[アップデート] Amazon Bedrock で提供されている機能の名前が変わりました

[アップデート] Amazon Bedrock で提供されている機能の名前が変わりました

Knowledge bases for Amazon Bedrock は Amazon Bedrock Knowledge bases、 Agents for Amazon Bedrock は Amazon Bedrock Agents、Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock は Amazon Bedrock Guardrails に名称変更となりました。これ以上でもなく、これ以下でもないブログです。
Clock Icon2024.09.13

こんにちは!AWS 事業本部コンサルティング部のたかくに(@takakuni_)です。

Amazon Bedrock で提供されている機能の名前がドキュメントも含めて変わりました。具体的には以下の名前に転生しました。


今までは、次の名前で呼ばれていました。 XXX for Amazon Bedrock から Amazon Bedrock XXX の形式に名称変更となりました。

  • Knowledge bases for Amazon Bedrock
  • Agents for Amazon Bedrock
  • Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock


Amazon Q に聞いてみた

以上、「公式ドキュメントも含めて Amazon Bedrock で提供されている機能の名前が変わりました。」だと少し寂しいため、 Amazon Q さんに聞いてみました。(皆さん Amazon Q 使ってますか?私は久しぶりです。)

Amazon Q さんはなんと「Amazon Bedrock XXX」表記に対応していました。しかも、 XXX for Amazon Bedrock 表記だった過去背景も踏まえて、回答してくれるケースもありました。なんて素晴らしいのでしょうか。

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Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases

Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases 回答
Based on the information provided in the documents, the official name seems to be "Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases".

Document 2 refers to it as "Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock" when mentioning it has become generally available. However, Documents 0 and 1 consistently use the name "Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases" when describing and explaining the service.

Additionally, the excerpt from Document 0 states "To learn more about the capabilities of Amazon Bedrock and knowledge bases, refer to Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases." This suggests that "Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases" is the official product name used by AWS.

So while both names are used across the documents, the evidence points to "Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases" being the official and correct name for this AWS service that enables retrieval augmented generation (RAG) capabilities.
[1] [Use RAG for drug discovery with Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases | AWS Machine Learning Blog] (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/use-rag-for-drug-discovery-with-knowledge-bases-for-amazon-bedrock/)
[2] [Use RAG for drug discovery with Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases | AWS Machine Learning Blog] (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/use-rag-for-drug-discovery-with-amazon-bedrock-knowledge-bases/)
[3] [Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock is now generally available] (https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/11/amazon-bedrock-knowledge-bases/)

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Amazon Bedrock Agents

Amazon Bedrock Agents 回答
Based on the information provided in the context, the official name is 'Amazon Bedrock Agents'.

Document 0 states:
"Amazon Bedrock Agents is a service that enables users to set up and run agents for automating tasks."

And Document 2 mentions:
"Amazon Bedrock agents automate tasks for your application users by orchestrating interactions between the foundation model, data sources, software applications and user conversations."

So the correct official name according to the given context is 'Amazon Bedrock Agents'.
[1] [How Amazon Bedrock Agents works - Amazon Bedrock] (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/agents-how.html)
[2] [AI Agents - Amazon Bedrock Agents - AWS] (https://aws.amazon.com/bedrock/agents/)
[3] [Build and modify agents in Amazon Bedrock for your application - Amazon Bedrock] (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/agents-build-modify.html)

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Amazon Bedrock Guardrails


Amazon Bedrock Guardrails 回答
**To ask questions about your resources, consent to cross-Region calls in chat settings. For more information, see the [Amazon Q Developer documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazonq/latest/qdeveloper-ug/cross-region-calls.html).**

Based on the information provided in the documents, the official name appears to be "Amazon Bedrock Guardrails".

Document 0 refers to it as "Amazon Bedrock Guardrails" multiple times:

"Amazon Bedrock Guardrails is a safety mechanism for generative AI applications that evaluates both user inputs and model responses."

"Amazon Bedrock Guardrails helps keep your generative AI applications safe by evaluating both user inputs and model responses."

The other documents (1 and 2) also use the term "Amazon Bedrock Guardrails" when mentioning this feature.

So the evidence points to "Amazon Bedrock Guardrails" being the official and correct name for this capability within the Amazon Bedrock service for generative AI applications.
[1] [How Amazon Bedrock Guardrails works - Amazon Bedrock] (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/guardrails-how.html)
[2] [Community | Enhancing the Customer Service Experience with Amazon Bedrock's Guardrails] (https://community.aws/content/2bNaP7c1NCEvUSICO8XmUuCujzX/using-guard)
[3] [Use guardrails for your use case - Amazon Bedrock] (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/guardrails-use.html)

是非、 Amazon Q さんの貴重なお言葉にはフィードバックしましょう。


今後は以下のタグで Amazon Bedrock のブログを投稿できればと思います。(過去ブログも是非ご覧いただけますと幸いです。)




AWS 事業本部コンサルティング部のたかくに(@takakuni_)でした!

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