![[毎日Kotlin] Day25. All, Any and other predicates](https://devio2023-media.developers.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/kotlin-1.0.png)
[毎日Kotlin] Day25. All, Any and other predicates
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All Any and other predicates | Try Kotlin
Implement all the functions below using all, any, count, find.
val numbers = listOf(-1, 0, 2) val isZero: (Int) -> Boolean = { it == 0 } numbers.any(isZero) == true numbers.all(isZero) == false numbers.count(isZero) == 1 numbers.find { it > 0 } == 2
// Return true if all customers are from the given city fun Shop.checkAllCustomersAreFrom(city: City): Boolean = TODO() // Return true if there is at least one customer from the given city fun Shop.hasCustomerFrom(city: City): Boolean = TODO() // Return the number of customers from the given city fun Shop.countCustomersFrom(city: City): Int = TODO() // Return a customer who lives in the given city, or null if there is none fun Shop.findAnyCustomerFrom(city: City): Customer? = TODO() data class Shop(val name: String, val customers: List<Customer>) data class Customer(val name: String, val city: City, val orders: List<Order>) { override fun toString() = "$name from ${city.name}" } data class Order(val products: List<Product>, val isDelivered: Boolean) data class Product(val name: String, val price: Double) { override fun toString() = "'$name' for $price" } data class City(val name: String) { override fun toString() = name }
fun Shop.checkAllCustomersAreFrom(city: City): Boolean = customers.all { it.city == city } fun Shop.hasCustomerFrom(city: City): Boolean = customers.any { it.city == city } fun Shop.countCustomersFrom(city: City): Int = customers.count { it.city == city } fun Shop.findAnyCustomerFrom(city: City): Customer? = customers.find { it.city == city }
allは、全部条件にあうかチェックします。1つでも条件あわないとfalseになります。条件部分をラムダでかきます。{ it.city == city }
fun all(shop: Shop, city: City): Boolean { for (customer in shop.customers) { if (!(customer.city == city)) { return false } } return true }
anyは、1つでも条件にあうかチェックします。条件部分をラムダでかきます。{ it.city == city }
fun any(shop: Shop, city: City): Boolean { for (customer in shop.customers) { if (customer.city == city) { return true } } return false }
countは、条件にあった数を計算します。条件部分をラムダでかきます。{ it.city == city }
fun count(shop: Shop, city: City): Int { var count = 0 for (customer in shop.customers) { if (customer.city == city) { count++ } } return count }
findは、条件にあった最初の要素を返します。条件に一致しない場合はnullを返します。条件部分をラムダでかきます。{ it.city == city }
fun find(shop: Shop, city: City): Customer? { for (customer in shop.customers) { if (customer.city == city) { return customer } } return null }