
AWSに於けるビッグデータ分析環境構築に於いては、DWHであるAmazon Redshiftにデータを貯めこむ為に様々な経路からCSVやJSONファイルをS3等の環境に集約する作業が必要となります。そしてその作業の中にはオンプレ環境を始めとした外部データソースをAWSに集約するという経路がある一方で、AWS環境下にあるデータをAmazon Redshiftに投入させるために一旦ファイルとして出力させる(そしてAmazon Redshiftに投入する)という経路もあるかと思います。そこで当エントリでは、『RDS(MySQL)からAmazon Redshiftにデータを移行する際にどのような手段を取ることが出来るのか』という点について、幾つか洗い出してまとめてみたいと思います。
- EC2上でmysqlコマンドによるクエリ実行結果をファイルとして出力
- mysqlコマンドでTSVファイルを生成し、CSVに変換
- mysqldumpを使ってCSVをエクスポートする
- AWS Data PipelineでRDS(MySQL)からS3/Redshiftへデータをコピーする
- 並列データ転送ツール『Embulk』を使う
- まとめ
$ mysql -h xxxxxxx.yyyyyyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -u (ユーザー名) -p -D (DB名) Enter password: (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 19 Server version: 5.6.23-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql>
mysql> SHOW DATABASES; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | csvexpdb | | innodb | | mysql | | performance_schema | +--------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.38 sec) mysql> USE csvexpdb; Database changed mysql>
mysql> set character_set_database=utf8; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.35 sec) mysql> CREATE TABLE orders ( -> order_id INT NOT NULL, -> order_date DATE NOT NULL, -> priority VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, -> quantity SMALLINT NOT NULL, -> sales DOUBLE PRECISION, -> discount_rate DOUBLE PRECISION, -> ship_mode VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -> profit INT NOT NULL, -> unit_price INT NOT NULL, -> ad_expenses INT NOT NULL, -> shipping_cost INT NOT NULL, -> customer_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, -> prefecture VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, -> city VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -> area VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, -> shop_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -> customer_segment VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, -> product_category VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, -> product_sub_category VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -> product_id VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, -> product_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -> product_description VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, -> product_container VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -> base_margin DOUBLE PRECISION, -> supplier VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, -> deliver_date DATE NOT NULL, -> ship_date DATE NOT NULL -> ) CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.47 sec)
mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/xxxx/superstore-orders-utf8.csv' -> INTO TABLE orders -> FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' -> IGNORE 1 LINES; Query OK, 8369 rows affected, 25107 warnings (17.13 sec) Records: 8369 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 25107 mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders; +----------+ | COUNT(*) | +----------+ | 8369 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.44 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 10; +----------+------------+--------------+----------+--------+---------------+--------------------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------+------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------+----------+--------------+------------+ | order_id | order_date | priority | quantity | sales | discount_rate | ship_mode | profit | unit_price | ad_expenses | shipping_cost | customer_name | prefecture | city | area | shop_name | customer_segment | product_category | product_sub_category | product_id | product_name | product_description | product_container | base_margin | supplier | deliver_date | ship_date | +----------+------------+--------------+----------+--------+---------------+--------------------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------+------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------+----------+--------------+------------+ | 55554 | 2009-01-01 | 重要 | 6 | 15261 | 0.04 | 通常航空便 | -1520 | 1897 | 230393 | 954 | 中谷 成広 | 宮崎 | 小林 | 九州 | Morris | 小規模事業所 | 事務用品 | 紙 | P1186 | Xerox 1939 | This is the field which has product description for Xerox 1939 | 小型ボックス | 0.37 | Elan | 2009-02-02 | 2009-02-02 | | 47873 | 2009-01-01 | 重要 | 8 | 6548 | 0.08 | 通常航空便 | -1738 | 589 | 224716 | 557 | 吉津 正晃 | 大分 | 臼杵 | 九州 | Coleman | 企業 | 家具 | オフィス家具 | P428 | Eldon Wave Desk Accessories | This is the field which has product description for Eldon Wave Desk Accessories | 小型ボックス | 0.41 | Argot | 2009-03-10 | 2009-03-12 | | 29187 | 2009-01-02 | 低 | 10 | 9447 | 0 | 通常航空便 | -4326 | 648 | 443895 | 819 | 河本 訓治 | 愛知 | 名古屋 | 中部 | Lane | 消費者 | 事務用品 | 紙 | P1248 | Xerox 217 | This is the field which has product description for Xerox 217 | 小型ボックス | 0.37 | Merxin | 2009-01-23 | 2009-01-23 | | 24519 | 2009-01-02 | 重要 | 22 | 15945 | 0.03 | 通常航空便 | -6072 | 534 | 219107 | 563 | 神保 雄二 | 京都 | 八幡 | 関西 | Anderson | 消費者 | 事務用品 | バインダーとバインダー アクセサリー | P885 | Pressboard Data Binder Crimson 12 X 8 1/2 | This is the field which has product description for Pressboard Data Binder Crimson 12 X 8 1/2 | 小型ボックス | 0.39 | Elan | 2009-04-01 | 2009-04-02 | | 4871 | 2009-01-02 | 重要 | 8 | 96967 | 0.02 | 配送トラック | -21539 | 8999 | 426147 | 4200 | 久保田 智和 | 北海道 | 紋別 | 北海道 | Allen | 消費者 | 家具 | 椅子とチェアマット | P565 | Global Leather Task Chair Black | This is the field which has product description for Global Leather Task Chair Black | ジャンボドラム | 0.66 | Argot | 2009-04-01 | 2009-04-04 | | 45671 | 2009-01-02 | 低 | 13 | 15835 | 0.05 | 通常航空便 | 700 | 977 | 332466 | 602 | 田畑 純也 | 埼玉 | 飯能 | 関東 | Jenkins | 消費者 | 家具 | オフィス家具 | P365 | DAX Solid Wood Frames | This is the field which has product description for DAX Solid Wood Frames | 中型ボックス | 0.48 | Elan | 2009-04-01 | 2009-04-02 | | 45376 | 2009-01-02 | 重要 | 19 | 831072 | 0.08 | 配送トラック | -55598 | 37098 | 386406 | 9900 | 重川 功一郎 | 徳島 | 小松島 | 四国 | Wright | 消費者 | 事務用品 | 保管と整理 | P944 | Sauder Facets Collection Locker/File Cabinet Sky Alder Finish | This is the field which has product description for Sauder Facets Collection Locker/File Cabinet Sky Alder Finish | ジャンボドラム | 0.65 | Ningbo | 2009-04-18 | 2009-04-19 | | 58755 | 2009-01-02 | 低 | 18 | 5888 | 0 | 通常航空便 | -9542 | 218 | 222817 | 709 | 泉田 近智 | 岡山 | 倉敷 | 中国 | Powell | ホームオフィス | 事務用品 | 紙 | P155 | Ampad Evidence Wirebond Steno Books 6 x 9 | This is the field which has product description for Ampad Evidence Wirebond Steno Books 6 x 9 | ラップバッグ | 0.38 | Elan | 2009-04-19 | 2009-04-19 | | 12228 | 2009-01-03 | 指定なし | 30 | 626881 | 0.05 | 通常航空便 | 109043 | 20099 | 234489 | 420 | 剱持 卓也 | 茨城 | 石岡 | 関東 | Shale | 企業 | テクノロジー | 電話と通信 | P20 | 2160i | This is the field which has product description for 2160i | 小型ボックス | 0.59 | Argot | 2009-01-20 | 2009-01-19 | | 23333 | 2009-01-03 | 中 | 44 | 79265 | 0.04 | 通常航空便 | -2165 | 1442 | 116707 | 675 | 村木 善幸 | 山口 | 美祢 | 中国 | Reyes | ホームオフィス | 事務用品 | アプライアンス | P598 | Holmes Odor Grabber | This is the field which has product description for Holmes Odor Grabber | 中型ボックス | 0.52 | Alibaba | 2009-01-24 | 2009-01-24 | +----------+------------+--------------+----------+--------+---------------+--------------------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------+------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------+----------+--------------+------------+ 10 rows in set (0.22 sec)
mysqlコマンド実行例は以下の通り。冒頭の--local-infile=1はクライアント側でのload data local infileを認めるオプションとなります。これが無いと動かないので指定に入れました。1行目にはCONCAT関数の定義文がそのまま出力されてしまっていたのでsedコマンドで出力結果の1行目を除去しています。ここまでの処理内容をローカル(※ここでは実行を想定したEC2サーバ)環境にCSVファイルとして出力しています。
- MySQL :: MySQL 5.1 リファレンスマニュアル (オンラインヘルプ) :: 7.6 日付時刻関数
- CSVファイルのインポートについて - MySQL | 教えて!goo
- 指定行削除するコマンド(sed - それマグで!
mysql --local-infile=1 \ -h xxxxxxx.yyyyyyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com \ -u(ユーザー名) -p(DB接続パスワード) \ -D (DB名) \ -e "SELECT CONCAT( \ '\"',order_id,'\",', \ '\"',DATE_FORMAT(order_date,\"%Y/%m/%d\"),'\",' \ '\"',priority,'\",' \ '\"',quantity,'\",' \ '\"',sales,'\",' \ '\"',discount_rate,'\",' \ '\"',ship_mode,'\",' \ '\"',profit,'\",' \ '\"',unit_price,'\",', \ '\"',ad_expenses,'\",', \ '\"',shipping_cost,'\",', \ '\"',customer_name,'\",', \ '\"',prefecture,'\",', \ '\"',city,'\",', \ '\"',area,'\",', \ '\"',shop_name,'\",', \ '\"',customer_segment,'\",', \ '\"',product_category,'\",', \ '\"',product_sub_category,'\",', \ '\"',product_id,'\",', \ '\"',product_name,'\",', \ '\"',product_description,'\",', \ '\"',product_container,'\",', \ '\"',base_margin,'\",', \ '\"',supplier,'\",', \ '\"',DATE_FORMAT(deliver_date,\"%Y/%m/%d\"),'\",', \ '\"',DATE_FORMAT(ship_date,\"%Y/%m/%d\"),'\"' \ ) FROM orders" \ | sed -e '1d' $1 > /xxxxxxxxxx/orders-export.csv
- MySQL - my.cnfの場所を調べる - Qiita
- MySQL/システム管理/my.cnfファイルにパスワードを保存する - yanor.net/wiki
- .my.cnfでMySQLへのログインを自動化する方法
- mysql - MYSQLDUMP without the password prompt - Stack Overflow
[client] password="(MySQL接続パスワード)"
mysql --defaults-extra-file=/path/to/my.cnf -h xxxxxxx.yyyyyyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -u(ユーザー名) -D (DB名)...
"55554","2009/01/01","重要","6","15261","0.04","通常航空便","-1520","1897","230393","954","中谷 成広","宮崎","小林","九州","Morris","小規模事業所","事務用品","紙","P1186","Xerox 1939","This is the field which has product description for Xerox 1939","小型ボックス","0.37","Elan","2009/02/02","2009/02/02" "47873","2009/01/01","重要","8","6548","0.08","通常航空便","-1738","589","224716","557","吉津 正晃","大分","臼杵","九州","Coleman","企業","家具","オフィス家具","P428","Eldon Wave Desk Accessories","This is the field which has product description for Eldon Wave Desk Accessories","小型ボックス","0.41","Argot","2009/03/10","2009/03/12" "29187","2009/01/02","低","10","9447","0","通常航空便","-4326","648","443895","819","河本 訓治","愛知","名古屋","中部","Lane","消費>者","事務用品","紙","P1248","Xerox 217","This is the field which has product description for Xerox 217","小型ボックス","0.37","Merxin","2009/01/23","2009/01/23" "24519","2009/01/02","重要","22","15945","0.03","通常航空便","-6072","534","219107","563","神保 雄二","京都","八幡","関西","Anderson","消費者","事務用品","バインダーとバインダー アクセサリー","P885","Pressboard Data Binder Crimson 12 X 8 1/2","This is the field which has product description for Pressboard Data Binder Crimson 12 X 8 1/2","小型ボックス","0.39","Elan","2009/04/01","2009/04/02" "4871","2009/01/02","重要","8","96967","0.02","配送トラック","-21539","8999","426147","4200","久保田 智和","北海道","紋別","北海道","Allen","消費者","家具","椅子とチェアマット","P565","Global Leather Task Chair Black","This is the field which has product description for Global Leather Task Chair Black","ジャンボドラム","0.66","Argot","2009/04/01","2009/04/04" :
SELECT CONCAT('"', order_id, '"') AS order_id, CONCAT('"', DATE_FORMAT(order_date,"%Y/%m/%d"), '"') AS order_date, CONCAT('"', priority, '"') AS priority, CONCAT('"', quantity, '"') AS quantity, CONCAT('"', sales, '"') AS sales, CONCAT('"', discount_rate, '"') AS discount_rate, CONCAT('"', ship_mode, '"') AS ship_mode, CONCAT('"', profit, '"') AS profit, CONCAT('"', unit_price, '"') AS unit_price, CONCAT('"', ad_expenses, '"') AS ad_expenses, CONCAT('"', shipping_cost, '"') AS shipping_cost, CONCAT('"', customer_name, '"') AS customer_name, CONCAT('"', prefecture, '"') AS prefecture, CONCAT('"', city, '"') AS city, CONCAT('"', area, '"') AS area, CONCAT('"', shop_name, '"') AS shop_name, CONCAT('"', customer_segment, '"') AS customer_segment, CONCAT('"', product_category, '"') AS product_category, CONCAT('"', product_sub_category, '"') AS product_sub_category, CONCAT('"', product_id, '"') AS product_id, CONCAT('"', product_name, '"') AS product_name, CONCAT('"', product_description, '"') AS product_description, CONCAT('"', product_container, '"') AS product_container, CONCAT('"', base_margin, '"') AS base_margin, CONCAT('"', supplier, '"') AS supplier, CONCAT('"', DATE_FORMAT(deliver_date,"%Y/%m/%d"), '"') AS deliver_date, CONCAT('"', DATE_FORMAT(ship_date,"%Y/%m/%d"), '"') AS ship_date FROM orders;
$ mysql -h xxxxxxx.yyyyyyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com \ -u(ユーザー名) \ -D (DB名) \ -e "`cat /xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/orders-extract.sql`" > orders-ext-result.csv
order_id order_date priority quantity sales discount_rate ship_mode profit unit_price ad_expenses shipping_cost customer_name prefecture city area shop_name customer_segment product_category product_sub_category product_id product_name product_description product_container base_margin supplier deliver_date ship_date "55554" "2009/01/01" "重要" "6" "15261" "0.04" "通常航空便" "-1520" "1897" "230393" "954" "中谷 成広" "宮崎" "小林" "九州" "Morris" "小規模事業所" "事務用品" "紙" "P1186" "Xerox 1939" "This is the field which has product description for Xerox 1939" "小型>ボックス" "0.37" "Elan" "2009/02/02" "2009/02/02" "47873" "2009/01/01" "重要" "8" "6548" "0.08" "通常航空便" "-1738" "589" "224716" "557" "吉津 正晃" "大分" "臼杵" "九州" "Coleman" "企業" "家具" "オフィス家具" "P428" "Eldon Wave Desk Accessories" "This is the field which has product description for Eldon Wave Desk Accessories" "小型ボックス" "0.41" "Argot" "2009/03/10" "2009/03/12" "29187" "2009/01/02" "低" "10" "9447" "0" "通常航空便" "-4326" "648" "443895" "819" "河本 訓治" "愛知" "名古屋" "中部" "Lane" "消費者" "事務用品" "紙" "P1248" "Xerox 217" "This is the field which has product description for Xerox 217" "小型ボックス" "0.37" "Merxin" "2009/01/23" "2009/01/23"
$ mysql -h xxxxxxx.yyyyyyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com \ -u(ユーザー名) \ -D (DB名) \ -e "`cat /xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/orders-extract.sql`" \ | sed -e 's/\t/,/g' > orders-ext-result.csv
order_id,order_date,priority,quantity,sales,discount_rate,ship_mode,profit,unit_price,ad_expenses, shipping_cost,customer_name,prefecture,city,area,shop_name,customer_segment,product_category,product_sub_category,product_id,product_name,product_description,product_container,base_margin,supplier,deliver_date,ship_date "55554","2009/01/01","重要","6","15261","0.04","通常航空便","-1520","1897","230393","954","中谷 成広","宮崎","小林","九州", "Morris","小規模事業所","事務用品","紙","P1186","Xerox 1939","This is the field which has product description for Xerox 1939","小型ボックス","0.37","Elan","2009/02/02","2009/02/02" "47873","2009/01/01","重要","8","6548","0.08","通常航空便","-1738","589","224716","557","吉津 正晃","大分","臼杵","九州", "Coleman","企業","家具","オフィス家具","P428","Eldon Wave Desk Accessories","This is the field which has product description for Eldon Wave Desk Accessories","小型ボックス","0.41","Argot","2009/03/10","2009/03/12" "29187","2009/01/02","低","10","9447","0","通常航空便","-4326","648","443895","819","河本 訓治","愛知","名古屋","中部","Lane","消費者","事務用品","紙","P1248","Xerox 217","This is the field which has product description for Xerox 217","小型ボックス","0.37","Merxin","2009/01/23","2009/01/23" :
がしかし、Amazon RDS(MySQL)で!となるとどうやら出来ない模様。
早速試してみましょう。git及びpythonが環境に入っている状態で、プロジェクトをクローンし、mysqldumpの結果を受けてpythonのツールを実行させ、結果をCSVとして出力します。mysqldumpのコマンドでは、データベース名 テーブル名の引数を与えています。
$ git clone https://github.com/jamesmishra/mysqldump-to-csv.git Cloning into 'mysqldump-to-csv'... remote: Counting objects: 29, done. remote: Total 29 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 29 Unpacking objects: 100% (29/29), done. Checking connectivity... done. $ $ python --version Python 2.7.6 $ ls LICENSE README.md mysqldump_to_csv.py testcases.txt $ $ mysqldump \ -h xxxxxxx.yyyyyyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com \ -u(ユーザー名) csvexpdb orders | \ python mysqldump_to_csv.py > orders-export-by-mysqldump_to_csv.csv
55554,2009-01-01,重要,6,15261,0.04,通常航空便,-1520,1897,230393,954,中谷 成広,宮崎,小林,九州,Morris,小規模事業所,事務用品,紙,P1186,Xerox 1939,This is the field which has product description for Xerox 1939,小型ボックス,0.37,Elan,2009-02-02,2009-02-02 47873,2009-01-01,重要,8,6548,0.08,通常航空便,-1738,589,224716,557,吉津 正晃,大分,臼杵,九州,Coleman,企業,家具,オフィス家具,P428,Eldon Wave Desk Accessories,This is the field which has product description for Eldon Wave Desk Accessories,小型ボックス,0.41,Argot,2009-03-10,2009-03-12 29187,2009-01-02,低,10,9447,0,通常航空便,-4326,648,443895,819,河本 訓治,愛知,名古屋,中部,Lane,消費者,事務用品,紙,P1248,Xerox 217,This is the field which has product description for Xerox 217,小型ボックス,0.37,Merxin,2009-01-23,2009-01-23 24519,2009-01-02,重要,22,15945,0.03,通常航空便,-6072,534,219107,563,神保 雄二,京都,八幡,関西,Anderson,消費者,事務用品,バインダーとバインダー アクセサリー,P885,Pressboard Data Binder Crimson 12 X 8 1/2,This is the field which has product description for Pressboard Data Binder Crimson 12 X 8 1/2,小型ボックス,0.39,Elan,2009-04-01,2009-04-02 :
AWS Data PipelineでRDS(MySQL)からS3/Redshiftへデータをコピーする
AWSのサービスの1つであるAWS Data Pipelineでは、そのものズバリの『RDS(MySQL)からS3』へのコピーを行う処理を構築する事が可能です。用途的にも、『テーブル全体』『任意のテーブル』『インクリメンタルコピー』が可能となっている様です。
- Full Copy of RDS MySQL Table to S3 - AWS Data Pipeline
- Load S3 Data into RDS MySQL Table - AWS Data Pipeline
- Incremental Copy of RDS MySQL Table to S3 - AWS Data Pipeline
更には、RDS(MySQL)からAmazon Redshiftにコピーを行う処理を構築する事も可能となっています。
- Amazon RDS から Redshift へのコピー用テンプレート - AWS Data Pipeline
- Full copy of RDS MySQL table to Redshift - AWS Data Pipeline
- Incremental copy of RDS MySQL table to Redshift - AWS Data Pipeline
ETL/ELT周りをAWS Data Pipelineで構成している、現状でAWS Data Pipelineを活用しているという場合であれば、連携面を考慮してこの選択肢もアリなのではないでしょうか。
- embulk/embulk · GitHub
- 並列データ転送ツール『Embulk』リリース! - Blog by Sadayuki Furuhashi
- Treasure Dataの新データ転送ツールEmbulkを触ってみた #dtm_meetup | Developers.IO
- 「データ転送ミドルウェア勉強会」レポート #dtm_meetup | Developers.IO
Amazon RedshiftにはUNLOADというSQLコマンドがあり比較的簡単にデータのエクスポートが出来ていたので、『MySQLもその辺サクッと行けるんじゃね?』と思っていましたが、調べてみると意外とそうでも無いのかな?or結構色々やり方はあるのね、と思った次第でした。後半はツール及び関連リンクの紹介に留まってしまいましたが、手法としてはそれぞれ有力なものではあると思いますので折を見て実践で使ってみたいしたいと思います。どれを採用するかは状況に応じて選択頂けますと幸いです。こちらからは以上です。