ACD2022 Session Report:Enabling automated multi-region failover and failback using Route 53
This time, I will report on the session of AWS-Community-DAYS 2022 - India held on November 11, 2022.
the session is presented by:
Session Overview:
Hints, Tips
What's DNS?
4 types of Server
Recursive resolver - acts as a middleman between client & nameserver.
Root nameserver - First step of hostname resolution and serves as a reference to another location fun fact: there are only 13 root name servers!
TLD Nameserver - Next step of host resolution and holds the TLD records Authoritative server - holds the actual IP address
DNS Terminology:
Zone File: this file contains a mapping to different IP
Record: this maps the Domain name to the Ip address
TTL: How Long a Result is cached
We Can query Domain names using Dig
For eg:
dig https://dev.classmethod.jp/
What's Route 53
AWS' Managed DNS service Route 53 lets you:
the simple boring stuff: register and manage DNS records in private & public hosted zones
Advanced routing (Latency/Geo/IP-based routing)
Deep Dive into Route 53 Record & Health Check
Route 53 Record Types:
1. Standard Routing no additional Routing Feature
2. Failover: this has 2 Records attached to it
2.1: failover Active/passive: only one has health check enabled if 1st Record fails it will shift to 2nd Record
2.2: failover Active Active: both of the Records have health check enabled if either of 1 fails it will failover to another record
3. Weighted: the record has multiple records with weight associated with it. the request is distributed based on the weights
4. latency: Traffic is distributed based on latency (calculated by amazon)
5. IP based: let us map user IP to endpoint mapping
6. GeoLocation: In this Record is associated with geolocation, geo-targeting can be traffic from continent & country
Route 53 HealthCheck
Route 53 monitor the Health of Resource
3 types of Health Check
3.1. monitor an endpoint
3.2. monitor cloudwatch alarm
3.3 Calculate Health Check
HealthCheck- Monitoring Endpoint
We can monitor Specific endpoints by:
2.Domain Name
Advance Config Options :
1.Time Between Health Check
2.string Matching
3.failure thresholds
4.Inverted Health Checks
5.Customizable regions
Understand the application architecture before Jumping in!
Route53 is only available in N.verginia Us-east-1 Region
use health check for increasing Reliability. If Specific Availability Zone is having Some Issues but is not enough to trigger failover. we can fail Health Check
Recommended to use aws-cli to Create Records because using Cli it will retry Automatically if any error accore but console don't
In this session I came across a lot of material that I can use while doing my job and apply Route53 failover. This session will be offered on demand and I will update the link later.