Amazon Redshift: 『パフォーマンスチューニングテクニック Top 10』手順の実践:オプティマイザのアラートからDBの改善点を探る
当エントリは先日投稿したシリーズ『『Amazon Redshiftのパフォーマンスチューニングテクニック Top 10』手順実践』の"おまけ"的な内容となります。参照元エントリの末尾、Tipsで紹介されていた『オプティマイザのアラート』の内容についてもこれまで紹介してきた10個のトピック同様有用なものですので、その内容についても見て行きたいと思います。
SELECT TRIM(s.perm_table_name) AS table , (SUM (ABS (DATEDIFF(seconds, coalesce(b.starttime,d.starttime,s.starttime), CASE WHEN COALESCE(b.endtime,d.endtime,s.endtime) > COALESCE(b.starttime,d.starttime,s.starttime) THEN COALESCE(b.endtime,d.endtime,s.endtime) ELSE COALESCE(b.starttime,d.starttime,s.starttime) END ) ) )/60 )::numeric(24,0) AS minutes, SUM(COALESCE(b.rows,d.rows,s.rows)) AS rows, TRIM(SPLIT_PART(l.event,':',1)) AS event, SUBSTRING(TRIM(l.solution),1,200) AS solution , MAX(l.query) AS sample_query, COUNT(distinct l.query) FROM stl_alert_event_log AS l left join stl_scan AS s ON s.query = l.query AND s.slice = l.slice AND s.segment = l.segment left join stl_dist AS d ON d.query = l.query AND d.slice = l.slice AND d.segment = l.segment left join stl_bcast AS b ON b.query = l.query AND b.slice = l.slice AND b.segment = l.segment WHERE l.userid >1 AND l.event_time >= DATEADD(day, -7, current_Date) -- AND s.perm_table_name not like 'volt_tt%' GROUP BY 1,4,5 ORDER BY 2 desc,6 desc;
table | minutes | rows | event | solution | sample_query | count -------------------+---------+-------+----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+------- | | | Missing query planner statistics | Run the ANALYZE command | 558768 | 253 | | | Nested Loop Join in the query plan | Review the join predicates to avoid Cartesian products | 557680 | 47 | | | Scanned a large number of deleted rows | Run the VACUUM command to reclaim deleted space | 535481 | 7 table_aaa | 0 | 29137 | Very selective query filter | Review the choice of sort key to enable range restricted scans, or run the VACUUM command to ensure the table is sorted | 557699 | 3 table_bbb | 0 | 48679 | Very selective query filter | Review the choice of sort key to enable range restricted scans, or run the VACUUM command to ensure the table is sorted | 557698 | 6 table_ccc | 0 | 36012 | Very selective query filter | Review the choice of sort key to enable range restricted scans, or run the VACUUM command to ensure the table is sorted | 557694 | 3 table_ddd | 0 | 39457 | Scanned a large number of deleted rows | Run the VACUUM command to reclaim deleted space | 553624 | 1 table_eee | 0 | 2552 | Very selective query filter | Review the choice of sort key to enable range restricted scans, or run the VACUUM command to ensure the table is sorted | 552789 | 4 (8 rows)
event | solution -------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broadcasted a large number of rows across the network | Review the choice of distribution key to collocate the join and consider using distributed tables Missing query planner statistics | Run the ANALYZE command Nested Loop Join in the query plan | Review the join predicates to avoid Cartesian products Distributed a large number of rows across the network | Review the choice of distribution key to collocate the join or aggregation Very selective query filter | Review the choice of sort key to enable range restricted scans, or run the VACUUM command to ensure the table is sorted Scanned a large number of deleted rows | Run the VACUUM command to reclaim deleted space
イベント名(英語) | イベント名(日本語) |
Broadcasted a large number of rows across the network | 直列実行 |
Missing query planner statistics | 見つからない統計 |
Nested Loop Join in the query plan | Nested Loop |
Distributed a large number of rows across the network | サイズの大きな分散 |
Very selective query filter | 非常に選択的なフィルタ |
Scanned a large number of deleted rows | 過剰な数の非実体行 |
『Amazon Redshiftのパフォーマンスチューニングテクニック Top 10』、延長戦的なトピックとなる『クエリオプティマイザのアラート』のご紹介でした。対処法まで詳細に解説が用意されていますので、まずはこちらの内容を見て思い当たるものから適宜対処を行っていく、という風に進めてみるのも良いかも知れません。1つの指針として上手く活用して行きたいですね。こちらからは以上です。