http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/jan-fromm/camingo-dos/CamingoDos is provided with tight shapes and elliptic roundings. With the aspect of legibility on mind these attributes were applied carefully. Along with a subtle contrast between thick and thin strokes CamingoDos has a strong, humanistic appearance. It comes in a wide range of seven weights from ExtraLight to Black which makes it perfectly suitable for editorial and corporate design.
Museo Sans
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/exljbris/museo-sans/Museo Sans is based on the well-known Museo.
It is a sturdy, low contrast, geometric, highly legible sans serif typeface very well suited for any display and text use.
Museo Sansはこのブログのロゴに使われています。ちなみにWeb Fontsです。
Alright Sans
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/okay-type/alright-sans/Alright Sans is a contemporary sans-serif. Inspired by both grotesque and humanist models, it’s clean and prudent with a warm, friendly tone.
Brandon Grotesque
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/hvdfonts/brandon-grotesque/Brandon Grotesque is a sans serif type family of six weights plus matching italics. It was designed by Hannes von Döhren in 2009/10. Influenced by the geometric-style sans serif faces that were popular during the 1920s and 30s, the fonts are based on geometric forms that have been optically corrected for better legibility.
Calluna Sans
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/exljbris/calluna-sans/Museoと同じデザイナーJos Buivenga氏がデザインしているフォント。
Centrale Sans
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/typedepot/centrale-sans/Centrale Sans is a modern sans serif typeface. Geometric by nature, Centrale Sans is characterized by some humanistic features, resulting in a more warm and friendly look.
Code Pro
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/font-fabric/code-pro/Code Pro is a font family inspired by the original Sans Serif fonts like Avant Garde or Futura, but with a modern twist. It is clean, elegant and straight-to-the-point. Code font is applicable for any type of graphic design—web, print, motion graphics, etc.—and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters and logos.
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/font-fabric/nexa/The Nexa family includes 16 styles & weights - eight uprights with eight italics. It is characterized by excellent legibility in both - web & print design areas, well-finished geometric designs, optimized kerning etc.
Pluto Sans
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/hvdfonts/pluto-sans/Pluto Sans - the straight companion of the Pluto Family - was designed by Hannes von Döhren in 2012. This clear Sans Serif family is based on the Pluto architecture and it still has a hint of the friendly feeling the quirky Pluto conveys. With its geometric forms and its large x-height it is perfect for long texts in small sizes and usage in print & on screens. Both Pluto Sans and Pluto have the same range of weights and styles and can perfectly be used together.
http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/durotype/flexo/Flexo is a geometric sans typeface, with humanistic warmth. It is a synthesis of the geometric and the humanistic. It has both mathematical straightforwardness, and humanistic refinement.