![[アップデート] Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPがONTAP 9.12.1に対応したことにより300TiBのボリュームを作成できるようになりました](https://devio2023-media.developers.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/amazon-fsx-for-netapp-ontap.png)
[アップデート] Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPがONTAP 9.12.1に対応したことにより300TiBのボリュームを作成できるようになりました
皆さんはAmazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP(以降FSxN)で100TiBよりも大きいボリュームを作成したいなと思ったことはありますか? 私はあります。
そんな折、2023年6月末から徐々にFSxNでONTAP 9.12.1が使えるようになりました。これによりONTAP 9.12.1のアップデートである300TiBのFlexVolumeを作成できるようになりました。
- FlexVolumeでも300TiBのボリュームを作成できるようになった
- 128TiBのLUNやファイルも作成可能
- ただし、無闇やたらに単一のボリュームで賄おうとすると辛くなる
- バックアップからのリストアに時間がかかる & リストア時にSSDを圧迫しやすい
- マルチFlexVolumeよりもパフォーマンスが出にくい
- ボリューム単位での設定項目や作業の調整が大変
- 適切なサイズや分類でボリュームを分割しよう
ONTAP 9.12.1のアップデート
FSxNに関係ありそうなONTAP 9.12.1のアップデート内容は以下の通りです。
- Support for larger FlexVol volumes
- Support for larger file and LUN sizes
- Enhanced consistency group functionality
- SnapLock for SnapVault support for FlexGroup volumes
- SnapLock option to set minimum retention time "unspecified" absolute retention time
- Tamperproof Snapshot copies
- System Manager support for SnapLock
- NFS extended attributes
- Disable weak encryption types for Kerberos communication
- S3 client access to NAS data
- Additional support for S3 actions
- Increase in usable aggregate space
- FlexGroup rebalancing
- SnapLock for SnapVault support for FlexGroup volumes
個人的にはSupport for larger file and LUN sizes
とIncrease in usable aggregate space
、FlexGroup rebalancing
Support for larger file and LUN sizes
The maximum file and LUN size supported in SnapMirror Synchronous configurations has increased from 16 TB to 128 TB. Both the source and destination clusters must be running ONTAP 9.12.1 P2 or later.
Increase in usable aggregate space
For All Flash FAS (AFF) and the FAS500f platforms, the WAFL reserve for aggregates greater than 30TB is reduced from 10% to 5%, resulting in increased usable space in the aggregate.
FlexGroup rebalancing
ONTAP CLIからも確認してみます。
# FSxNファイルシステムのONTAPのバージョンがONTAP 9.12.1であることを確認 ::> version NetApp Release 9.12.1P4: Tue Jun 06 20:41:34 UTC 2023 # ボリュームサイズの確認 ::> volume show Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used% --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ----- svm svm_root aggr1 online RW 1GB 972.4MB 0% svm vol1 aggr1 online RW 20MB 18.75MB 1% 2 entries were displayed.
::> volume show-footprint -volume vol1 Vserver : svm Volume : vol1 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 252KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 376KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 208KB 0% Delayed Frees 124KB 0% Total Footprint 584KB 0% ::> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 1.01GB 0% Aggregate Metadata 18.39MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 47.88GB 5% Total Used 48.90GB 5% Total Physical Used 229.8MB 0% Total Provisioned Space 1.02GB 0% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed. ::> vserver show-aggregates Available Vserver Aggregate State Size Type SnapLock Type -------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- -------------- svm aggr1 online 908.6GB ssd non-snaplock
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fsxn $ sudo mount -t nfs4 svm-082e4c3914fc50e98.fs-0a3fea624cfa58381.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 /mnt/fsxn $ df -hT Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on devtmpfs devtmpfs 462M 0 462M 0% /dev tmpfs tmpfs 470M 0 470M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs tmpfs 470M 352K 470M 1% /run tmpfs tmpfs 470M 0 470M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/nvme0n1p1 xfs 8.0G 1.7G 6.4G 21% / svm-082e4c3914fc50e98.fs-0a3fea624cfa58381.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 19M 192K 19M 1% /mnt/fsxn
19MBで認識されました。20MBではないのはSnapshot Reserve分が目減りしているためです。
ONTAP CLIからも確認します。
::> volume show Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used% --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ----- svm svm_root aggr1 online RW 1GB 972.4MB 0% svm vol1 aggr1 online RW 300TB 908.5GB 0% 2 entries were displayed. ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol1 Vserver : svm Volume : vol1 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 264KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 388KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 107.7MB 0% Delayed Frees 124KB 0% Total Footprint 108.1MB 0% ::> aggr show-space Aggregate : aggr1 Performance Tier Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Volume Footprints 1.12GB 0% Aggregate Metadata 18.95MB 0% Snapshot Reserve 47.88GB 5% Total Used 49.01GB 5% Total Physical Used 238.0MB 0% Total Provisioned Space 300.0TB 32083% Aggregate : aggr1 Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ Logical Used 0B - Logical Referenced Capacity 0B - Logical Unreferenced Capacity 0B - Total Physical Used 0B - 2 entries were displayed. ::> vserver show-aggregates Available Vserver Aggregate State Size Type SnapLock Type -------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- -------------- svm aggr1 online 908.5GB ssd non-snaplock
Flexible Volume Metadata
が208KBから107.7MBと増えていますね。その分Volume Footprints
$ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-082e4c3914fc50e98.fs-0a3fea624cfa58381.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1 nfs4 285T 285T 909G 100% /mnt/fsxn
300TiB × (1 - Snapshot Reserve 5%) = 285TiBとして認識されていますね。
ついでにONTAP 9.12.1で128TiBのLUNも作成できるようになったので、試してみます。
# 128TiBのLUNの作成 ::> lun create -path /vol/vol1/lun -size 128TB -ostype linux -space-allocation enabled Created a LUN of size 128t (140737488355328) # 128TiB以上のLUNを作成しようとしてみる ::> lun create -path /vol/vol1/lun -size 129TB -ostype linux -space-allocation enabled Error: command failed: Requested LUN size is too large. Maximum size: 128t (140737488355328) # 128TiBのLUNが作成できたことを確認 ::> lun show Vserver Path State Mapped Type Size --------- ------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- -------- svm /vol/vol1/lun online unmapped linux 128TB ::> lun show -instance Vserver Name: svm LUN Path: /vol/vol1/lun Volume Name: vol1 Qtree Name: "" LUN Name: lun LUN Size: 128TB OS Type: linux Space Reservation: enabled Serial Number: lWB0S?VCDUk- Serial Number (Hex): 6c574230533f564344556b2d Comment: Space Reservations Honored: false Space Allocation: enabled State: online LUN UUID: 3450215e-bda5-4a8e-bf0a-747ce9aaa6dd Mapped: unmapped Physical Size of Logical Block: 512B Device Legacy ID: - Device Binary ID: - Device Text ID: - Read Only: false Fenced Due to Restore: false Used Size: 0 Maximum Resize Size: 128TB Creation Time: 8/20/2023 00:42:54 Class: regular Node Hosting the LUN: FsxId0a3fea624cfa58381-01 QoS Policy Group: - QoS Adaptive Policy Group: - Caching Policy Name: - Clone: false Clone Autodelete Enabled: false Inconsistent Import: false Application: - ZRTO Volume consensus: -
::> volume show -fields is-large-size-enabled vserver volume is-large-size-enabled ------- -------- --------------------- svm svm_root false svm vol1 true 2 entries were displayed.
::> volume modify ? [ -vserver <vserver name> ] Vserver Name (default: svm) [-volume] <volume name> Volume Name [ -size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]} ] Volume Size [ -state {online|restricted|offline|force-online|force-offline|mixed} ] Volume State [ -policy <text> ] Export Policy [ -user <user name> ] User ID [ -group <group name> ] Group ID [ -security-style <security style> ] Security Style [ -unix-permissions <unix perm> ] UNIX Permissions [ -comment <text (size 0..1023)> ] Comment [ -space-nearly-full-threshold-percent <percent> ] Volume Nearly Full Threshold Percent [ -space-full-threshold-percent <percent> ] Volume Full Threshold Percent { [ -max-autosize {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]} ] Maximum Autosize [ -min-autosize {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]} ] Minimum Autosize [ -autosize-grow-threshold-percent <percent> ] Autosize Grow Threshold Percentage [ -autosize-shrink-threshold-percent <percent> ] Autosize Shrink Threshold Percentage [ -autosize-mode {off|grow|grow_shrink} ] Autosize Mode | [ -autosize-reset [true] ] } Autosize Reset [ -files <integer> ] Total Files (for user-visible data) { [ -space-slo {none|thick|semi-thick} ] Space SLO | [ -space-guarantee|-s {none|volume} ] Space Guarantee Style [ -fractional-reserve <percent> ] Fractional Reserve [ -snapdir-access {true|false} ] Snapshot Directory Access Enabled [ -percent-snapshot-space <percent> ] Space Reserved for Snapshot Copies [ -snapshot-policy <snapshot policy> ] Snapshot Policy [ -language <language_code> ] Language [ -foreground {true|false} ] Foreground Process [ -nvfail {on|off} ] NVFAIL Option [ -dr-force-nvfail {on|off} ] Force NVFAIL on MetroCluster Switchover [ -filesys-size-fixed {true|false} ] Is File System Size Fixed [ -extent-enabled {off|on|space-optimized} ] (DEPRECATED)-Extent Option [ -space-mgmt-try-first {volume_grow|snap_delete} ] Primary Space Management Strategy [ -read-realloc {off|on|space-optimized} ] Read Reallocation Option [ -sched-snap-name {create-time|ordinal} ] Naming Scheme for Automatic Snapshot Copies { [ -qos-policy-group <text> ] QoS Policy Group Name | [ -qos-adaptive-policy-group <text> ] } QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name [ -caching-policy <text> ] Caching Policy Name [ -vserver-dr-protection {protected|unprotected} ] Vserver DR Protection [ -is-space-reporting-logical {true|false} ] Logical Space Reporting [ -is-space-enforcement-logical {true|false} ] Logical Space Enforcement [ -tiering-policy <Tiering Policy> ] Volume Tiering Policy [ -tiering-object-tags <text>, ... ] Tags to be Associated with Objects Stored on a FabricPool [ -anti-ransomware-state {disabled|enabled|dry-run|paused|dry-run-paused|enable-paused|disable-in-progress} ] Anti-ransomware State [ -granular-data {disabled|enabled} ] Granular data [ -snapshot-locking-enabled {true|false} ] Enable Snapshot Copy Locking [ -is-large-size-enabled {true|false} ] Are Large Size Volumes and Files Enabled ::> volume modify -volume vol1 -is-large-size-enabled false Error: command failed: Disabling large volume size is not supported because the volume contains files larger than 16TB or the volume size is larger than 100TB.
# LUNの削除 ::> lun delete -path /vol/vol1/lun Warning: LUN "/vol/vol1/lun" in Vserver "svm" is not mapped, but it might still contain data. Are you sure you want to delete it? {y|n}: y # LUNが削除されたことを確認 ::> lun show This table is currently empty. # ボリュームサイズを99TBに変更 ::> volume modify -volume vol1 -size 99TB Volume modify successful on volume vol1 of Vserver svm. # is-large-size-enabled を false に変更 ::> volume modify -volume vol1 -is-large-size-enabled false Error: command failed: Disabling large volume size is not supported because the volume contains files larger than 16TB or the volume size is larger than 100TB.
# ボリュームの作成 ::> volume create -volume vol2 -aggregate aggr1 -size 100GB -state online -policy default -tiering-policy none [Job 50] Job succeeded: Successful # ボリュームが作成されたことを確認 ::> volume show Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used% --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ----- svm svm_root aggr1 online RW 1GB 972.1MB 0% svm vol1 aggr1 online RW 300TB 908.3GB 0% svm vol2 aggr1 online RW 100GB 95.00GB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # is-large-size-enabled の確認 ::> volume show -fields is-large-size-enabled vserver volume is-large-size-enabled ------- -------- --------------------- svm svm_root false svm vol1 true svm vol2 false 3 entries were displayed. # 作成したボリュームの is-large-size-enabled を true に変更 ::> volume modify -volume vol2 -is-large-size-enabled true Warning: Either the specified volume size or maximum autosize is larger than 100 TB or you are setting is-large-size-enabled flag to true. This will result in the volume supporting larger size limits. The new limit on the size of the volume will be 300TB. The limit on the size of a file or LUN will be 128TB. If this volume will become the source of a SnapMirror relationship, creation of SnapMirror or FlexCache relationships is only supported with volumes that reside in clusters with an effective cluster version of 9.12.1 or later, because of incompatible size limits. Revert of the cluster to an earlier version is not supported when a volume supports larger size limits. All volumes must be 100 TB or less, have all files be 16TB or less, and have larger size limit support disabled prior to revert. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y Volume modify successful on volume vol2 of Vserver svm. # 作成したボリュームの is-large-size-enabled を true に変更されたことを確認 ::> volume show -fields is-large-size-enabled vserver volume is-large-size-enabled ------- -------- --------------------- svm svm_root false svm vol1 true svm vol2 true 3 entries were displayed.
また、Either the specified volume size or maximum autosize is larger than 100 TB or you are setting is-large-size-enabled flag to true.
# ボリュームの is-large-size-enabled を false に変更 ::> volume modify -volume vol2 -is-large-size-enabled false Volume modify successful on volume vol2 of Vserver svm. # ボリュームの is-large-size-enabled を false に変更されたことを確認 ::> volume show -volume vol2 -fields is-large-size-enabled vserver volume is-large-size-enabled ------- ------ --------------------- svm vol2 false # 現在のボリュームの自動拡張の最大サイズを確認 ::> volume show -volume vol2 -fields max-autosize vserver volume max-autosize ------- ------ ------------ svm vol2 120GB # 自動拡張の最大サイズを100TBに設定 ::> volume autosize -volume vol2 -maximum-size 100TB vol autosize: Volume "svm:vol2" autosize settings updated. # 自動拡張の最大サイズを100TBに設定されたことを確認 ::> volume show -volume vol2 -fields max-autosize vserver volume max-autosize ------- ------ ------------ svm vol2 100TB # ボリュームの is-large-size-enabled の確認 ::> volume show -volume vol2 -fields is-large-size-enabled vserver volume is-large-size-enabled ------- ------ --------------------- svm vol2 false # 自動拡張の最大サイズを101TBに設定 ::> volume autosize -volume vol2 -maximum-size 101TB Warning: Either the specified volume size or maximum autosize is larger than 100 TB or you are setting is-large-size-enabled flag to true. This will result in the volume supporting larger size limits. The new limit on the size of the volume will be 300TB. The limit on the size of a file or LUN will be 128TB. If this volume will become the source of a SnapMirror relationship, creation of SnapMirror or FlexCache relationships is only supported with volumes that reside in clusters with an effective cluster version of 9.12.1 or later, because of incompatible size limits. Revert of the cluster to an earlier version is not supported when a volume supports larger size limits. All volumes must be 100 TB or less, have all files be 16TB or less, and have larger size limit support disabled prior to revert. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y vol autosize: Volume "svm:vol2" autosize settings updated. # ボリュームの is-large-size-enabled の確認 ::> volume show -volume vol2 -fields is-large-size-enabled vserver volume is-large-size-enabled ------- ------ --------------------- svm vol2 true
Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPがONTAP 9.12.1に対応したことにより300TiBのボリュームを作成できるようになったアップデートを紹介しました。
- バックアップからのリストアに時間がかかる & リストア時にSSDを圧迫しやすい
- マルチFlexVolumeよりもパフォーマンスが出にくい
- ボリューム単位での設定項目や作業の調整が大変
また、300TiBのボリュームを用意する場合、重複排除やアクセス頻度にもよりますが、Tiering PolicyをAllにしても1TiB以上のSSDのプロビジョニングは必要かと思います。SSDのサイジングは以下記事をご覧ください。
以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!