Google BigQueryでは、サービス内で利用出来るSQLとして「標準SQL(Standard SQL)」と「レガシーSQL(Legacy SQL)」という2種類のSQLが存在します。これらはそれぞれ、どういう特性や特徴があるのでしょうか。また両者の違いはや使い分け等も気になるところです。当エントリでは、それらを含めた両SQLの「立ち位置」について確認してみたいと思います。
「標準SQL」とは、Google BigQueryのバージョン2.0から導入されたSQLの事です。
一方、BigQuery バージョン2.0を以て、それまで利用されていたSQLは「レガシーSQL」という扱いとなりました。
標準 SQL は SQL 2011 標準に準拠し、ネストされ繰り返されたデータのクエリをサポートする拡張機能を備えています。 標準 SQL には、レガシー SQL に勝る次のような利点があります。
・WITH 句と SQL 関数を使用したコンポーザビリティ
・SELECT リストと WHERE 句内のサブクエリ
・ARRAY データ型と STRUCT データ型
・COUNT(DISTINCT) は正確でスケーラブルであり、EXACT_COUNT_DISTINCT の精度をその制限なしで提供
・JOIN による自動述語プッシュダウン
・任意の表現を含む複雑な JOIN 述語
標準 SQL への移行 | BigQuery | Google Cloud
CLIコマンド(bq query)の場合
CLIコマンドの場合、bq queryコマンドでクエリを実行出来ます。この際、オプション指定で--use_legacy_sql=falseまたは--nouse_legacy_sqlを添えることで、そのクエリが標準SQLで実行されるようになります。
$ bq query \ --use_legacy_sql=false \ 'SELECT name_alias, appearances, gender, year, years_since_joining FROM cmbqdataset.marvel_characters ORDER BY appearances DESC LIMIT 20' Waiting on bqjob_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE +--------------------------------+-------------+--------+------+---------------------+ | name_alias | appearances | gender | year | years_since_joining | +--------------------------------+-------------+--------+------+---------------------+ | peter benjamin parker | 4333 | male | 1990 | 25 | | steven rogers | 3458 | male | 1964 | 51 | | james "logan" howlett | 3130 | male | 2005 | 10 | | anthony edward "tony" stark | 3068 | male | 1963 | 52 | | thor odinson | 2402 | male | 1963 | 52 | | benjamin jacob grimm | 2305 | male | 1986 | 29 | | reed richards | 2125 | male | 1989 | 26 | | robert bruce banner | 2089 | male | 1963 | 52 | | henry p. mccoy | 1886 | male | 1976 | 39 | | susan richards (nee storm) | 1761 | male | 1989 | 26 | | ororo munroe | 1598 | female | 2012 | 3 | | namor mckenzie | 1561 | male | 1985 | 30 | | clinton francis barton | 1456 | male | 1965 | 50 | | matt murdock | 1375 | male | 2011 | 4 | | doctor stephen vincent strange | 1324 | male | 2007 | 8 | | henry jonathan "hank" pym | 1269 | male | 1963 | 52 | | wanda maximoff | 1214 | female | 1965 | 50 | | janet van dyne | 1165 | female | 1963 | 52 | | natalia alianovna romanova | 1112 | female | 1973 | 42 | | victor shade (alias) | 1036 | male | 1968 | 47 | +--------------------------------+-------------+--------+------+---------------------+
$ bq query \ --use_legacy_sql \ 'SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA' Error in query string: Error processing job 'cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx:bqjob_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_1': Table cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx:INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA is not queryable with legacy SQL.
# TODO(developer): Import the client library. from google.cloud import bigquery # TODO(developer): Construct a BigQuery client object. client = bigquery.Client() query = """ SELECT name_alias, appearances, gender, year, years_since_joining FROM cmbqdataset.marvel_characters ORDER BY appearances DESC LIMIT 20 """ query_job = client.query(query) # Make an API request. print("The query data:") for row in query_job: # Row values can be accessed by field name or index. #print("name={}, count={}".format(row[0], row["total_people"])) print(row)
$ time python exec-bigquery-standard-sql.py The query data: Row(('peter benjamin parker', 4333, 'male', 1990, 25), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('steven rogers', 3458, 'male', 1964, 51), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('james "logan" howlett', 3130, 'male', 2005, 10), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('anthony edward "tony" stark', 3068, 'male', 1963, 52), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('thor odinson', 2402, 'male', 1963, 52), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('benjamin jacob grimm', 2305, 'male', 1986, 29), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('reed richards', 2125, 'male', 1989, 26), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('robert bruce banner', 2089, 'male', 1963, 52), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('henry p. mccoy', 1886, 'male', 1976, 39), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('susan richards (nee storm)', 1761, 'male', 1989, 26), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('ororo munroe', 1598, 'female', 2012, 3), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('namor mckenzie', 1561, 'male', 1985, 30), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('clinton francis barton', 1456, 'male', 1965, 50), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('matt murdock', 1375, 'male', 2011, 4), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('doctor stephen vincent strange', 1324, 'male', 2007, 8), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('henry jonathan "hank" pym', 1269, 'male', 1963, 52), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('wanda maximoff', 1214, 'female', 1965, 50), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('janet van dyne', 1165, 'female', 1963, 52), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('natalia alianovna romanova', 1112, 'female', 1973, 42), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4}) Row(('victor shade (alias)', 1036, 'male', 1968, 47), {'name_alias': 0, 'appearances': 1, 'gender': 2, 'year': 3, 'years_since_joining': 4})
from google.cloud import bigquery # TODO(developer): Construct a BigQuery client object. client = bigquery.Client() query = ( """ SELECT name_alias, appearances, gender, year, years_since_joining FROM cmbqdataset.marvel_characters ORDER BY appearances DESC LIMIT 20""" ) # Set use_legacy_sql to True to use legacy SQL syntax. job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig(use_legacy_sql=True) # Start the query, passing in the extra configuration. query_job = client.query(query, job_config=job_config) # Make an API request. print("The query data:") for row in query_job: print(row)