Introduction To The Zendesk Way

Introduction To The Zendesk Way

5 core attributes of how Zendesk builds product, how it works with with customers and how it delivers value. It is a unique combination that no other vendor can match.
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Customer Service is a 10 billion dollar industry. The broader CRM market is a 60 billion dollar industry. They totally combine to form 70 billion dollar industry. Zendesk is in leadership role in this area as it focuses on timed value, agility, simplicity and many more attributes. There are similar noises out there in the world and in order cut through this Zendesk follows what is called as The Zendesk Way. The current iteration of the Zendesk way is Grounded in CX, Make it Easy, Open and Flexible, Data Rich and Best TCO.

Grounded In CX

Zendesk core mission is to deliver excellent Customer Experience. According to Gartner 81% of companies expect customer experience to be most important competition metric. Many Businesses winning or losing nowadays depends mostly on CX alone. Zendesk has focussed on this attribute right from Day 1. The approach which focuses on helping rather than winning which can be called customer centric approach. It is one of the only leader with its roots in service and others are mostly from IT. The innovators of the last decade for example slack, line, airbnb and many more are customers of Zendesk. It has also been in the forefront of Customer experience innovations such as the AI, collaboration, messaging and many more. As it has roots in CX it makes sure that customer achieves their goal.

Make It Easy

It means that Zendesk does the hard work that is take on necessary complexity so that customers deliver great feel of the customer experience without worrying about what happens in the background. World has realised that easy translates to business results and hence business leaders are looking for vendors who deliver promise of easy.

Easy helps achieve 2 things:

1) Improved CX - Faster response, better response easier to reach out

2) Agent Efficiency - fewer clicks, faster onboarding, lower attrition

Easy Empowers to get up running and make changes on the go. This makes us serve customers they way they want without making any necessary tradeoffs. Everyone else is playing the catch up. Final reason - ease of use, setup and customisation.

Easy to Use

Open and Flexible

Zendesk has open and flexible architecture which makes best customer experience fast and easy. Customers can connect to any data source, build, extend and deploy with speed and ease on public cloud.

Business Nowadays require:

1) Open

2) Modern

3) Flexible

Zendesk has always embraced openness and flexibility examples SDK, web widget designed for customers to build on and customise. It also believes that API's should be free. The proof for open and flexible is sunshine platform which is built by Zendesk on AWS which is new take on enterprise SaaS that looks to the future of CRM.

Data Rich

Zendesk helps company to take full advantage of the customer data context and insights. For improved outcomes necessary data is required. Data plays a critical role in the current business competitive world.

Data makes customer experience better:

1) Measure and improve CX

2) Provide relevant Content

3) Automate process and power bots

Zendesk helps customer leverage data in different ways first Analytics, customer can get real insights based on unique datasets, provide best practice reports and also fully customise and generate reports based on their needs. Next Integrations it allows to collect and measure data from a range of sources. These integrations and open API's can help to measure data that is outside of the customer service. Last is automation Zendesk is leader in applying AI and ML to customer experience and this has started from few years ago. Final reasons - focus analytics on line of business user, make it easy to get data in and out example AWS connector(EventBridge) and finally with couple of clicks companies can unleash the power of AI.

open and flexible

Best TCO

Zendesk delivers the best Total Cost of Ownership for teams of any size. They see fast timed value, requires less administrative development overhead and transparent pricing. CIO's top concern is cost pressure. Most business mistake licence cost as TCO but in reality it is not there are other costs involved implementation cost and the ongoing costs to maintain the system. Another important cost is the cost of not being agile. Business should always be ready to change based on needs of the customers if they do not consider this they may be in trouble.

Zendesk lower TCO:

1) Fast and Easy implementation

2) Minimal Admin Requirements

3) Predictable pricing

It helps avoid the hidden cost mostly due to above discussed attributes such as grounded in cx, easy, open and flexible. Only Zendesk can deliver on this agility that modern customer service organisations require.


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