クラスメソッドにJOINしたJatin Mehrotra(ジャテイン メヘロトラ)です
はじめまして (Greeting)
皆さん、こんにちは/NAMASTE/नमस्ते !!!
今までは (Until Now)
- 私は情報セキュリティとクラウドテクノロジーを専門とするコンピュータサイエンスを専攻しました
- During my college days, we used to run IEEE student chapter of JAIN UNIVERSITY which organizes various technical and non-technical events, our biggest event was “JU-Hackathon 2019 ”
趣味と好きなこと(Hobbies and likes)
- わたしの趣味は 演技とサッカーをすることです
- いぬがだいすきです。これはわたしのいぬのしゃしんです。いぬのなまえはジョホニです。
- おんがくをききながらおどるのがすきです.
- When it comes to technology(ぎじゅつについて), i like developing web applications, API on node.js, security of systems and information is something which always attracts me, believe in power and automation of Linux command line and python.
- In my free time, you may find me active on stackoverflow practicing and helping others ( its a great place to have your solutions :D)
これから(from here)
Right now, Due to COVID-19, I am working from home, and let’s hope this pandemic ends soon, till then please take care of yourself and your family。きをつけて:).
Please feel free to ask me any questions., ) or can connect with me over linkedin .