
こんにちは。データアナリティクス事業本部 サービスソリューション部の北川です。
最近は業務でOpenAIを利用する機会が多く、Next.jsでもOpenAI APIを試してみます。
OpenAI APIキーの取得
openAIにログインし、右上の自分のアカウントから[View API keys]に移動します。移動先のAPI KEYから[+create new secret key]に任意のkey名を指定して、作成することができます。
$ npx create-next-app@latest --ts sample-app Need to install the following packages: create-next-app@13.4.4 Ok to proceed? (y) y ✔ Would you like to use ESLint with this project? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS with this project? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use `src/` directory with this project? … No / Yes ✔ Use App Router (recommended)? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to customize the default import alias? … No / Yes
$ npm run dev
OpenAI APIの利用
const res = await fetch(URL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ prompt: ["質問1", "質問2", "質問3"], max_tokens: 200, }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: `Bearer ${API_KEY}`, }, }); const json = await res.json(); console.log(json.choices);
export default function Home() { const [text, setText] = useState<string>(""); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const [theme, setTheme] = useState<string[]>([]); const handleSubmit = async (e: { preventDefault: () => void }) => { e.preventDefault(); if (text === "") return; setIsLoading(true); const API_KEY = "取得したAPIキー"; const model = "text-davinci-003"; const URL = "https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/" + model + "/completions"; const colors = ["メイン", "サブトーン", "アクセント"]; const questions = colors.map((color) => { return `前提条件:あなたはブログのデザインカラーを決める係です。 ユーザーから渡される抽象的なテーマから、そのテーマに合う"${color}"の色を、backgroundColorと、textColorをそれぞれ1つずつのみ提案してください。 色はrgba形式で、${color} : {"background": "提案する色", "color": "提案する色"}の形で提案します。 テーマ:"${text}"`; }); const res = await fetch(URL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ prompt: questions, max_tokens: 200, }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: `Bearer ${API_KEY}`, }, }); const json = await res.json(); const list = () => json.choices.map((value: { text: string }) => { return value.text; }); setTheme(list); setIsLoading(false); }; return ( ... ) }
return ( <main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-between p-24"> <div className="z-10 w-full max-w-5xl items-center justify-between font-mono text-sm lg:flex"> <p className="fixed left-0 top-0 flex w-full justify-center border-b border-gray-300 bg-gradient-to-b from-zinc-200 pb-6 pt-8 backdrop-blur-2xl dark:border-neutral-800 dark:bg-zinc-800/30 dark:from-inherit lg:static lg:w-auto lg:rounded-xl lg:border lg:bg-gray-200 lg:p-4 lg:dark:bg-zinc-800/30"> Get started by editing <code className="font-mono font-bold">src/app/page.tsx</code> </p> <div className="fixed bottom-0 left-0 flex h-48 w-full items-end justify-center bg-gradient-to-t from-white via-white dark:from-black dark:via-black lg:static lg:h-auto lg:w-auto lg:bg-none"> <a className="pointer-events-none flex place-items-center gap-2 p-8 lg:pointer-events-auto lg:p-0" href="https://vercel.com?utm_source=create-next-app&utm_medium=appdir-template&utm_campaign=create-next-app" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > By{" "} <Image src="/vercel.svg" alt="Vercel Logo" className="dark:invert" width={100} height={24} priority /> </a> </div> </div> {/* "-z-10"を追加 */} <div className="-z-10 relative flex place-items-center before:absolute before:h-[300px] before:w-[480px] before:-translate-x-1/2 before:rounded-full before:bg-gradient-radial before:from-white before:to-transparent before:blur-2xl before:content-[''] after:absolute after:-z-20 after:h-[180px] after:w-[240px] after:translate-x-1/3 after:bg-gradient-conic after:from-sky-200 after:via-blue-200 after:blur-2xl after:content-[''] before:dark:bg-gradient-to-br before:dark:from-transparent before:dark:to-blue-700 before:dark:opacity-10 after:dark:from-sky-900 after:dark:via-[#0141ff] after:dark:opacity-40 before:lg:h-[360px]"> <Image className="relative dark:drop-shadow-[0_0_0.3rem_#ffffff70] dark:invert" src="/next.svg" alt="Next.js Logo" width={180} height={37} priority /> </div> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <input className="text-black p-1 text-lg w-60" type="text" placeholder="text" value={text} onChange={(e) => setText(e.target.value)} /> <button className={`mx-3 p-1.5 rounded-md font-medium bg-blue-500`} type="submit" > 送信 </button> </form> <p>{isLoading ? "ローディング中" : null}</p> <div> {theme.length > 0 ? theme.map((value, index) => { return ( <p key={index} className={`p-2 my-2 rounded-sm`} > {value} </p> ); }) : null} </div> <div className="mb-32 grid text-center lg:mb-0 lg:grid-cols-4 lg:text-left"> <a href="https://nextjs.org/docs?utm_source=create-next-app&utm_medium=appdir-template&utm_campaign=create-next-app" className="group rounded-lg border border-transparent px-5 py-4 transition-colors hover:border-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-100 hover:dark:border-neutral-700 hover:dark:bg-neutral-800/30" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > <h2 className={`mb-3 text-2xl font-semibold`}> Docs{" "} <span className="inline-block transition-transform group-hover:translate-x-1 motion-reduce:transform-none"> -> </span> </h2> <p className={`m-0 max-w-[30ch] text-sm opacity-50`}> Find in-depth information about Next.js features and API. </p> </a> <a href="https://nextjs.org/learn?utm_source=create-next-app&utm_medium=appdir-template-tw&utm_campaign=create-next-app" className="group rounded-lg border border-transparent px-5 py-4 transition-colors hover:border-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-100 hover:dark:border-neutral-700 hover:dark:bg-neutral-800 hover:dark:bg-opacity-30" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > <h2 className={`mb-3 text-2xl font-semibold`}> Learn{" "} <span className="inline-block transition-transform group-hover:translate-x-1 motion-reduce:transform-none"> -> </span> </h2> <p className={`m-0 max-w-[30ch] text-sm opacity-50`}> Learn about Next.js in an interactive course with quizzes! </p> </a> <a href="https://vercel.com/templates?framework=next.js&utm_source=create-next-app&utm_medium=appdir-template&utm_campaign=create-next-app" className="group rounded-lg border border-transparent px-5 py-4 transition-colors hover:border-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-100 hover:dark:border-neutral-700 hover:dark:bg-neutral-800/30" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > <h2 className={`mb-3 text-2xl font-semibold`}> Templates{" "} <span className="inline-block transition-transform group-hover:translate-x-1 motion-reduce:transform-none"> -> </span> </h2> <p className={`m-0 max-w-[30ch] text-sm opacity-50`}> Explore the Next.js 13 playground. </p> </a> <a href="https://vercel.com/new?utm_source=create-next-app&utm_medium=appdir-template&utm_campaign=create-next-app" className="group rounded-lg border border-transparent px-5 py-4 transition-colors hover:border-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-100 hover:dark:border-neutral-700 hover:dark:bg-neutral-800/30" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > <h2 className={`mb-3 text-2xl font-semibold`}> Deploy{" "} <span className="inline-block transition-transform group-hover:translate-x-1 motion-reduce:transform-none"> -> </span> </h2> <p className={`m-0 max-w-[30ch] text-sm opacity-50`}> Instantly deploy your Next.js site to a shareable URL with Vercel. </p> </a> </div> </main> );
取得した色を実際に表示させてみます。 今回は検証なので多少無理やりですが、json形式で取得できる確率が高くなるよう以下のように色を取得します。
const list = () => json.choices.map((value: { text: string }) => { return value.text; });
const list = json.choices.map((value: { text: string }) => { const str = `{"background":`; const i = value.text.indexOf(str); return value.text.substring(i); });
const parseJsonString = (value: string) => { try { const str = JSON.parse(value); return str; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } return {}; };
{theme.length > 0 ? theme.map((value, index) => { return ( <p key={index} className={`p-2 my-2 rounded-sm`} style={parseJsonString(value)} > {value} </p> ); }) : null}
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