[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] ボリュームのバックアップからTiering Policy Allでリストアする際にバックグラウンドでキャパシティプールストレージに階層化されるようになりました

[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] ボリュームのバックアップからTiering Policy Allでリストアする際にバックグラウンドでキャパシティプールストレージに階層化されるようになりました

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPのバックアップの使い勝手が改善されました
Clock Icon2024.04.06



皆さんはAmazon FSx for ONTAP(以降FSxN)のボリュームのバックアップ運用難しすぎないか?と思ったことはありますか? 私はあります。

以下記事で紹介しているように、FSxNファイルシステムに書き込む場合は一度SSDに書き込まれます。これはリストアする際も同じで、ボリュームのTiering PolicyがAllであっても、必ずSSDに書き込まれます。



When restoring a backup, all the data is first written to the SSD storage tier before the service begins tiering data to the capacity pool storage according to the tiering policy you set for the restored volume. When restoring a backup to a volume with a tiering policy of All, a periodic background process tiers the data to the capacity pool. When restoring a backup to a volume with a tiering policy of Snapshot Only or Auto, data is tiered to the capacity pool if the SSD utilization for the file system is greater than 50%, and the cooling rate is determined by the tiering policy’s cooling period.


バックアップをリストアする場合、サービスがリストアされたボリュームに設定した階層化ポリシーに従って容量プール ストレージへのデータの階層化を開始する前に、まずすべてのデータがSSDストレージ階層に書き込まれます。ティアリング ポリシーが[すべて]のボリュームにバックアップをリストアする場合、定期的なバックグラウンド プロセスによってデータが容量プールにティアリングされます。階層化ポリシーが[スナップショットのみ]または[自動]のボリュームにバックアップをリストアする場合、ファイルシステムのSSD使用率が50%を超えるとデータは容量プールに階層化され、冷却率は階層化ポリシーの冷却期間によって決定されます。

Working with backups - FSx for ONTAP




  • バックアップからリストアする際にバックグラウンドでキャパシティプールストレージに階層化するうになった
    • ただし、Tiering Policy Allであっても、SSDに一切書き込まれないという代物ではない
  • バックアップからリストアしたボリュームのTiering PolicyをAllにする場合、圧縮を維持できない

やってみた (Tiering Policy All)



その前にボリューム、aggregate、Storage Efficiencyの状態を確認しておきましょう。Tiering PolicyはNoneでStorge Efficiencyは有効にしています。

::> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 05:42:46 Fri Apr 05 03:22:01 2024 Fri Apr 05 03:22:01 2024 0B           0%              0B             332KB

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               true          true            true                              true                            false

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used  percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ----- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   1TB  860.6GB   1TB             972.8GB 332KB 0%           0B                 0%                         0B                  332KB         0%                    332KB        0%                   -                 332KB        none           0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                             332KB       0%
             Footprint in Performance Tier             2.56MB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        107.5MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                    2.23MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 110.0MB       0%

      Effective Total Footprint                       110.0MB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0688be2e5dfd7fa05-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 2.87MB
                               Total Physical Used: 1.26MB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 2.27:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 312KB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 460KB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 312KB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 460KB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 3.44MB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 64.45MB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.00:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 900KB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 63.63MB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.00:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 312KB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 312KB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 0B
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 0B
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.00:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 1.26MB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 1.26MB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 2.56MB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 832KB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 3.15:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 3.15:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     860.6GB   861.8GB 1.18GB   773.3MB       0%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   0B                           0B             0%                      0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                              1.12GB         0%
      Aggregate Metadata                            62.68MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    46.53GB         5%

      Total Physical Used                           773.6MB         0%

      Total Provisioned Space                        1.00TB       113%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.


$ sudo mount -t nfs svm-0caab2fe778f68f06.fs-0688be2e5dfd7fa05.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 /mnt/fsxn/vol1
sh-5.2$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                   Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-0caab2fe778f68f06.fs-0688be2e5dfd7fa05.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4  973G  113G  861G  12% /mnt/fsxn/vol1

$ yes \
  $(base64 /dev/urandom -w 0 \
    | head -c 1K
  ) \
  | tr -d '\n' \
  | sudo dd of=/mnt/fsxn/vol1/1KB_random_pattern_text_block_48GiB bs=4M count=12288 iflag=fullblock
12288+0 records in
12288+0 records out
51539607552 bytes (52 GB, 48 GiB) copied, 348.388 s, 148 MB/s

$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                   Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-0caab2fe778f68f06.fs-0688be2e5dfd7fa05.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4  973G  143G  831G  15% /mnt/fsxn/vol1

書き込み後のボリューム、aggregate、Storage Efficiencyの状態は以下のとおりです。インライン重複排除により18GB物理データを削減しています。

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1 -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 05:54:12 Fri Apr 05 03:22:01 2024 Fri Apr 05 03:22:01 2024 0B           2%              298.7MB        48.49GB

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   1TB  830.1GB   1TB             972.8GB 30.37GB 3%           18.12GB            37%                        580KB               30.37GB       3%                    48.49GB      5%                   -                 48.49GB             none   0B                                  0%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           30.37GB       3%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            30.40GB     100%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore         0B       0%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   31.42MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 30.61GB       3%

      Effective Total Footprint                       30.61GB       3%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0688be2e5dfd7fa05-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 48.19GB
                               Total Physical Used: 30.07GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.60:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 30.07GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.60:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 30.07GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.60:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.50GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 30.51GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.59:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 48.49GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 30.51GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.59:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 48.19GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 30.07GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 18.12GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 18.12GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.60:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.60:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 30.07GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 30.07GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 2.56MB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 832KB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 3.15:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 3.15:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     830.1GB   861.8GB 31.70GB  31.33GB       3%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   0B                           0B              0%                      0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             31.62GB         3%
      Aggregate Metadata                            81.68MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    77.06GB         8%

      Total Physical Used                           31.33GB         3%

      Total Provisioned Space                        1.00TB       113%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -

2 entries were displayed.

Tiering PolicyをNoneからAllに変更して、データブロックをキャパシティプールに流します。ほとんどのデータがキャパシティプールデータに流れました。また、キャパシティプール上では30GBあったデータは1.34GBに圧縮されています。

::*> volume modify -volume vol1 -tiering-policy all
Volume modify successful on volume vol1 of Vserver svm.

::*> volume show -volume vol1 -fields tiering-policy
vserver volume tiering-policy
------- ------ --------------
svm     vol1   all

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           30.37GB       3%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            745.6MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      29.88GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   239.0MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 30.81GB       3%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier       28.38GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                        2.43GB       0%

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0688be2e5dfd7fa05-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 48.20GB
                               Total Physical Used: 1.85GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 26.11:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 1.84GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 26.12:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 48.19GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 1.84GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 26.12:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.16GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 999.8MB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 1.18:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.15GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 999.0MB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.18:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 48.19GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 30.07GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 18.12GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 18.12GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.60:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.60:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 1.85GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 1.85GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 2.56MB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 832KB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 3.15:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 3.15:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     859.5GB   861.8GB 2.24GB   9.32GB        1%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   1.34GB                       0B              0%                      0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                              1.95GB         0%
      Aggregate Metadata                            297.3MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    47.59GB         5%

      Total Physical Used                            9.32GB         1%

      Total Provisioned Space                        1.00TB       113%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  30.14GB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   29.99GB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                 148.0MB          -
      Space Saved by Storage Efficiency             28.79GB          -

      Total Physical Used                            1.34GB          -

2 entries were displayed.







ボリュームのリストアをします。リストアをする際にはTiering PolicyをAllにします。



::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_restored

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_restored

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           14.46GB       2%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            12.24GB      85%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                       2.23GB      15%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   12.26MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 14.68GB       2%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        1.98GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       12.70GB       1%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_restored

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_restored

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           15.56GB       2%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            13.07GB      84%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                       2.51GB      16%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   13.05MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 15.79GB       2%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        2.21GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       13.58GB       1%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_restored

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_restored

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           16.10GB       2%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            13.45GB      83%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                       2.67GB      17%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   13.46MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 16.33GB       2%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        2.35GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       13.98GB       2%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_restored

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_restored

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           22.22GB       2%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            17.49GB      79%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                       4.75GB      21%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   18.02MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 22.45GB       2%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        3.89GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       18.55GB       2%

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           30.37GB       3%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            747.1MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      29.88GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   239.5MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 30.82GB       3%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier       23.90GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                        6.91GB       1%





抜粋 : リストアしたAmazon FSx for ONTAPのボリュームのデータは必ずプライマリストレージに書き込まれる件 | DevelopersIO

SnapMirrorの転送先ボリュームのTiering PolicyがAllの場合は圧縮されるのか


::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1* -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 06:34:34 Fri Apr 05 03:22:01 2024 Fri Apr 05 03:22:01 2024 0B           2%              298.8MB        48.50GB
svm     vol1_restored
               Enabled Idle for 00:11:31 Fri Apr 05 09:44:50 2024 Fri Apr 05 09:45:04 2024 0B           0%              433.6MB        48.63GB
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1* -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               true          true            true                              true                            false
svm     vol1_restored
               Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               true          true            true                              true                            true
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   1TB  858.0GB   1TB             972.8GB 30.37GB 3%           18.12GB            37%                        580KB               30.37GB       3%                    48.50GB      5% -                 48.50GB             all            -                                   -
svm     vol1_restored
               1TB  858.0GB   1TB             1TB     44.18GB 4%           4.64GB             10%                        152KB               44.18GB       4%                    48.82GB      5% -                 48.63GB             all            -                                   -
2 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1*

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           30.37GB       3%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            747.3MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      29.88GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   239.6MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 30.82GB       3%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier       12.85GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       17.97GB       2%

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_restored

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           44.18GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            890.6MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      43.36GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   49.32MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 44.54GB       5%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier       18.64GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       25.90GB       3%
2 entries were displayed.

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0688be2e5dfd7fa05-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 193.5GB
                               Total Physical Used: 42.34GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 4.57:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 96.39GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 42.15GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 2.29:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 96.39GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 42.15GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 2.29:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 4.23GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.92GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 2.20:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 2.11GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 1.91GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.10:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 96.39GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 73.62GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 22.77GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 22.77GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.31:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.31:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 42.34GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 42.34GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 97.13GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 194.7MB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 510.89:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 510.89:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 0

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     858.0GB   861.8GB 3.79GB   13.43GB       1%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   41.42GB                      0B              0%                 0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                              3.13GB         0%
      Aggregate Metadata                            668.5MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    49.14GB         5%

      Total Physical Used                           13.43GB         1%

      Total Provisioned Space                        2.00TB       226%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  73.87GB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   73.52GB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                 363.4MB          -
      Space Saved by Storage Efficiency             32.45GB          -

      Total Physical Used                           41.42GB          -

2 entries were displayed.


SnapMirrorの転送先ボリュームのTiering PolicyがAllの場合は圧縮されるのか、それとも同様に圧縮されないのか確認してみます。

::*> snapmirror protect -path-list svm:vol1 -destination-vserver svm -policy MirrorAllSnapshots -auto-initialize true -support-tiering true -tiering-policy all
[Job 52] Job is queued: snapmirror protect for list of source endpoints beginning with "svm:vol1".

::*> snapmirror show
Source            Destination Mirror  Relationship   Total             Last
Path        Type  Path        State   Status         Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
svm:vol1    XDP  svm:vol1_dst Uninitialized
                                      Transferring   0B        true    04/05 11:21:46

::*> snapmirror show
Source            Destination Mirror  Relationship   Total             Last
Path        Type  Path        State   Status         Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
svm:vol1    XDP  svm:vol1_dst Uninitialized
                                      Transferring   2.41GB    true    04/05 11:22:06

::*> snapmirror show -fields source-path, destination-path, state, status, progress-last-updated, total-progress
source-path destination-path state         status       total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm:vol1_dst     Uninitialized Transferring 4.25GB         04/05 11:22:21

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1*

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           30.37GB       3%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            748.3MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      29.88GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   240.3MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 30.82GB       3%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier       11.95GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       18.87GB       2%

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_dst

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                            6.71GB       1%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            428.5MB       6%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                       6.29GB      94%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        107.5MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                    4.51MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                  6.82GB       1%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        2.52GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                        4.30GB       0%

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_restored

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           44.18GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            890.7MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      43.36GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   49.47MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 44.54GB       5%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier       17.34GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       27.20GB       3%
3 entries were displayed.

::*> snapmirror show -fields source-path, destination-path, state, status, progress-last-updated, total-progress
source-path destination-path state         status       total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm:vol1_dst     Uninitialized Transferring 6.17GB         04/05 11:22:37

::*> snapmirror show -fields source-path, destination-path, state, status, progress-last-updated, total-progress
source-path destination-path state         status       total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm:vol1_dst     Uninitialized Transferring 9.70GB         04/05 11:23:08

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1_dst

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_dst

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           22.88GB       3%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            509.3MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      22.40GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        190.1MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   14.19MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 23.08GB       3%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        7.39GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       15.69GB       2%

::*> snapmirror show -fields source-path, destination-path, state, status, progress-last-updated, total-progress
source-path destination-path state         status       total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------ -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm:vol1_dst     Uninitialized Transferring 23.77GB        04/05 11:25:13

::*> snapmirror show -fields source-path, destination-path, state, status, progress-last-updated, total-progress
source-path destination-path state         status     total-progress progress-last-updated
----------- ---------------- ------------- ---------- -------------- ---------------------
svm:vol1    svm:vol1_dst     Uninitialized Finalizing 30.72GB        04/05 11:26:31

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1* -fields changelog-usage, changelog-size, logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-size, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              last-op-size changelog-usage changelog-size logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ --------------- -------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 08:08:25 Fri Apr 05 03:22:01 2024 Fri Apr 05 03:22:01 2024 0B           2%              298.8MB        48.50GB
svm     vol1_dst
                       Idle for 00:00:00 -                        Fri Apr 05 11:30:26 2024 0B           0%              0B             0B
svm     vol1_restored
               Enabled Idle for 01:45:22 Fri Apr 05 09:44:50 2024 Fri Apr 05 09:45:04 2024 0B           0%              433.6MB        48.63GB
3 entries were displayed.

::*> volume efficiency show -volume vol1* -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode, inline-compression, inline-dedupe, compression, data-compaction, auto-adaptive-compression-savings, auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume, using-auto-adaptive-compression
vserver volume state   policy compression inline-compression storage-efficiency-mode inline-dedupe data-compaction auto-adaptive-compression-savings using-auto-adaptive-compression auto-adaptive-compression-existing-volume
------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               true          true            true                              true   false
svm     vol1_dst
                       -      false       true               efficient               false         true            true                              true   false
svm     vol1_restored
               Enabled auto   false       true               efficient               true          true            true                              true   true
3 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show -volume vol1* -fields available, filesystem-size, total, used, percent-used, performance-tier-inactive-user-data, performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent, size, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared,logical-used, logical-used-percent,logical-used-by-afs, logical-available, physical-used, physical-used-percent, tiering-policy
vserver volume size available filesystem-size total   used    percent-used dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared physical-used physical-used-percent logical-used logical-used-percent logical-available logical-used-by-afs tiering-policy performance-tier-inactive-user-data performance-tier-inactive-user-data-percent
------- ------ ---- --------- --------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
svm     vol1   1TB  857.0GB   1TB             972.8GB 30.37GB 3%           18.12GB            37%                        580KB               30.37GB       3%                    48.50GB      5%                   -                 48.50GB             all            -                                   -
svm     vol1_dst
                    4.06GB    36.08GB         34.27GB 30.21GB 88%          18.12GB            37%                        29.88GB             30.46GB       84%                   48.21GB      141%                 -                 48.21GB             all            -                                   -
svm     vol1_restored
               1TB  857.0GB   1TB             1TB     44.18GB 4%           4.64GB             10%                        152KB               44.18GB       4%                    48.82GB      5%                   -                 48.63GB             all            -                                   -
3 entries were displayed.

::*> volume show-footprint -volume vol1*

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           30.37GB       3%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            748.6MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      29.88GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        214.9MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   240.6MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 30.82GB       3%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        9.26GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       21.55GB       2%

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_dst

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           30.46GB       3%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            773.5MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      29.88GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        205.2MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   174.3MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 30.83GB       3%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier        9.26GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       21.57GB       2%

      Vserver : svm
      Volume  : vol1_restored

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           44.18GB       5%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            890.7MB       2%
             Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                                                      43.36GB      98%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        322.4MB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   49.47MB       0%
      File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 44.54GB       5%

      Footprint Data Reduction in capacity tier       13.44GB        -
      Effective Total Footprint                       31.10GB       3%
3 entries were displayed.

::*> aggr show-efficiency -instance

                             Name of the Aggregate: aggr1
                      Node where Aggregate Resides: FsxId0688be2e5dfd7fa05-01
Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate: 387.0GB
                               Total Physical Used: 73.28GB
                    Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 5.28:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used Without Snapshots: 144.7GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used Without Snapshots: 72.84GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio Without Snapshots: 1.99:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 144.7GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones: 72.84GB
Total Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.99:1
Total Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 8.97GB
Total Physical Used in FabricPool Performance Tier: 3.12GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Storage Efficiency Ratio: 2.87:1
Total Data Reduction Logical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 3.31GB
Total Data Reduction Physical Used without snapshots and flexclones in the FabricPool Performance Tier: 3.11GB
Total FabricPool Performance Tier Data Reduction Efficiency Ratio without snapshots and flexclones: 1.06:1
                Logical Space Used for All Volumes: 144.7GB
               Physical Space Used for All Volumes: 103.8GB
               Space Saved by Volume Deduplication: 40.89GB
Space Saved by Volume Deduplication and pattern detection: 40.89GB
                Volume Deduplication Savings ratio: 1.39:1
                 Space Saved by Volume Compression: 0B
                  Volume Compression Savings ratio: 1.00:1
      Space Saved by Inline Zero Pattern Detection: 0B
                    Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.39:1
               Logical Space Used by the Aggregate: 73.28GB
              Physical Space Used by the Aggregate: 73.28GB
           Space Saved by Aggregate Data Reduction: 0B
                 Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio: 1.00:1
              Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 242.3GB
             Physical Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 452.3MB
              Snapshot Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 548.59:1
            Logical Size Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
          Physical Sized Used by FlexClone Volumes: 0B
             FlexClone Volume Data Reduction Ratio: 1.00:1
Snapshot And FlexClone Volume Data Reduction SE Ratio: 548.59:1
                         Number of Volumes Offline: 0
                    Number of SIS Disabled Volumes: 1
         Number of SIS Change Log Disabled Volumes: 1

::*> aggr show -fields availsize, usedsize, size, physical-used, physical-used-percent, data-compaction-space-saved, data-compaction-space-saved-percent, data-compacted-count, composite-capacity-tier-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, sis-shared-count, inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
aggregate availsize size    usedsize physical-used physical-used-percent data-compaction-space-saved data-compaction-space-saved-percent data-compacted-count composite-capacity-tier-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent sis-shared-count inactive-data-reporting-start-timestamp
--------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------
aggr1     857.0GB   861.8GB 4.81GB   15.10GB       2%                    0B                          0%                                  0B                   71.56GB         0B              0%                      0B               -

::*> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                              4.09GB         0%
      Aggregate Metadata                            735.8MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    50.17GB         6%

      Total Physical Used                           15.10GB         2%

      Total Provisioned Space                        2.04TB       230%

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  104.0GB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   103.5GB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                 511.4MB          -
      Space Saved by Storage Efficiency             32.45GB          -

      Total Physical Used                           71.56GB          -

2 entries were displayed.





Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPのバックアップの使い勝手が改善されました

ボリュームのバックアップからTiering Policy Allでリストアする際にバックグラウンドでキャパシティプールストレージに階層化されるようになったアップデートを紹介しました。

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPのバックアップの使い勝手が改善されましたね。ただし、SSDを圧迫するリスクは相変わらず抱えたままです。SSDの空き容量を極力少なくしたいのであれば、SnapMirrorを使ったバックアップをお勧めします。


以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!


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