![Visualisation of Year Wise Profit Distribution of a Superstore data using Power BI](https://devio2023-media.developers.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/powerbi_icatch_icon.jpg)
Visualisation of Year Wise Profit Distribution of a Superstore data using Power BI
Power BI
It is a collection of apps, software services, and connectors that work together inorder to turn unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually appealing, and interactive insights. It easily connects data sources, visualizes and shares useful insights. Share the insights with anyone.
It is available as follows
1) A windows Desktop application called Power BI Desktop.
2) An online SaaS service called Power BI service.
3) Power BI mobile apps for Windows, iOS, and Android Devices.
Power BI Desktop SetUp
Microsoft store
Search Power BI and click on get
Power BI Dashboard
Click on get data
List of data sources that we can import data from
For this blog we’ll connect to local Excel file
If you face the below issue while importing
Go to the link given and download the required engine
Restart the System and the problem would be solved
Connecting to the data and clicking the orders option
Right handside expand the order option
Under orders section right handside click on order date and profit
Expanding the Order Date Section in the right handside
This the Average monthly distribution of profit in 4 years, now deselect quater tab inside the right hand side section of order date
Now for all 4 years, drag and drop the year tab under order date to the legend field and following is the final result