(Instance Profile)の作成
以下のAWS管理ポリシーをアタッチしたIAM Roleを作成します。
ROLE_NAME="bottlerocket" TRUST_POLICY_FILE_NAME='Trust-Policy.json' cat << EOF > ${TRUST_POLICY_FILE_NAME} { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } EOF aws iam create-role \ --role-name ${ROLE_NAME} \ --assume-role-policy-document file://${TRUST_POLICY_FILE_NAME}
{ "Role": { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "bottlerocket", "RoleId": "AROAXS3RGICAZ3NHYSBQW", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/bottlerocket", "CreateDate": "2021-08-03T06:42:50+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } } }
今回は、"AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" および "AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role" の2つのAWS管理ポリシーをアタッチします。
aws iam attach-role-policy \ --role-name ${ROLE_NAME} \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore aws iam attach-role-policy \ --role-name ${ROLE_NAME} \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role aws iam list-attached-role-policies \ --role-name ${ROLE_NAME}
{ "AttachedPolicies": [ { "PolicyName": "AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" }, { "PolicyName": "AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role" } ] }
最後に、Instance ProfileにIAM Roleを追加します。
INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME="bottlerocket" aws iam create-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name ${INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME}
{ "InstanceProfile": { "Path": "/", "InstanceProfileName": "bottlerocket", "InstanceProfileId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:instance-profile/bottlerocket", "CreateDate": "2021-08-03T06:47:36+00:00", "Roles": [] } }
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name ${INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME} \ --role-name ${ROLE_NAME} aws iam get-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name ${INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME}
{ "InstanceProfile": { "Path": "/", "InstanceProfileName": "bottlerocket", "InstanceProfileId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:instance-profile/bottlerocket", "CreateDate": "2021-08-03T06:47:36+00:00", "Roles": [ { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "bottlerocket", "RoleId": "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/bottlerocket", "CreateDate": "2021-08-03T06:42:50+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } } ], "Tags": [] } }
今回はデフォルトVPCにEC2インスタンスを作成します。 EC2インスタンスの作成前に、Subnet IDを確認します。
aws ec2 describe-subnets \ --filter=Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0e3f6fef1f710c869 | jq '.Subnets[] | {id: .SubnetId, public: .MapPublicIpOnLaunch, az: .AvailabilityZone}'
{ "id": "subnet-03267eb84db1ec870", "public": true, "az": "ap-northeast-1c" } { "id": "subnet-0b33c6ab5dbe1dda5", "public": true, "az": "ap-northeast-1d" } { "id": "subnet-09166ccaa28459f22", "public": true, "az": "ap-northeast-1a" }
USERDATA_FILE_NAME="userdata.toml" cat << EOF > ${USERDATA_FILE_NAME} [settings.ecs] cluster = "bottlerocket" EOF
aws ec2 run-instances --key-name KEY_NAME \ --subnet-id subnet-09166ccaa28459f22 \ --image-id ami-0ab6964c3c85fe239 \ --instance-type c5.large \ --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=bottlerocket,Value=quickstart}]' \ --user-data file://${USERDATA_FILE_NAME} \ --iam-instance-profile Name=${INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME}
{ "Groups": [], "Instances": [ { "AmiLaunchIndex": 0, "ImageId": "ami-0ab6964c3c85fe239", "InstanceId": "i-088ec897a0f2a6b69", "InstanceType": "c5.large", "KeyName": "KEY_NAME", "LaunchTime": "2021-08-03T06:58:11+00:00", "Monitoring": { "State": "disabled" }, "Placement": { "AvailabilityZone": "ap-northeast-1a", "GroupName": "", "Tenancy": "default" }, "PrivateDnsName": "ip-172-31-33-39.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal", "PrivateIpAddress": "", "ProductCodes": [], "PublicDnsName": "", "State": { "Code": 0, "Name": "pending" }, "StateTransitionReason": "", "SubnetId": "subnet-09166ccaa28459f22", "VpcId": "vpc-0e3f6fef1f710c869", "Architecture": "x86_64", "BlockDeviceMappings": [], "ClientToken": "35b1d3a0-3d16-4e75-a245-aa6e83d3470f", "EbsOptimized": false, "EnaSupport": true, "Hypervisor": "xen", "IamInstanceProfile": { "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:instance-profile/bottlerocket", "Id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" }, "NetworkInterfaces": [ { "Attachment": { "AttachTime": "2021-08-03T06:58:11+00:00", "AttachmentId": "eni-attach-030812e77c1b4fb0b", "DeleteOnTermination": true, "DeviceIndex": 0, "Status": "attaching", "NetworkCardIndex": 0 }, "Description": "", "Groups": [ { "GroupName": "default", "GroupId": "sg-0db2403949c9bdd77" } ], "Ipv6Addresses": [], "MacAddress": "06:fd:88:65:6b:09", "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-0b91581dc6e3e018f", "OwnerId": "xxxxxxxxxxxx", "PrivateDnsName": "ip-172-31-33-39.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal", "PrivateIpAddress": "", "PrivateIpAddresses": [ { "Primary": true, "PrivateDnsName": "ip-172-31-33-39.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal", "PrivateIpAddress": "" } ], "SourceDestCheck": true, "Status": "in-use", "SubnetId": "subnet-09166ccaa28459f22", "VpcId": "vpc-0e3f6fef1f710c869", "InterfaceType": "interface" } ], "RootDeviceName": "/dev/xvda", "RootDeviceType": "ebs", "SecurityGroups": [ { "GroupName": "default", "GroupId": "sg-0db2403949c9bdd77" } ], "SourceDestCheck": true, "StateReason": { "Code": "pending", "Message": "pending" }, "Tags": [ { "Key": "bottlerocket", "Value": "quickstart" } ], "VirtualizationType": "hvm", "CpuOptions": { "CoreCount": 1, "ThreadsPerCore": 2 }, "CapacityReservationSpecification": { "CapacityReservationPreference": "open" }, "MetadataOptions": { "State": "pending", "HttpTokens": "optional", "HttpPutResponseHopLimit": 1, "HttpEndpoint": "enabled" }, "EnclaveOptions": { "Enabled": false } } ], "OwnerId": "xxxxxxxxxxxx", "ReservationId": "r-05c91827dbb4c969d" }
aws ecs list-container-instances \ --cluster bottlerocket
{ "containerInstanceArns": [ "arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:container-instance/bottlerocket/3ffe04bcf4294918adbadfd656db927f" ] }
aws ecs describe-container-instances \ --cluster bottlerocket \ --container-instances 3ffe04bcf4294918adbadfd656db927f
{ "containerInstances": [ { "containerInstanceArn": "arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:container-instance/bottlerocket/3ffe04bcf4294918adbadfd656db927f", "ec2InstanceId": "i-088ec897a0f2a6b69", "version": 3, "versionInfo": { "agentVersion": "1.53.0", "agentHash": "225bc3a5", "dockerVersion": "DockerVersion: 20.10.4" }, "remainingResources": [ { "name": "CPU", "type": "INTEGER", "doubleValue": 0.0, "longValue": 0, "integerValue": 2048 }, { "name": "MEMORY", "type": "INTEGER", "doubleValue": 0.0, "longValue": 0, "integerValue": 3679 }, { "name": "PORTS", "type": "STRINGSET", "doubleValue": 0.0, "longValue": 0, "integerValue": 0, "stringSetValue": [ "22", "2376", "2375", "51678", "51679" ] }, { "name": "PORTS_UDP", "type": "STRINGSET", "doubleValue": 0.0, "longValue": 0, "integerValue": 0, "stringSetValue": [] } ], "registeredResources": [ { "name": "CPU", "type": "INTEGER", "doubleValue": 0.0, "longValue": 0, "integerValue": 2048 }, { "name": "MEMORY", "type": "INTEGER", "doubleValue": 0.0, "longValue": 0, "integerValue": 3679 }, { "name": "PORTS", "type": "STRINGSET", "doubleValue": 0.0, "longValue": 0, "integerValue": 0, "stringSetValue": [ "22", "2376", "2375", "51678", "51679" ] }, { "name": "PORTS_UDP", "type": "STRINGSET", "doubleValue": 0.0, "longValue": 0, "integerValue": 0, "stringSetValue": [] } ], "status": "ACTIVE", "agentConnected": true, "runningTasksCount": 0, "pendingTasksCount": 0, "attributes": [ { "name": "ecs.capability.secrets.asm.environment-variables" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.branch-cni-plugin-version", "value": "a21d3a41-1.2" }, { "name": "ecs.ami-id", "value": "ami-0ab6964c3c85fe239" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.secrets.asm.bootstrap.log-driver" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.logging-driver.none" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.ecr-endpoint" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.docker-plugin.local" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.task-cpu-mem-limit" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.secrets.ssm.bootstrap.log-driver" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.30" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.full-sync" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.31" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.32" }, { "name": "ecs.availability-zone", "value": "ap-northeast-1a" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.logging-driver.awslogs" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.selinux" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.24" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.task-eni-trunking" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.25" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.26" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.27" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.28" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.29" }, { "name": "ecs.cpu-architecture", "value": "x86_64" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.ecr-auth" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.20" }, { "name": "ecs.os-type", "value": "linux" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.21" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.22" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.23" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.private-registry-authentication.secretsmanager" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.logging-driver.json-file" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.execution-role-awslogs" }, { "name": "ecs.vpc-id", "value": "vpc-0e3f6fef1f710c869" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.17" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.18" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.19" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.task-eni" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.efs" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.execution-role-ecr-pull" }, { "name": "bottlerocket.variant", "value": "aws-ecs-1" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.task-eni.ipv6" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.container-health-check" }, { "name": "ecs.subnet-id", "value": "subnet-09166ccaa28459f22" }, { "name": "ecs.instance-type", "value": "c5.large" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.task-iam-role-network-host" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.container-ordering" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.cni-plugin-version", "value": "55b2ae77-2020.09.0" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.env-files.s3" }, { "name": "ecs.capability.secrets.ssm.environment-variables" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.task-iam-role" } ], "registeredAt": "2021-08-03T06:58:53.950000+00:00", "attachments": [], "tags": [] } ], "failures": [] }
Session Managerで中をのぞく
なお、Bottlerocketではsshdは利用できず、管理はControll Container(必要に応じてAdmin Container)経由で行います。 Controll ContainerにSession Managerでアクセスできます。
Welcome to Bottlerocket's control container! This container gives you access to the Bottlerocket API, which in turn lets you inspect and configure the system. You'll probably want to use the `apiclient` tool for that; for example, to inspect the system: apiclient -u /settings You can run `apiclient --help` for usage details, and check the main Bottlerocket documentation for descriptions of all settings and examples of changing them. If you need to debug the system further, you can enable the admin container. This enables SSH access to the system using the key you specified when you launched the instance. This environment has more debugging tools installed, and allows you to get root access to the host. To enable the admin container, run: enable-admin-container [ssm-user@ip-172-31-33-39 /]$
$ apiclient --help
Usage: apiclient [SUBCOMMAND] [OPTION]... Global options: -s, --socket-path PATH Override the server socket path. Default: /run/api.sock --log-level Desired amount of output; trace|debug|info|warn|error -v, --verbose Sets log level to 'debug'. This prints extra info, like HTTP status code to stderr in 'raw' mode. Subcommands: raw Makes an HTTP request and prints the response on stdout. 'raw' is the default subcommand and may be omitted. apply Applies settings from TOML/JSON files at given URIs, or from stdin. set Changes settings and applies them to the system. update check Prints information about available updates. update apply Applies available updates. update cancel Deactivates an applied update. reboot Reboots the host. raw options: -u, --uri URI Required; URI to request from the server, e.g. /tx -m, -X, --method METHOD HTTP method to use in request. Default: GET -d, --data DATA Data to include in the request body. Default: empty apply options: [ URI ...] The list of URIs to TOML or JSON settings files that you want to apply to the system. If no URI is specified, or if "-" is given, reads from stdin. reboot options: None. set options: KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...] The settings you want to set. For example: settings.motd="hi there" settings.ecs.cluster=example The "settings." prefix is optional. Settings with dots in the name require nested quotes: 'kubernetes.node-labels."my.label"=hello' -j, --json JSON Alternatively, you can specify settings in JSON format, which can simplify setting multiple values, and is necessary for some numeric settings. For example: -j '{"kernel": {"sysctl": {"vm.max_map_count": "262144"}}}' update check options: None. update apply options: -c, --check Automatically `update check` and apply whatever is found. -r, --reboot Automatically reboot if an update was found and applied. update cancel options: None.
apiclient -u /
{ "settings": { "motd": "Welcome to Bottlerocket!", "updates": { "metadata-base-url": "", "targets-base-url": "", "seed": 728, "version-lock": "latest", "ignore-waves": false }, "host-containers": { "control": { "source": "", "enabled": true, "superpowered": false }, "admin": { "source": "", "enabled": false, "superpowered": true, "user-data": "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" } }, "ntp": { "time-servers": [ "", "" ] }, "kernel": { "lockdown": "integrity" }, "aws": { "region": "ap-northeast-1" }, "ecs": { "cluster": "bottlerocket", "allow-privileged-containers": false, "logging-drivers": [ "json-file", "awslogs", "none" ], "loglevel": "info" }, "metrics": { "metrics-url": "", "send-metrics": true, "service-checks": [ "apiserver", "chronyd", "containerd", "host-containerd", "docker", "ecs" ] } }, "services": { "metricdog": { "configuration-files": [ "metricdog-toml", "proxy-env" ], "restart-commands": [ "/bin/systemctl try-restart metricdog.service" ] }, "ntp": { "configuration-files": [ "chrony-conf" ], "restart-commands": [ "/bin/systemctl try-reload-or-restart chronyd.service" ] }, "updog": { "configuration-files": [ "updog-toml" ], "restart-commands": [] }, "ecs": { "configuration-files": [ "ecs-config" ], "restart-commands": [ "/usr/bin/ecs-settings-applier", "/bin/systemctl try-reload-or-restart ecs.service" ] }, "bootstrap-containers": { "configuration-files": [], "restart-commands": [ "/usr/bin/bootstrap-containers create-containers" ] }, "docker": { "configuration-files": [ "proxy-env" ], "restart-commands": [ "/bin/systemctl try-restart docker.service" ] }, "host-containers": { "configuration-files": [], "restart-commands": [ "/usr/bin/host-containers" ] }, "motd": { "configuration-files": [ "motd" ], "restart-commands": [] }, "containerd": { "configuration-files": [ "containerd-config-toml", "proxy-env" ], "restart-commands": [ "/bin/systemctl try-restart containerd.service" ] }, "sysctl": { "configuration-files": [], "restart-commands": [ "/usr/bin/corndog sysctl" ] }, "lockdown": { "configuration-files": [], "restart-commands": [ "/usr/bin/corndog lockdown" ] }, "host-containerd": { "configuration-files": [ "proxy-env" ], "restart-commands": [ "/bin/systemctl try-restart host-containerd.service" ] } }, "configuration-files": { "motd": { "path": "/etc/motd", "template-path": "/usr/share/templates/motd" }, "containerd-config-toml": { "path": "/etc/containerd/config.toml", "template-path": "/usr/share/templates/containerd-config-toml_basic" }, "chrony-conf": { "path": "/etc/chrony.conf", "template-path": "/usr/share/templates/chrony-conf" }, "proxy-env": { "path": "/etc/network/proxy.env", "template-path": "/usr/share/templates/proxy-env" }, "ecs-config": { "path": "/etc/ecs/ecs.config", "template-path": "/usr/share/templates/ecs.config" }, "updog-toml": { "path": "/etc/updog.toml", "template-path": "/usr/share/templates/updog-toml" }, "metricdog-toml": { "path": "/etc/metricdog.toml", "template-path": "/usr/share/templates/metricdog-toml" } }, "os": { "pretty_name": "Bottlerocket OS 1.1.4", "variant_id": "aws-ecs-1", "version_id": "1.1.4", "build_id": "f5239c49", "arch": "x86_64" } }
管理方法の違いや機能上の制約には注意する必要がありますが、ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux AMIと比較してBottlerocketにはセキュリティなどのアドバンテージがあります。 既存のECS on EC2環境の構成次第(制約を受容可能か)では比較的簡単に移行することも可能だと思いますので、セキュリティを重視している方は検証してみてはいかがでしょうか?