AivenのCLI「Aiven Client」を使ってみた
アライアンス統括部の佐々木です。AivenにはAiven ClientというCLIが用意されています。
ローカル環境はMacBook Proで、Python3環境は構築済みです。pipを使ってaiven-clientをインストールします。
% sudo python3 -m pip install aiven-client
% which avn /usr/local/bin/avn
% avn user login XXXX@XXXX.com XXXX@XXXX.com's Aiven password: INFO Aiven credentials written to: /Users/smokeynonkey/.config/aiven/aiven-credentials.json INFO Default project set as 'smokeymonkey-aedd' (change with 'avn project switch <project>')
% avn cloud list CLOUD_DESCRIPTION CLOUD_NAME GEO_LATITUDE GEO_LONGITUDE GEO_REGION ============================================================== ============================== ============ ============= ============== Africa, South Africa - Amazon Web Services: Cape Town aws-af-south-1 -33.92 18.42 africa Africa, South Africa - Azure: South Africa North azure-south-africa-north -26.198 28.03 africa Asia, Bahrain - Amazon Web Services: Bahrain aws-me-south-1 26.07 50.55 south asia Asia, Hong Kong - Amazon Web Services: Hong Kong aws-ap-east-1 22.5 114.0 east asia Asia, Hong Kong - Azure: East Asia azure-eastasia 22.5 114.0 southeast asia Asia, Hong Kong - Google Cloud: Hong Kong google-asia-east2 22.5 114.0 east asia Asia, India - Amazon Web Services: Mumbai aws-ap-south-1 19.13 72.89 south asia Asia, India - Azure: Central India azure-india-central 19.08 72.88 south asia Asia, India - Azure: South India azure-india-south 13.08 80.27 south asia Asia, India - Azure: West India azure-india-west 19.13 72.89 south asia Asia, India - DigitalOcean: Bangalore do-blr 12.96 77.59 south asia Asia, India - Google Cloud: Delhi google-asia-south2 28.68 77.07 south asia Asia, India - Google Cloud: Mumbai google-asia-south1 19.08 72.88 south asia Asia, Indonesia - Google Cloud: Jakarta google-asia-southeast2 6.21 106.85 southeast asia Asia, Japan - Amazon Web Services: Tokyo aws-ap-northeast-1 35.68 139.68 east asia Asia, Japan - Azure: Japan East azure-japaneast 35.68 139.68 east asia Asia, Japan - Azure: Japan West azure-japanwest 35.68 136.68 east asia Asia, Japan - Google Cloud: Osaka google-asia-northeast2 34.694 135.502 east asia Asia, Japan - Google Cloud: Tokyo google-asia-northeast1 35.68 139.68 east asia Asia, Korea - Amazon Web Services: Seoul aws-ap-northeast-2 37.57 126.97 east asia Asia, Korea - Azure: Korea Central azure-korea-central 37.57 126.97 east asia Asia, Korea - Azure: Korea South azure-korea-south 35.18 129.08 east asia Asia, Korea - Google Cloud: Seoul google-asia-northeast3 37.57 126.97 east asia Asia, Singapore - Amazon Web Services: Singapore aws-ap-southeast-1 1.3 103.8 southeast asia Asia, Singapore - Azure: Southeast Asia azure-southeastasia 1.3 103.8 southeast asia Asia, Singapore - DigitalOcean: Singapore do-sgp 1.3 103.8 southeast asia Asia, Singapore - Google Cloud: Singapore google-asia-southeast1 1.3 103.8 southeast asia Asia, Singapore - UpCloud: Singapore upcloud-sg-sin 1.3 103.8 southeast asia Asia, Taiwan - Google Cloud: Taiwan google-asia-east1 23.98 120.53 east asia Australia, Canberra - Azure: Australia Central azure-australia-central -35.3 149.12 australia Australia, New South Wales - Amazon Web Services: Sydney aws-ap-southeast-2 -33.85 151.2 australia Australia, New South Wales - Azure: Australia East azure-australiaeast -33.85 151.2 australia Australia, New South Wales - Google Cloud: Sydney google-australia-southeast1 -33.85 151.2 australia Australia, New South Wales - UpCloud: Sydney upcloud-au-syd -33.85 151.2 australia Australia, Victoria - Azure: Australia Southeast azure-australiasoutheast -37.7 145.02 australia Australia, Victoria - Google Cloud: Melbourne google-australia-southeast2 -37.815 144.946 australia Canada, Ontario - Azure: Canada Central azure-canadacentral 45.7 -79.4 north america Canada, Ontario - DigitalOcean: Toronto do-tor 45.7 -79.4 north america Canada, Ontario - Google Cloud: Toronto google-northamerica-northeast2 45.7 -79.4 north america Canada, Quebec - Amazon Web Services: Canada Central aws-ca-central-1 45.3 -73.34 north america Canada, Quebec - Azure: Canada East azure-canadaeast 50.7 -69.4 north america Canada, Quebec - Google Cloud: Montrial google-northamerica-northeast1 45.5 -73.57 north america Europe, Belgium - Google Cloud: Belgium google-europe-west1 50.45 3.82 europe Europe, England - Amazon Web Services: London aws-eu-west-2 51.5 0.12 europe Europe, England - Azure: UK South azure-uksouth 52.5 0.12 europe Europe, England - DigitalOcean: London do-lon 51.5 0.12 europe Europe, England - Google Cloud: London google-europe-west2 51.5 0.12 europe Europe, Finland - Google Cloud: Finland google-europe-north1 60.5693 27.1878 europe Europe, Finland - UpCloud: Helsinki upcloud-fi-hel 60.17 24.97 europe Europe, France - Amazon Web Services: Paris aws-eu-west-3 48.85 2.35 europe Europe, France - Azure: France Central azure-france-central 48.86 2.35 europe Europe, Germany - Amazon Web Services: Frankfurt aws-eu-central-1 50.12 8.68 europe Europe, Germany - Azure: Germany North azure-germany-north 53.0736 8.8064 europe Europe, Germany - Azure: Germany West Central azure-germany-westcentral 50.1166 8.6833 europe Europe, Germany - DigitalOcean: Frankfurt do-fra 50.12 8.68 europe Europe, Germany - Google Cloud: Frankfurt google-europe-west3 50.12 8.68 europe Europe, Germany - UpCloud: Frankfurt upcloud-de-fra 50.12 8.68 europe Europe, Ireland - Amazon Web Services: Ireland aws-eu-west-1 53.33 -6.25 europe Europe, Ireland - Azure: North Europe azure-northeurope 53.33 -6.25 europe Europe, Italy - Amazon Web Services: Milan aws-eu-south-1 45.46 9.19 europe Europe, Netherlands - Azure: West Europe azure-westeurope 52.37 4.9 europe Europe, Netherlands - DigitalOcean: Amsterdam do-ams 52.37 4.9 europe Europe, Netherlands - Google Cloud: Netherlands google-europe-west4 53.44 6.84 europe Europe, Netherlands - UpCloud: Amsterdam upcloud-nl-ams 52.37 4.9 europe Europe, Norway - Azure: Norway East azure-norway-east 59.91 10.98 europe Europe, Norway - Azure: Norway West azure-norway-west 58.97 5.73 europe Europe, Poland - Google Cloud: Warsaw google-europe-central2 52.237 21.018 europe Europe, Poland - UpCloud: Warsaw upcloud-pl-waw 52.24 21.02 europe Europe, Spain - UpCloud: Madrid upcloud-es-mad 40.42 -3.72 europe Europe, Sweden - Amazon Web Services: Stockholm aws-eu-north-1 59.3293 18.0686 europe Europe, Switzerland - Azure: Switzerland North azure-switzerland-north 47.37 8.54 europe Europe, Switzerland - Google Cloud: Zucrich google-europe-west6 47.378 8.539 europe Europe, Wales - Azure: UK West azure-ukwest 48.5 0.12 europe Middle East, United Arab Emirates - Azure: Middle East azure-uae-north 25.26 55.31 middle east South America, Brazil - Amazon Web Services: Sao Paulo aws-sa-east-1 -23.55 -46.63 south america South America, Brazil - Azure: Brazil South azure-brazilsouth -23.55 -46.63 south america South America, Brazil - Google Cloud: Sao Paulo google-southamerica-east1 -23.53 -46.625 south america United States, California - Amazon Web Services: N. California aws-us-west-1 37.78 -122.42 north america United States, California - Azure: West US azure-westus 37.78 -122.42 north america United States, California - DigitalOcean: San Francisco do-sfo 37.78 -122.42 north america United States, California - Google Cloud: Los Angeles google-us-west2 34.05 -118.24 north america United States, California - UpCloud: San Jose upcloud-us-sjo 37.3 -121.96 north america United States, Illinois - Azure: North Central US azure-northcentralus 41.83 -87.85 north america United States, Illinois - UpCloud: Chicago upcloud-us-chi 41.83 -87.85 north america United States, Iowa - Azure: Central US azure-centralus 41.25 -95.87 north america United States, Iowa - Google Cloud: Iowa google-us-central1 41.25 -95.87 north america United States, Nevada - Google Cloud: Las Vegas google-us-west4 36.11 -115.17 north america United States, New York - DigitalOcean: New York do-nyc 40.7 -70.0 north america United States, New York - UpCloud: New York upcloud-us-nyc 40.73 -73.94 north america United States, Ohio - Amazon Web Services: Ohio aws-us-east-2 40.24 -82.88 north america United States, Oregon - Amazon Web Services: Oregon aws-us-west-2 45.52 -122.67 north america United States, Oregon - Google Cloud: Oregon google-us-west1 45.52 -122.67 north america United States, South Carolina - Google Cloud: South Carolina google-us-east1 33.0 -80.03 north america United States, Texas - Azure: South Central US azure-southcentralus 33.0 -98.5 north america United States, Utah - Google Cloud: Salt Lake City google-us-west3 40.76 -111.88 north america United States, Virginia - Amazon Web Services: N. Virginia aws-us-east-1 38.7 -78.15 north america United States, Virginia - Azure: East US azure-eastus 38.7 -78.15 north america United States, Virginia - Azure: East US 2 azure-eastus2 38.7 -78.15 north america United States, Virginia - Google Cloud: Northern Virginia google-us-east4 38.7 -78.15 north america United States, Washington - Azure: West US 2 azure-westus2 45.52 -122.67 north america United States, Wyoming - Azure: West Central US azure-westcentralus 45.52 -110.67 north america
% avn project list PROJECT_NAME DEFAULT_CLOUD CREDIT_CARD ================= ================== =========== smokeymonkey-aedd aws-ap-northeast-1 N/A
% avn project details PROJECT_NAME DEFAULT_CLOUD BILLING_CURRENCY VAT_ID ================= ================== ================ ====== smokeymonkey-aedd aws-ap-northeast-1 USD credit_card = N/A billing_address = country_code =
% avn project create smokeynmonkey-prj --cloud aws-us-east-1 PROJECT_NAME DEFAULT_CLOUD BILLING_CURRENCY VAT_ID ================= ============= ================ ====== smokeynmonkey-prj aws-us-east-1 USD credit_card = N/A billing_address = country_code = INFO Project 'smokeynmonkey-prj' successfully created and set as default project
% avn project list PROJECT_NAME DEFAULT_CLOUD CREDIT_CARD ================= ================== =========== smokeynmonkey-prj aws-us-east-1 N/A smokeymonkey-aedd aws-ap-northeast-1 N/A
% avn project switch smokeynmonkey-prj INFO Set project 'smokeynmonkey-prj' as the default project
% avn project details PROJECT_NAME DEFAULT_CLOUD BILLING_CURRENCY VAT_ID ================= ============= ================ ====== smokeynmonkey-prj aws-us-east-1 USD credit_card = N/A billing_address = country_code =
% avn project switch smokeymonkey-aedd INFO Set project 'smokeymonkey-aedd' as the default project % avn project delete smokeynmonkey-prj % avn project list PROJECT_NAME DEFAULT_CLOUD CREDIT_CARD ================= ================== =========== smokeymonkey-aedd aws-ap-northeast-1 N/A
% avn service plans Used cloud not defined, only showing service types! Cassandra - Distributed NoSQL data store Plans: Elasticsearch - Search & Analyze Data in Real Time Plans: Grafana - Metrics Dashboard Plans: InfluxDB - Distributed Time Series Database Plans: Kafka - High-Throughput Distributed Messaging System Plans: Kafka Connect - Kafka Connect service Plans: Kafka MirrorMaker - Kafka MirrorMaker service Plans: M3 Aggregator - Aggregates metrics and provides downsampling Plans: M3DB - Distributed time series database Plans: MySQL - Relational Database Management System Plans: OpenSearch - Search & Analyze Data in Real Time, derived from Elasticsearch v7.10.2 Plans: PostgreSQL - Object-Relational Database Management System Plans: Redis - In-Memory Data Structure Store Plans:
% avn service types SERVICE_TYPE DESCRIPTION ================= =================================================================================== cassandra Cassandra - Distributed NoSQL data store elasticsearch Elasticsearch - Search & Analyze Data in Real Time grafana Grafana - Metrics Dashboard influxdb InfluxDB - Distributed Time Series Database kafka Kafka - High-Throughput Distributed Messaging System kafka_connect Kafka Connect - Kafka Connect service kafka_mirrormaker Kafka MirrorMaker - Kafka MirrorMaker service m3aggregator M3 Aggregator - Aggregates metrics and provides downsampling m3db M3DB - Distributed time series database mysql MySQL - Relational Database Management System opensearch OpenSearch - Search & Analyze Data in Real Time, derived from Elasticsearch v7.10.2 pg PostgreSQL - Object-Relational Database Management System redis Redis - In-Memory Data Structure Store
% avn service create testdb -t mysql --plan startup-4
% avn service list SERVICE_NAME SERVICE_TYPE STATE CLOUD_NAME PLAN CREATE_TIME UPDATE_TIME NOTIFICATIONS ============ ============ ========== ================== ========= ==================== ==================== ============= testdb mysql REBUILDING aws-ap-northeast-1 startup-4 2021-12-02T06:47:55Z 2021-12-02T06:48:07Z
% avn service list SERVICE_NAME SERVICE_TYPE STATE CLOUD_NAME PLAN CREATE_TIME UPDATE_TIME NOTIFICATIONS ============ ============ ======= ================== ========= ==================== ==================== ============= testdb mysql RUNNING aws-ap-northeast-1 startup-4 2021-12-02T06:47:55Z 2021-12-02T06:53:56Z
% avn service cli testdb ERROR command failed: UserError: Unsupported service type mysql. Only InfluxDB and PostgreSQL are supported
% mysqlsh --sql "mysql://XXXX@testdb-smokeymonkey-aedd.aivencloud.com:28813/defaultdb?ssl-mode=REQUIRED" MySQL Shell 8.0.22 Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type '\help' or '\?' for help; '\quit' to exit. WARNING: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Creating a Classic session to 'XXXX@testdb-smokeymonkey-aedd.aivencloud.com:28813/defaultdb?ssl-mode=REQUIRED' Fetching schema names for autocompletion... Press ^C to stop. Fetching table and column names from `defaultdb` for auto-completion... Press ^C to stop. Your MySQL connection id is 32 Server version: 8.0.26 Source distribution Default schema set to `defaultdb`. MySQL testdb-smokeymonkey-aedd.aivencloud.com:28813 ssl defaultdb SQL > \q Bye!
% avn service update testdb --power-off % avn service list SERVICE_NAME SERVICE_TYPE STATE CLOUD_NAME PLAN CREATE_TIME UPDATE_TIME NOTIFICATIONS ============ ============ ======== ================== ========= ==================== ==================== ============= testdb mysql POWEROFF aws-ap-northeast-1 startup-4 2021-12-02T07:14:57Z 2021-12-02T07:22:06Z
% avn service update testdb --power-on % avn service list SERVICE_NAME SERVICE_TYPE STATE CLOUD_NAME PLAN CREATE_TIME UPDATE_TIME NOTIFICATIONS ============ ============ ========== ================== ========= ==================== ==================== ============= testdb mysql REBUILDING aws-ap-northeast-1 startup-4 2021-12-02T07:14:57Z 2021-12-02T07:23:28Z
% avn service logs testdb 2021-12-02T07:19:49.613852 testdb-1 mysqld.service 2021-12-02T07:19:49.586839Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server] /usr/bin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.26) starting as process 264 2021-12-02T07:19:49.613168 testdb-1 mysqld.service 2021-12-02T07:19:49.586674Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011068] [Server] The syntax 'slave_parallel_type' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use replica_parallel_type instead. 2021-12-02T07:19:49.613168 testdb-1 mysqld.service 2021-12-02T07:19:49.586722Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011069] [Server] The syntax '--transaction-write-set-extraction' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. ...
% avn service terminate testdb *********************************************************************** Please re-enter the service name(s) to confirm the service termination. This cannot be undone and all the data in the service will be lost! Re-entering service name(s) can be skipped with the --force option. *********************************************************************** Re-enter service name 'testdb' for immediate termination: testdb INFO testdb: terminated % avn service list
% avn events TIME ACTOR EVENT_TYPE SERVICE_NAME EVENT_DESC ==================== ====================== ===================================== ============== =============================================================================================================================================================================== 2021-12-02T07:28:52Z smokeymonkey@gmail.com service_delete testdb Deleted service 2021-12-02T07:28:14Z Aiven Automation service_master_promotion testdb Promoted testdb-2 to be the new master in service testdb.
$ avn user logout % avn cloud list ERROR command failed: UserError: authentication is required to list clouds for a specific project