sbt evictedからライブラリ依存問題を解決するための検討をやってみた
sbtのプロジェクトでライブラリ依存の競合表示に遭遇しました。具体的にはsbt evicted
- 対象ライブラリがどのような状態になっているのか
- 動作する上で大きく問題が生じることなのか
- 果たして解消できるのか
- 対処方法として不味いやり方にはあるのか
The default conflict manager will select the newer version of akka-actor, 2.3.7. This can be confirmed in the output of show update, which shows the newer version as being selected and the older version as evicted.
sbt evicted
を実行すると、以下のようなログが大量にでてくることがあります。この場合、AWSGlueJdbcCommons と mongo-spark-connector が mongo-java-driver に依存していることを示しています。
[warn] Found version conflict(s) in library dependencies; some are suspected to be binary incompatible: [warn] * org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver:3.10.1 is selected over [3.10,3.11) [warn] +- com.amazonaws:AWSGlueJdbcCommons:0.9.0 (depends on 3.10.1) [warn] +- org.mongodb.spark:mongo-spark-connector_2.11:2.4.1 (depends on [3.10,3.11))
- AWSGlueJdbcCommons は 3.10.1 に依存
- mongo-spark-connector は 3.10, 3.11 に依存
ポイントは AWSGlueJdbcCommonsが依存する 3.10.1 を選択されているという点です。
まずは、より新しいバージョンのうち選択されなかった 3.11 について。3.11.0 と 3.10.0、3.10.1 の差分ですが、ABI-Laboratoryを使って各バージョン間の互換性を確認してみます。
比較に 3.10.2を使っていますが、3.10.1 の上位互換性が100%であることと、3.10.1と3.11.0の比較ができなかったためです。次に、3.10.0 と 3.10.1 の互換性を確認します。
3.10.0 は 3.10.1 に対して上位互換性が100%とあります。mongo-java-driverについては暗黙的に選択されている 3.10.1 で恐らく問題なしと言えそうです。
[warn] * io.netty:netty:3.9.9.Final is selected over {3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.6.2.Final, 3.7.0.Final} [warn] +- org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.11:2.4.3 (depends on 3.9.9.Final) [warn] +- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.4.6 (depends on 3.7.0.Final) [warn] +- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-shuffle:2.8.5 (depends on 3.6.2.Final) [warn] +- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient:2.8.5 (depends on 3.6.2.Final) [warn] +- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-core:2.8.5 (depends on 3.6.2.Final) [warn] +- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-common:2.8.5 (depends on 3.6.2.Final) [warn] +- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-app:2.8.5 (depends on 3.6.2.Final) [warn] +- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs:2.8.5 (depends on 3.6.2.Final)
- 3.9.9.Final
- 3.7.0.Final
- 3.6.2.Final
の三択です。3.6.2.Finalと3.7.0.Finalが大量に含まれている状況ですが、とりあえずは置いておきます。ABI-Laboratory にはnettyそのものはありません。nettyのリポジトリを確認すると、
Note: This artifact was moved to: io.netty » netty-all
とあるように、netty-allで調べます。ですが、netty-allは4.0.0以降のバージョンが対象となっており、netty以前はabi-laboratoryでは確認が取れません。この場合、ソースコードを直接比較するか、Release Noteから上位互換性やbugfixの有無を確認を行うべきでしょう。
Release Noteの更新から決める
3.9.9.Finalが選ばれている上で動作に問題は見つかってはいない場合、上位互換性が十分に確保できている可能性はあります。そこで、過去バージョンにない機能及び、脆弱性のfixが含まれていないかをRelease Noteから見てみます。
- 3.7.0.Final → 3.9.9.Final
- (3.9.9) Fix cookie encoding when maxAge is greater than 24 days (#4008)
- (3.9.9) Fix invalid check arguments in 'OpenSslServerContext.setTicketKeys' (#4009)
- (3.9.8) Validate cookie name and value characters (#3754)
- (3.9.6) Fix the bugs in ZlibEncoder and JdkZlibEncoder which caused HttpContentCompressor to fail(#3107)
- (3.9.6) Disable SSLv3 to protect the users against POODLE(#3131)
- (3.9.6) Add support for pushed resources in SPDY(#3142)
- (3.9.6) Fix integer overflow when handling an HTTP multipart request(#3210)
- (3.9.6) Fix potential race condition in I/O boss/worker pool initialization(#3249)
- (3.9.4) Improve traffic shaping handlers(#2747)
- (3.9.4) Fix a bug in IpFilterSubnetRule handling incorrectly(#2767)
- (3.9.4) Add a system property to change the default ZLIB compression library in HttpContentCompressor(#2821)
- (3.9.3) Fix a dead lock in SslHandler(#2093)
- (3.9.3) Fix a message loss during HTTP protocol switch(#2179)
- (3.9.3) Fix a redundant 'SSLEngine is closing/closed' exception(#2333)
- (3.9.3) Upgrade JBoss Logging to the latest GA version (by @gaol)(#2626)
- (3.9.3) Fix a NPE in SPDY(#2683)
- (3.9.3) Fix an incorrect ConnectException message(#2713)
- (3.9.3) Fix a missing channelInterestOpsChanged event(#2714)
- (3.9.3) Fix missing encrypted private key support in JdkSslContext (by @schulzp)(#2718)
- (3.9.3) Disallow ChannelFuture.setFailure(null), which leads to inconsistent state(#2728)
- (3.9.3) Fix incorrect URI encoding in HTTP encoder(#2732)
- (3.9.3) Do not simplify stack trace(#2735)
- (3.9.3) Fix a bug where SpdySessionHandler sometimes does not handle all pending writes(#2742)
- (3.9.2) Possible DoS by CPU exhaustion when using malicious SSL packets (#2562)
- (3.9.2) Add OpenSslEngine (#2464)
- (3.9.2) Provide universal API to create an SSLEngine (#2499)
- (3.9.2) Minimize memory footprint of HashedWheelTimer and context-switching (#2453)
- 3.6.2.Final →3.7.0.Final
- (3.7.0) Even though we bumped the minor version from 6 to 7, it is mostly a bug fix release if the changes in the SPDY support is not considered. Because SPDY is relatively new and its specification has been changing over time, we had to reorganize it a little bit. If you were using the SPDY package in 3.6, you might want to make sure everything works as before and check #1778, #1490, #1476, #1462, and #1419. Otherwise, you will not notice anything particular but bug fixes.
- (3.6.6) Fix multiple issues when handling HTTP multipart. (#1228), (#1313), (#1332) and (#1358)
- (3.6.6) HttpChunkAggregator throws IllegalArgumentException because of incorrect removal of chunked transfer-encoding (#1322)
- (3.6.6) Deadlock can happen when MemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor with limit is used (#1310)
- (3.6.5) Fix regression which could cause CPU-Spinning. (#1243) and (#1246)
- (3.6.5) Fix bug in AbstractTrafficShaper which could make it work incorrect if the system clock went backwards. (#1237)
- (3.6.4) You can specify ThreadNameDeterminer as a parameter when you construct Oio*ChannelFactory and HashedWheelTimer. (#1176)
- (3.6.4) ProtobufDecoder takes advantage of the performance improvements in protobuf 2.5.0. (#1146)
- (3.6.4) The message of a ConnectException now contains the remote address where the connection attempt was made to. (#1082)
- (3.6.4) NIO transport raises a ConnectTimeoutException, which extends ConnectException, when a connection attempt timed out. (#1036)
- (3.6.3) The most important is a possible deadlock when using the SslHandler and trigger a close operation from a different thread then the Worker thread. For the full list of issues and more details visit our issue tracker. The release itself can be found on our download page or on maven central.
- 3.9.2
- Possible DoS by CPU exhaustion when using malicious SSL packets
- This is an important release if you use a previous version of the 3.9 branch because it fixes a possible DoS attack when using the SslHandler. So please upgrade as soon as possible. For the security bug CVE-2014-3488 was assigned.
- 3.7.0
- Even though we bumped the minor version from 6 to 7, it is mostly a bug fix release if the changes in the SPDY support is not considered. Because SPDY is relatively new and its specification has been changing over time, we had to reorganize it a little bit. If you were using the SPDY package in 3.6, you might want to make sure everything works as before and check #1778, #1490, #1476, #1462, and #1419. Otherwise, you will not notice anything particular but bug fixes.
dependencyOverrides ++= Set( "io.netty" % "netty" % "3.9.9.Final", "org.mongodb" % "mongo-java-driver" % "3.10.1" )
ポイントは、暗黙での選択と同一の場合はsbt evicted
sbt evicted
既定の選択で問題なく動く場合、sbt evicted