開催直前! re:Invent を楽しむコツと秘訣 ~ How to re:Invent 2019より~ #reinvent

開催直前! re:Invent を楽しむコツと秘訣 ~ How to re:Invent 2019より~ #reinvent

YouTube で配信されている How to re:Invent 2019でイベントがある一週間を過ごすこつと秘訣を紹介していたのでまとめてみました。 一年に一度の大イベントをできる限り楽しみたい!絶対にタフな一週間をどうやって乗り切るか?初めて参加する方に読んでいただきたい記事です。
Clock Icon2019.11.24 16:02


こんにちは、chicca です。SAA 勉強中です。

re:Invent に初めて参加します。

YouTube で配信されている How to re:Invent 2019でイベントがある一週間を過ごすこつと秘訣を紹介していたのでまとめてみました。

How to re:Invent 2019 とは?

AWS が配信している re:Invent 紹介動画です。

11/20 現在、13のエピソードが配信されています。

司会の JILL と ANNIE が会話形式で re:Invent を紹介してます。

ゲストが参加したときは、ゲストに Tips and tricks(こつと秘訣)を尋ね、

司会のお二人も自分たちの Tips and tricks をシェアしています。

Tips and tricks まとめ

  1. 水分補給
  2. 歩きやすい靴を2足以上用意する
  3. セッションカタログは繰り返しチェック
  4. 事前準備に時間をかける
  5. いろんなアクティビティに参加
  6. re:Invent 前に十分な睡眠をとっておく


How to re:Invent からコメントの抜粋はこちらのせーのさんのブログを参考に行いました。



JILL(Senior Manager, Global Events Content)

always check back on this session catalog. The session catalog is live and its first iteration right now, and we continue to add sessions every week. (Episode 9)


it's the one time one week of the year where everybody who's interested in cloud computing and all the cool things about it are together. So this year, we're creating our what we're calling networking lounges. So it'll be you're cool opportunity to meet people that are interested and really build your community.  (Episode10)


being really strategic planning your time really well and making sure you're taking the time to plan your time that re:invent is kind of like my number one. (Episode11)

どう上手に過ごすかを戦略的に計画すること。re:Invent でどう過ごすか計画する時間を取っているか確認するかが私の一番の秘訣。

I'm actually going to talk about footwear again because Okay, it's really important. Make sure you have comfortable shoes, but also have a couple, two to three different pairs. Because wearing the same pair of shoes every day when you walk the miles you walk at reinvent, no matter how comfortable they are, you're definitely going to get blisters or some sort of issue. (Episode12)

靴にについてもう一度話したいの、本当に重要だから。快適な靴、さらにそれを2、3足持ってることを確認して。毎日同じ靴を履いて re:Invent でたくさん歩くと、どんなに快適な靴でも、絶対に靴づれとかしちゃう。

here's a really another restaurant that I love at the ARIA called catch. And it is super delicious. And it's really good place for sushi. So hot tip if you like delicious sushi, you can find me at catch.(Episode13)


ANNIE (Head of Global Creative & Customer experience)

there's a ton of sessions in there and I know it's a lot of work go through them. All I'm really sort of like make all of your alternate plans but the amount work that you put in advance means you get to reinvent and you just go. (Episode 9)

膨大な数のセッションがあるからやることもいっぱいあるのはわかってる。参加するセッションの代替計画を作っておくこと。事前準備を十分にしておけば re:Invent にただ参加ればいい同然になる。

my tip just get out and take part in all of the different activities that we have. So one of the things that I read all of the feedback that we have from all of the customer research and one of the things was people looking for activities for introverts. So you know they still want to get out they still want to be partaking in things but maybe left out of the conversation. So we're introducing the movie night.(Episode10)


I really like to have a list of things that needs to get accomplished that way having that like daily to-do list. And then reviewing it out about the end of the day that I accomplish every day. I think that's really helpful for people.(Episode11)

毎日の TODO リストのような、やっておくことリストを作ることが好き。一日の終わりに達成したかレビューするの。みんなの役に立つと本当に思うわ。

if you're trying to fill all of the time and you wanna catch up with so many people, because so many people out re:Invent you catch up with, booked yourself some breakfast meetings.(Episode12)

めいっぱいの時間を使ってたくさんの人と会って話したいなら、ブレックファストミーティングを予約してみて。みんな re:Invent で外出してしまうから。

my tip or trick is about re:Play. You'll be happier with yourself if you wear something like jeans and a cute top wear if you want to jump in the ball pit. If the spirit moves you such you can jump in the ball pit and have fun you know, cute little outfits and cute socks or something the extra with the way to go.(Episode13)

re:Play のコツと秘訣は、jump in the ball pit するならジーンズとかかわいいトップスを着てるともっと楽しめる。 ボールに飛び込んで遊んでみたい気持ちならかわいい洋服とかわいい靴下とかほかにも着ているともっと楽しめるわ。


BILL(Managing the product marketing team)

I would say rest up the week before come, ready to go and try to get as to as many of the events that you can.(Episode7)

re:Invent に備えることと、できる限りたくさんのイベントに参加するために来る前の週は休めと言うだろう。

MACKENZIE (Global Startup Evangelist)

I think also prioritizing just knowing what the important sessions are, you really want to go one thing that has gotten great feedback from our customers is, we now do repeats of those events. So there's sessions that are really popular and if you miss it, don't worry, there's likely a repeat of last session, or maybe the last session happening somewhere else. (Episode9)


MARK (AWS Community Hero)

Last year I said you know, get a new pair of sneakers and forget fashion go function, and pack snacks that still applies pack snacks always have good footwear. I would say this year for sure, make sure to schedule downtime. Take some time yourself off to the side kind of experience when you had the morning and get revved up to go out it again for the rest of the day. (Episode10)


MACKENZIE(Event Marketing Manager)

I feel like it’s a combination of a lot of bevarages. We're gonna start in the morning with coffee. It's just so important water cuz you need hydrate. and then also ending the day wilth a little drink and tab alcohol, some wine and nice cocktail in one of the cool bars. (Episode11)


KATELYN (Event marketing Manager-Sustinability)

My game plan is going to be to hydrate. Not only to help support hydrate and help fund clean water projects, but it's Las Vegas. So yeah, hydration is key definitely. (Episode12)


SACHA (Inclusion Markethig Lead- WEPOWER TECH)

so my tip is the same one from last year comfortable shoes. Definitely making sure that you have comfortable shoes because it's a lot of walking lots of miles.  (Episode13)



re:Invent まであと一週間。準備することの参考にしていただければ幸いです。

How to re:Invent を通して re:Invent は新しい技術に触れることに加えて、たくさんの人に会ったり、新しいコミュニティを作れるようなイベントを AWS は提供しているのだなと思いました。英語という高い壁はありますが、少しでも乗り越えて楽しんでこれるといいなと思っています。


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