AWS マネジメントコンソールの検索欄は皆さんお使いですか?
キーボードを使用して、上位の検索結果にすばやく移動することもできます。まず、[Alt+s] (Windows) または[Option+s] (macOS) キーを押して検索バーにアクセスします。次に、検索する語句を入力します。意図した結果がリストの最上部に表示されたら、[Enter] キーを押します。例えば、Amazon EC2 コンソールにすばやく移動するには、「ec2」と入力し、[Enter] キーを押します。

- このページに記載の表は、2023年7月7日時点のものであり、サービス名やサービス説明文が変更される度に検索結果が変動するものと考えられます。目安程度にお使いください。
- 実際に検索欄へ入力し、返ってきた結果を記載しています。全てのサービスが載っている訳ではありません。
- 現在の仕様上、検索結果で表示されるサービスは最大4つです。「ー」は検索結果でサービスがヒットしなかったことを表します。
- 指の体力上、
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
AA |
Amazon AppFlow |
Amazon EventBridge |
Amazon GameLift |
Amazon Artifact |
AB |
AWS Billing Conductor |
Database Migration Service |
AWS Glue DataBrew |
Amazon MQ |
AC |
AWS Clean Rooms |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
AD |
Directory Service |
Application Discovery Service |
AWS Data Exchange |
Amazon DataZone |
AE |
AWS Artifact |
AF |
Amazon AppFlow |
WAF & Shield |
Amazon Grafana |
AG |
Global Accelerator |
MediaPackage |
Storage Gateway |
Secrets Manager |
AH |
AWS Amplify |
AI |
Amazon Augmented AI |
Amazon Translate |
AWS DeepRacer |
Amazon SageMaker |
AJ |
ー |
AK |
Security Lake |
Amazon Braket |
Amazon SageMaker |
AWS RoboMaker |
AL |
MediaLive |
IoT Analytics |
Amazon CodeCatalyst |
Service Catalog |
AM |
Amazon Machine Learning |
Resource Access Manager |
Amazon MQ |
AN |
AWS Panorama |
AWS Organizations |
Secrets Manager |
Certificate Manager |
AO |
ー |
AP |
API Gateway |
MediaPackage |
AWS AppConfig |
Application Composer |
AQ |
Amazon Kendra |
AR |
AWS Resource Explorer |
Serverless Application Repository |
Route 53 Application Recovery Controller |
Amazon Sumerian |
AS |
AppStream 2.0 |
Secrets Manager |
AWS Supply Chain |
Application Composer |
AT |
Amazon Interactive Video Service |
AWS Well-Architected Tool |
Database Migration Service |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
AU |
Launch Wizard |
Amazon Augmented AI |
Amazon Fraud Detector |
AWS Audit Manager |
AV |
Amazon Verified Permissions |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
AWS AppSync |
AWS Amplify |
AW |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN |
Amazon Redshift |
AWS Signer |
AX |
DynamoDB |
AY |
X-Ray |
Storage Gateway |
API Gateway |
AWS Panorama |
AZ |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Amazon DataZone |
Amazon Redshift |
AWS Signer |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
BA |
QuickSight |
Batch |
AWS Backup |
Global Accelerator |
BB |
Amazon MQ |
BC |
AWS Billing Conductor |
Amazon MQ |
BD |
Lambda |
CodeBuild |
AWS Signer |
Amazon Inspector |
BE |
Amazon Bedrock |
Elastic Beanstalk |
Amazon Transcribe |
Elastic Kubernetes Service |
BF |
ー |
BG |
ー |
BH |
ー |
BI |
ごみ箱 |
Amazon Redshift |
QuickSight |
Billing |
BJ |
ー |
BK |
ー |
BL |
Nimble Studio |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
Amazon Macie |
EC2 |
BM |
Amazon MQ |
BN |
ー |
BO |
AWS Chatbot |
IoT RoboRunner |
AWS RoboMaker |
AWS Health Dashboard |
BP |
ー |
BQ |
ー |
BR |
Amazon Bedrock |
Amazon EventBridge |
Amazon Braket |
AWS AppFabric |
BS |
AWS Marketplace Subscriptions |
AWS AppFabric |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
BT |
ー |
BU |
CodeBuild |
AWS Budgets |
EC2 Image Builder |
AWS Telco Network Builder |
BV |
ー |
BW |
ー |
BX |
ー |
BY |
WorkSpaces Web |
AWS Amplify |
OpsWorks |
BZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
CA |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
OpsWorks |
MediaTailor |
ElastiCache |
CB |
AWS Chatbot |
CC |
Amazon Connect |
Global Accelerator |
Resource Access Manager |
CloudFront |
CD |
Amazon CodeCatalyst |
CodePipeline |
AWS Amplify |
Amazon DocumentDB |
CE |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
Resource Access Manager |
WorkSpaces |
AWS DeepRacer |
CF |
CloudFront |
CloudFormation |
AWS Artifact |
Systems Manager |
CG |
Amazon CodeGuru |
CH |
Amazon Chime SDK |
CloudSearch |
CloudWatch |
Batch |
CI |
Amazon Inspector |
Amazon CodeCatalyst |
S3 Glacier |
Incident Manager |
CJ |
ー |
CK |
Amazon Bedrock |
MediaPackage |
QuickSight |
AWS Backup |
CL |
CloudTrail |
Cloud9 |
CloudSearch |
CloudWatch |
CM |
AWS Cloud Map |
OpsWorks |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Certificate Manager |
CN |
AWS Supply Chain |
CO |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
Security Hub |
AWS Outposts |
CodeCommit |
CP |
Amazon Macie |
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS |
AWS Transfer Family |
CQ |
Amazon Keyspaces |
CR |
AWS Clean Rooms |
Secrets Manager |
Amazon Transcribe |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
CS |
CloudSearch |
CodeStar |
Amazon Omics |
IoT Analytics |
CT |
Control Tower |
CloudTrail |
Direct Connect |
CodeArtifact |
CU |
Security Lake |
AWS Telco Network Builder |
Security Hub |
Amazon DocumentDB |
CV |
Amazon Inspector |
AWS Panorama |
CW |
CloudWatch |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
Amazon EventBridge |
CX |
Amazon Connect |
CY |
ごみ箱 |
Amazon Macie |
AWS Transfer Family |
CZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
DA |
Amazon EventBridge |
Lambda |
DataSync |
Amazon DataZone |
DB |
Amazon QLDB |
Database Migration Service |
DynamoDB |
Amazon DocumentDB |
DC |
IAM Identity Center |
Directory Service |
DD |
IoT Device Defender |
GuardDuty |
Route 53 Resolver |
AWS Firewall Manager |
DE |
Cloud9 |
IoT Device Defender |
CodeDeploy |
CodeArtifact |
DF |
Kinesis Firehose |
CloudFormation |
CloudFront |
Application Composer |
DG |
Amazon EventBridge |
AWS Budgets |
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler |
AWS Outposts |
DH |
CloudHSM |
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS |
DI |
MediaStore |
MediaLive |
MediaConvert |
MediaTailor |
DJ |
ー |
DK |
Amazon Chime SDK |
Amazon CodeCatalyst |
IoT Core |
Amazon GameLift |
DL |
AWS DeepLens |
CloudShell |
Nimble Studio |
Athena |
DM |
IoT Device Management |
Database Migration Service |
AWS Cloud Map |
AWS Lake Formation |
DN |
Route 53 Resolver |
Route 53 |
AWS Cloud Map |
AWS Amplify |
DO |
Amazon DocumentDB |
Amazon WorkDocs |
Elastic Container Service |
Elastic Container Registry |
DP |
IAM Identity Center |
Amazon Macie |
Systems Manager |
Database Migration Service |
DQ |
ー |
DR |
Amazon Bedrock |
AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery |
Amazon Kendra |
AWS AppSync |
DS |
Application Discovery Service |
Kinesis |
Directory Service |
Athena |
DT |
CloudTrail |
ElastiCache |
Detective |
Athena |
DU |
AWS Telco Network Builder |
GuardDuty |
AWS Billing Conductor |
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler |
DV |
Trusted Advisor |
Managed Services |
Database Migration Service |
DW |
Amazon Redshift |
CloudWatch |
Athena |
Amazon EventBridge |
DX |
Direct Connect |
AWS Data Exchange |
DY |
DynamoDB |
Athena |
DZ |
Amazon DataZone |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
EA |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
CodeArtifact |
CloudSearch |
Amazon Timestream |
EB |
Amazon EventBridge |
WorkSpaces Web |
CodeBuild |
AWS App Runner |
EC |
Security Hub |
Security Lake |
EC2 |
Direct Connect |
ED |
Amazon Bedrock |
Amazon EventBridge |
MediaStore |
MediaLive |
EE |
AWS Wickr |
FreeRTOS |
AWS DeepRacer |
AWS DeepComposer |
EF |
IoT Device Defender |
Security Lake |
OpsWorks |
EG |
Amazon CodeGuru |
Elastic Container Registry |
AWS AppFabric |
Amazon AppFlow |
EH |
Amazon Comprehend |
Kinesis Firehose |
Amazon Comprehend Medical |
Kinesis |
EI |
Amazon Connect |
EJ |
ー |
EK |
Elastic Kubernetes Service |
Amazon Rekognition |
Amazon Augmented AI |
EL |
CodePipeline |
ElastiCache |
CloudShell |
Elastic Transcoder |
EM |
MediaStore |
MediaConvert |
MediaPackage |
MediaConnect |
EN |
IAM Identity Center |
Athena |
Amazon EventBridge |
IoT Events |
EO |
Kinesis Video Streams |
Amazon Interactive Video Service |
CloudFront |
Database Migration Service |
EP |
Neptune |
CodeDeploy |
CodePipeline |
AWS DeepRacer |
EQ |
Amazon Lookout for Equipment |
Managed Services |
Service Quotas |
Nimble Studio |
ER |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
Certificate Manager |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
Application Discovery Service |
ES |
Amazon OpenSearch Service |
Amazon Chime SDK |
Resource Access Manager |
CodeStar |
ET |
Detective |
Secrets Manager |
Amazon Braket |
Unified Settings |
EU |
Amazon Prometheus |
Simple Queue Service |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
EV |
Amazon EventBridge |
Device Farm |
IoT Events |
IoT Device Management |
EW |
Storage Gateway |
API Gateway |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
IoT SiteWise |
EX |
AWS Resource Explorer |
Amazon Textract |
Amazon Lex |
AWS Data Exchange |
EY |
Amazon Keyspaces |
Amazon Honeycode |
Key Management Service |
Amazon Macie |
EZ |
AWS Transfer Family |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
FA |
CodeArtifact |
Device Farm |
AWS Artifact |
Amazon Grafana |
FB |
ー |
FC |
Launch Wizard |
Managed Services |
FD |
Amazon Fraud Detector |
FE |
IoT Device Defender |
AWS Transfer Family |
Nimble Studio |
AWS Artifact |
FF |
Nimble Studio |
FG |
Storage Gateway |
AWS Lake Formation |
FH |
ー |
FI |
FreeRTOS |
Config |
AWS AppConfig |
Certificate Manager |
FJ |
ー |
FK |
Kinesis |
FL |
Amazon AppFlow |
AWS IoT FleetWise |
マネージド Apache Airflow |
Kinesis Analytics |
FM |
AWS Firewall Manager |
Amazon Bedrock |
FN |
CloudFormation |
Step Functions |
Systems Manager |
FO |
CloudFormation |
Amazon Forecast |
AWS Lake Formation |
Activate for Startups |
FP |
ー |
FQ |
ー |
FR |
CloudFront |
FreeRTOS |
Amazon Fraud Detector |
AWS Mainframe Modernization |
FS |
FSx |
DataSync |
FT |
Amazon Redshift |
Amazon GameLift |
Elemental Appliances & Software |
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS |
FU |
Step Functions |
AWS Glue DataBrew |
Athena |
Database Migration Service |
FV |
AWS Telco Network Builder |
FW |
ー |
FX |
ー |
FY |
AWS Amplify |
WorkSpaces Web |
FZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
GA |
Global Accelerator |
Storage Gateway |
API Gateway |
AWS Organizations |
GB |
ー |
GC |
Security Lake |
GD |
Amazon Macie |
GE |
MediaPackage |
Storage Gateway |
Amazon EventBridge |
Secrets Manager |
GF |
ー |
GG |
IoT Greengrass |
GH |
AWS Migration Hub |
Lightsail |
QuickSight |
Amazon Macie |
GI |
Elastic Container Registry |
CodeCommit |
Elastic Kubernetes Service |
IoT TwinMaker |
GJ |
ー |
GK |
ー |
GL |
Amazon GameLift |
S3 Glacier |
AWS Glue |
Global Accelerator |
GM |
Amazon Augmented AI |
GN |
Cognito |
AWS Signer |
Amazon Rekognition |
IAM Identity Center |
GO |
Amazon DocumentDB |
EC2 Image Builder |
GP |
Amazon CodeGuru |
Batch |
Amazon Macie |
Amazon Location Service |
GQ |
Athena |
GR |
Amazon CodeGuru |
IoT Greengrass |
Ground Station |
Amazon Grafana |
GS |
Ground Station |
AWS Organizations |
Unified Settings |
Security Lake |
GT |
ー |
GU |
GuardDuty |
Amazon CodeGuru |
Amazon DevOps Guru |
Amazon Bedrock |
GV |
ー |
GW |
Storage Gateway |
API Gateway |
AWS Outposts |
GX |
ー |
GY |
ー |
GZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
HA |
Launch Wizard |
AWS Chatbot |
AWS Data Exchange |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
HB |
AWS Health Dashboard |
Amazon OpenSearch Service |
Managed Services |
HC |
Amazon HealthLake |
Batch |
HD |
AWS Health Dashboard |
DataSync |
AWS Artifact |
HE |
Athena |
ElastiCache |
CloudShell |
Amazon Comprehend |
HF |
ー |
HG |
ー |
HH |
ー |
HI |
Amazon Chime SDK |
Amazon Redshift |
Amazon Chime |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
HJ |
ー |
HK |
AWS Artifact |
HL |
Amazon HealthLake |
MediaStore |
HM |
ー |
HN |
Amazon Braket |
HO |
AWS Amplify |
Kinesis Firehose |
Amazon Honeycode |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
HP |
Batch |
FSx |
HQ |
AWS AppSync |
AWS Amplify |
HR |
ー |
HS |
CloudHSM |
Key Management Service |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
HT |
Lightsail |
QuickSight |
Amazon Macie |
Amazon DevOps Guru |
HU |
Security Hub |
AWS Resilience Hub |
AWS Migration Hub |
AWS Panorama |
HV |
ー |
HW |
Systems Manager |
HX |
ー |
HY |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
HZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
IA |
IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On の後継サービス) |
MediaStore |
MediaLive |
IB |
EC2 Image Builder |
Amazon Transcribe |
Amazon MQ |
Amazon OpenSearch Service |
IC |
IAM Identity Center |
Application Discovery Service |
Simple Notification Service |
Elastic Container Service |
ID |
Cloud9 |
IAM Identity Center |
Cognito |
Directory Service |
IE |
S3 Glacier |
Unified Settings |
Amazon Macie |
WAF & Shield |
IF |
CodeArtifact |
Amazon Redshift |
Certificate Manager |
AWS Amplify |
IG |
API Gateway |
Lightsail |
QuickSight |
Config |
IH |
ー |
II |
AWS Glue |
IAM Identity Center |
Launch Wizard |
Amazon Macie |
IJ |
ー |
IK |
ー |
IL |
Lightsail |
CloudTrail |
CodeBuild |
MediaTailor |
IM |
Amazon Chime SDK |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
Amazon Timestream |
Amazon Chime |
IN |
ごみ箱" |
Amazon Pinpoint |
Amazon Machine Learning |
Kinesis |
IO |
IoT Analytics |
IoT Events |
AWS Application Migration Service |
CloudFormation |
IP |
AWS Outposts |
MediaConnect |
Global Accelerator |
IQ |
AWS Artifact |
IR |
Kinesis Firehose |
Direct Connect |
Directory Service |
AWS Firewall Manager |
IS |
Amazon Inspector |
Kinesis |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
IT |
Security Lake |
CodeCommit |
Cognito |
Amazon Rekognition |
IU |
ー |
IV |
Amazon Interactive Video Service |
MediaLive |
Detective |
AWS Private 5G |
IW |
IX |
FSx |
MediaConnect |
IY |
ー |
IZ |
Launch Wizard |
AWS Organizations |
Amazon Personalize |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
JA |
AWS AppSync |
AWS Amplify |
Amazon CodeGuru |
Amazon MQ |
JB |
ー |
JC |
ー |
JD |
ー |
JE |
CodeBuild |
JF |
ー |
JG |
ー |
JH |
ー |
JI |
ー |
JJ |
ー |
JK |
ー |
JL |
ー |
JM |
Amazon MQ |
JN |
ー |
JO |
Athena |
JP |
ー |
JQ |
ー |
JR |
ー |
JS |
AWS Amplify |
Amazon DocumentDB |
JT |
ー |
JU |
Amazon SageMaker |
JV |
ー |
JW |
ー |
JX |
ー |
JY |
ー |
JZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
KA |
MediaPackage |
Kinesis |
Nimble Studio |
KB |
Nimble Studio |
KC |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
Kinesis |
KD |
Kinesis |
Kinesis Firehose |
Amazon WorkDocs |
Kinesis Analytics |
KE |
Security Lake |
Amazon Keyspaces |
Amazon Braket |
Amazon SageMaker |
KF |
Athena |
KG |
ー |
KH |
ー |
KI |
Kinesis |
Kinesis Firehose |
Kinesis Analytics |
Kinesis Video Streams |
KJ |
ー |
KK |
ー |
KL |
ー |
KM |
Amazon WorkMail |
Key Management Service |
AWS Artifact |
KN |
ー |
KO |
Amazon Rekognition |
Amazon Lookout for Metrics |
Amazon Lookout for Equipment |
Amazon Lookout for Vision |
KP |
ー |
KQ |
ー |
KR |
AWS Wickr |
Nimble Studio |
KS |
Elastic Kubernetes Service |
WorkSpaces |
QuickSight |
OpsWorks |
KT |
KU |
AWS Backup |
Elastic Kubernetes Service |
AWS Billing Conductor |
Amazon Prometheus |
KV |
Kinesis Video Streams |
KW |
ー |
KX |
ー |
KY |
ー |
KZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
LA |
Security Lake |
Lambda |
ElastiCache |
Launch Wizard |
LB |
EC2 |
Route 53 |
Amazon Macie |
LC |
AWS Telco Network Builder |
LD |
Amazon QLDB |
CodeBuild |
WAF & Shield |
EC2 Image Builder |
LE |
Nimble Studio |
Amazon Lex |
Global Accelerator |
AWS DeepLens |
LF |
Managed Services |
LG |
AWS Outposts |
Amazon Macie |
LH |
ー |
LI |
Lightsail |
MediaLive |
CodePipeline |
Billing |
LJ |
ー |
LK |
Elastic Beanstalk |
LL |
CloudShell |
Billing |
Amazon Polly |
AWS Billing Conductor |
LM |
AWS License Manager |
Amazon Bedrock |
LN |
ー |
LO |
CloudTrail |
Cloud9 |
CloudSearch |
CloudWatch |
LP |
Amazon Comprehend |
Amazon Lex |
LQ |
ー |
LR |
ー |
LS |
Lightsail |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Batch |
MediaStore |
LT |
Amazon HealthLake |
AWS Health Dashboard |
AWS Private 5G |
Amazon Omics |
LU |
AWS Glue |
AWS Glue DataBrew |
Amazon GameLift |
AWS Lake Formation |
LV |
Route 53 Resolver |
LW |
ー |
LX |
ー |
LY |
IoT Analytics |
Amazon CodeCatalyst |
Amazon Polly |
Kinesis Analytics |
LZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
MA |
Directory Service |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
AWS Panorama |
Amazon WorkMail |
MB |
Lambda |
Nimble Studio |
Amazon GameLift |
CodeBuild |
MC |
MediaConvert |
Amazon Keyspaces |
ElastiCache |
FreeRTOS |
MD |
Config |
Lambda |
Athena |
ME |
Amazon Chime SDK |
MediaStore |
MediaLive |
MediaConvert |
MF |
MG |
AWS Migration Hub |
Amazon Grafana |
AWS Application Migration Service |
MH |
AWS Migration Hub |
MI |
IAM Identity Center |
CodeCommit |
Amazon Omics |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
MJ |
ー |
MK |
Key Management Service |
ML |
MediaLive |
Amazon Machine Learning |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
AWS Lake Formation |
MM |
CodeCommit |
CloudShell |
Amazon Bedrock |
Amazon CodeGuru |
MN |
ー |
MO |
DynamoDB |
Amazon Monitron |
AWS Mainframe Modernization |
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis |
MP |
AWS Marketplace Subscriptions |
MediaPackage |
AWS Amplify |
Application Composer |
MQ |
Amazon MQ |
IoT Core |
MR |
AWS Glue DataBrew |
MS |
Managed Services |
MediaStore |
AWS Firewall Manager |
MT |
MediaTailor |
Amazon DevOps Guru |
Amazon CodeGuru |
Amazon WorkMail |
MU |
MV |
ー |
MW |
マネージド Apache Airflow |
MX |
MediaConnect |
Amazon SageMaker |
MY |
Amazon Redshift |
Athena |
Database Migration Service |
MZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
NA |
Athena |
DynamoDB |
Secrets Manager |
Certificate Manager |
NB |
Systems Manager |
NC |
DataSync |
Launch Wizard |
Step Functions |
Incident Manager |
ND |
Ground Station |
Amazon Comprehend |
Amazon Kendra |
AWS Billing Conductor |
NE |
Neptune |
Kinesis |
CodePipeline |
MediaConnect |
NF |
Config |
AWS AppConfig |
AWS Mainframe Modernization |
Managed Services |
NG |
Billing |
Unified Settings |
IoT Greengrass |
Amazon Machine Learning |
NH |
ー |
NI |
Cognito |
AWS Organizations |
Amazon Rekognition |
Amazon Monitron |
NJ |
ー |
NK |
Kinesis Analytics |
CodeBuild |
Nimble Studio |
Amazon Chime SDK |
NL |
Amazon Comprehend |
Amazon Lex |
NM |
IoT TwinMaker |
AWS Artifact |
NN |
MediaConnect |
Direct Connect |
IoT RoboRunner |
Amazon Connect |
NO |
AWS Panorama |
Simple Notification Service |
AWS Snow Family |
AWS User Notifications |
NP |
Amazon Pinpoint |
Route 53 Resolver |
OpsWorks |
NQ |
ー |
NR |
ー |
NS |
AWS Organizations |
Elastic Transcoder |
Amazon FinSpace |
Step Functions |
NT |
IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On の後継サービス) |
CloudFront |
Amazon EventBridge |
Control Tower |
NU |
AWS Artifact |
NV |
MediaConvert |
Database Migration Service |
AWS App Mesh |
Application Composer |
NW |
Athena |
NX |
ー |
NY |
ー |
NZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
OA |
AWS Health Dashboard |
Amazon OpenSearch Service |
EC2 |
Global Accelerator |
OB |
Global Accelerator |
IoT RoboRunner |
AWS RoboMaker |
AWS Mainframe Modernization |
OC |
Amazon Bedrock |
Amazon DocumentDB |
Amazon WorkDocs |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
OD |
CodeArtifact |
CodeBuild |
CodeStar |
DynamoDB |
OE |
ー |
OF |
IoT TwinMaker |
IoT Core |
Amazon Location Service |
Elemental Appliances & Software |
OG |
Cognito |
Amazon Rekognition |
Service Catalog |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
OH |
ー |
OI |
AWS Outposts |
Amazon Pinpoint |
AWS AppSync |
Amazon Chime SDK |
OJ |
ー |
OK |
Amazon Lookout for Metrics |
Amazon Lookout for Equipment |
Amazon Lookout for Vision |
Systems Manager |
OL |
Control Tower |
Amazon Polly |
Route 53 Resolver |
AWS Well-Architected Tool |
OM |
CodeCommit |
Amazon Omics |
Application Composer |
Amazon Comprehend |
ON |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS |
IAM Identity Center |
Kinesis |
OO |
AWS Clean Rooms |
Amazon Lookout for Metrics |
Amazon Lookout for Equipment |
AWS Well-Architected Tool |
OP |
Security Hub |
AWS Outposts |
OpsWorks |
Amazon OpenSearch Service |
OQ |
ー |
OR |
AWS Organizations |
AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN |
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis |
MediaStore |
OS |
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS |
AWS Amplify |
FreeRTOS |
AWS Outposts |
OT |
IoT Analytics |
IoT Events |
IoT Core |
AWS Proton |
OU |
Resource Groups & Tag Editor |
CloudTrail |
Cloud9 |
CloudSearch |
OV |
Application Discovery Service |
AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery |
Route 53 Application Recovery Controller |
AWS Cloud Map |
OW |
OpsWorks |
Control Tower |
Amazon AppFlow |
マネージド Apache Airflow |
OX |
API Gateway |
Nimble Studio |
OY |
CodeDeploy |
AWS App Mesh |
AWS App Runner |
OZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
PA |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
MediaPackage |
WorkSpaces |
AWS Panorama |
PB |
Amazon Macie |
PC |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
AWS AppConfig |
AWS DeepComposer |
PD |
ー |
PE |
OpsWorks |
CodePipeline |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
Amazon Inspector |
PF |
AWS AppFabric |
Amazon AppFlow |
Step Functions |
AWS Glue DataBrew |
PG |
ー |
カードトランザクションとキー管理のためのオンデマンド支払い HSM 機能 |
PH |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
AWS Health Dashboard |
AWS AppSync |
AWS Amplify |
PI |
API Gateway |
CodePipeline |
Amazon Pinpoint |
Data Pipeline |
PJ |
ー |
PK |
ー |
PL |
AWS Mainframe Modernization |
CodeDeploy |
AWS Amplify |
Application Composer |
PM |
Amazon Lookout for Equipment |
FSx |
PN |
CloudWatch |
PO |
AWS Outposts |
Application Composer |
AWS DeepComposer |
Amazon Polly |
PP |
AWS AppConfig |
Application Composer |
AWS AppFabric |
AWS AppSync |
PQ |
ー |
PR |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
AWS DeepRacer |
AWS Proton |
Amazon Comprehend |
PS |
OpsWorks |
AWS AppSync |
AppStream 2.0 |
Activate for Startups |
PT |
Neptune |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
AWS Marketplace Subscriptions |
PU |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
AWS Panorama |
Batch |
Amazon Braket |
PV |
ー |
PW |
ー |
PX |
ー |
PY |
Athena |
Amazon SageMaker |
マネージド Apache Airflow |
DataSync |
PZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
QA |
Device Farm |
QB |
ー |
QC |
ー |
QD |
ー |
QE |
ー |
QF |
ー |
QG |
ー |
QH |
ー |
QI |
ー |
QJ |
ー |
QK |
ー |
QL |
Amazon QLDB |
DynamoDB |
Database Migration Service |
QM |
ー |
QN |
ー |
QO |
ー |
QP |
Amazon MQ |
QQ |
ー |
QR |
ー |
QS |
Simple Queue Service |
QT |
IoT Core |
Amazon MQ |
QU |
QuickSight |
Service Quotas |
Simple Queue Service |
Amazon Lookout for Equipment |
QV |
ー |
QW |
ー |
QX |
ー |
QY |
ー |
QZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
RA |
Resource Access Manager |
CloudTrail |
X-Ray |
Storage Gateway |
RB |
ごみ箱 |
RC |
Route 53 Application Recovery Controller |
CloudSearch |
Amazon OpenSearch Service |
AWS Resource Explorer |
RD |
GuardDuty |
Launch Wizard |
AWS Health Dashboard |
RE |
AWS Resource Explorer |
MediaStore |
FreeRTOS |
Amazon Redshift |
RF |
マネージド Apache Airflow |
Amazon SageMaker |
Managed Services |
RG |
AWS Organizations |
Systems Manager |
Amazon Bedrock |
Elastic Container Service |
RH |
ー |
RI |
Security Lake |
Billing |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Amazon EventBridge |
RJ |
ー |
RK |
WorkSpaces |
OpsWorks |
WorkSpaces Web |
Amazon WorkMail |
RL |
AWS DeepRacer |
Serverless Application Repository |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
RM |
AWS RoboMaker |
CloudFormation |
Device Farm |
AWS Lake Formation |
RN |
Amazon Machine Learning |
Elastic Kubernetes Service |
AWS Mainframe Modernization |
Amazon Prometheus |
RO |
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS |
Amazon Bedrock |
Route 53 Application Recovery Controller |
CloudFront |
RP |
Security Lake |
Amazon WorkMail |
AWS Supply Chain |
RQ |
Athena |
RR |
FSx |
Route 53 |
RS |
Amazon Personalize |
Database Migration Service |
AWS App Runner |
CloudShell |
RT |
CodeArtifact |
MediaConvert |
FreeRTOS |
Certificate Manager |
RU |
IoT RoboRunner |
Amazon CodeGuru |
Trusted Advisor |
AWS App Runner |
RV |
Service Catalog |
Service Quotas |
Managed Services |
Directory Service |
RW |
ー |
RX |
ー |
RY |
Directory Service |
Application Discovery Service |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
Elastic Container Registry |
RZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
SA |
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS |
Serverless Application Repository |
Directory Service |
Lightsail |
SB |
AWS Amplify |
SC |
AWS Supply Chain |
サポート |
Service Catalog |
Elastic Transcoder |
SD |
Amazon Chime SDK |
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS |
IoT Core |
Amazon GameLift |
SE |
Security Hub |
Security Lake |
Amazon OpenSearch Service |
Database Migration Service |
SF |
Step Functions |
AWS Transfer Family |
Security Lake |
Amazon AppFlow |
SG |
Storage Gateway |
Amazon DevOps Guru |
AWS Amplify |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
SH |
CloudShell |
Amazon Redshift |
WAF & Shield |
AWS Health Dashboard |
SI |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
IAM Identity Center |
Kinesis |
QuickSight |
SJ |
ー |
SK |
AWS Billing Conductor |
Database Migration Service |
SL |
Amazon Translate |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Amazon Lex |
Certificate Manager |
SM |
Systems Manager |
Secrets Manager |
CloudHSM |
AWS Artifact |
SN |
AWS Snow Family |
FSx |
Simple Notification Service |
SO |
IAM Identity Center |
Amazon Personalize |
Trusted Advisor |
Route 53 Resolver |
SP |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
WorkSpaces |
Amazon Keyspaces |
SQ |
Service Quotas |
DynamoDB |
Database Migration Service |
SR |
AWS Amplify |
Amazon Interactive Video Service |
CloudWatch |
Amazon Location Service |
SS |
Systems Manager |
IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On の後継サービス) |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
S3 |
ST |
AWS Amplify |
Elastic Beanstalk |
Elastic Container Registry |
AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery |
SU |
AWS Marketplace Subscriptions |
AWS Supply Chain |
Amazon Bedrock |
Nimble Studio |
SV |
Athena |
SW |
WorkSpaces Web |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
OpsWorks |
SX |
FSx |
DataSync |
SY |
DataSync |
Systems Manager |
AWS AppSync |
Amazon WorkMail |
SZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
TA |
IoT Analytics |
Trusted Advisor |
CodeStar |
DataSync |
TB |
Amazon EventBridge |
AWS Chatbot |
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler |
Kinesis |
TC |
CloudWatch |
Batch |
Amazon Interactive Video Service |
Managed Services |
TD |
Amazon DocumentDB |
Athena |
TE |
IoT Events |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
AWS Well-Architected Tool |
Detective |
TF |
AWS App Runner |
Amazon DevOps Guru |
FSx |
Activate for Startups |
TG |
Storage Gateway |
Database Migration Service |
Athena |
TH |
Athena |
Amazon HealthLake |
Amazon Prometheus |
AWS Health Dashboard |
TI |
Simple Notification Service |
AWS User Notifications |
AWS Application Migration Service |
CodeArtifact |
TJ |
ー |
TK |
ー |
TL |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Storage Gateway |
Batch |
マネージド Apache Airflow |
TM |
Amazon MQ |
TN |
Amazon Chime SDK |
TO |
MediaStore |
FreeRTOS |
Cognito |
Storage Gateway |
TP |
AWS Outposts |
AWS Marketplace Subscriptions |
AWS Transfer Family |
API Gateway |
TQ |
ー |
TR |
CloudTrail |
Amazon Timestream |
Control Tower |
Elastic Transcoder |
TS |
Lightsail |
Secrets Manager |
AWS Outposts |
IoT Events |
TT |
Unified Settings |
Amazon DevOps Guru |
MediaStore |
Amazon CodeGuru |
TU |
Neptune |
Nimble Studio |
Activate for Startups |
Amazon Braket |
TV |
ー |
TW |
IoT TwinMaker |
AWS IoT FleetWise |
Elemental Appliances & Software |
AWS Telco Network Builder |
TX |
ー |
TY |
Security Lake |
GuardDuty |
Security Hub |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
TZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
UA |
GuardDuty |
Amazon Braket |
Amazon Bedrock |
Nimble Studio |
UB |
Security Hub |
AWS Resilience Hub |
AWS Marketplace Subscriptions |
Elastic Kubernetes Service |
UC |
AWS Billing Conductor |
Elastic Container Service |
Application Composer |
UD |
CloudTrail |
Cloud9 |
CloudSearch |
CloudWatch |
UE |
Simple Queue Service |
AWS Glue |
AWS Glue DataBrew |
Athena |
UF |
ー |
UG |
Amazon Augmented AI |
UH |
ー |
UI |
CodeBuild |
QuickSight |
EC2 Image Builder |
Amazon Lookout for Equipment |
UJ |
ー |
UK |
ー |
UL |
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler |
Managed Services |
Database Migration Service |
UM |
Amazon DocumentDB |
Amazon GameLift |
Amazon Braket |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
UN |
Neptune |
Launch Wizard |
Ground Station |
Step Functions |
UO |
Service Quotas |
Nimble Studio |
UP |
AWS Backup |
Activate for Startups |
AWS Supply Chain |
Resource Groups & Tag Editor |
UQ |
ー |
UR |
Security Lake |
Security Hub |
Amazon CodeGuru |
AWS Resource Explorer |
US |
Amazon Prometheus |
Trusted Advisor |
AWS User Notifications |
Amazon Chime SDK |
UT |
GuardDuty |
AWS Outposts |
Route 53 |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
UU |
ー |
UV |
ー |
UW |
ー |
UX |
ー |
UY |
ー |
UZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
VA |
AWS Private 5G |
Activate for Startups |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
AWS AppSync |
VB |
ー |
VC |
ー |
VD |
WorkSpaces Web |
VE |
Amazon Inspector |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
MediaLive |
MediaConvert |
VF |
ー |
VG |
Storage Gateway |
VH |
ー |
VI |
Amazon Interactive Video Service |
Device Farm |
Service Catalog |
Service Quotas |
VJ |
VK |
ー |
VL |
ー |
VM |
EC2 Image Builder |
Lightsail |
VN |
ー |
VO |
Amazon DevOps Guru |
Amazon CodeGuru |
Amazon Chime SDK |
AWS App Mesh |
VP |
Amazon Verified Permissions |
Lightsail |
AWS Firewall Manager |
VQ |
ー |
VR |
Athena |
VS |
Amazon Interactive Video Service |
Kinesis Video Streams |
VT |
Storage Gateway |
VU |
ー |
VV |
ー |
VW |
ー |
VX |
ー |
VY |
ー |
VZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
WA |
AWS Well-Architected Tool |
WAF & Shield |
CloudWatch |
Storage Gateway |
WB |
AWS Snow Family |
WC |
AWS Snow Family |
WD |
Amazon WorkDocs |
WE |
Amazon EventBridge |
WorkSpaces Web |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
Control Tower |
WF |
WG |
ー |
WH |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
WI |
FreeRTOS |
Launch Wizard |
IoT SiteWise |
IoT TwinMaker |
WJ |
ー |
WK |
Amazon WorkMail |
WL |
ー |
WM |
Amazon WorkMail |
AWS Snow Family |
WN |
ー |
WO |
WorkSpaces |
OpsWorks |
WorkSpaces Web |
Amazon WorkMail |
WP |
ー |
WQ |
ー |
WR |
ー |
WS |
WorkSpaces Web |
Amazon CodeWhisperer |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Amazon Redshift |
WT |
ー |
WU |
ー |
WV |
ー |
WW |
WorkSpaces Web |
WX |
ー |
WY |
API Gateway |
WZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
XA |
Amazon Lex |
XB |
ー |
XC |
AWS Data Exchange |
Amazon WorkMail |
AWS Glue DataBrew |
Launch Wizard |
XD |
ー |
XE |
API Gateway |
XF |
ー |
XG |
ー |
XH |
Amazon WorkMail |
XI |
MediaConnect |
XJ |
ー |
XK |
ー |
XL |
ー |
XM |
Nimble Studio |
XN |
Amazon SageMaker |
XO |
ー |
XP |
AWS Resource Explorer |
AWS Cost Explorer |
Billing |
Systems Manager |
XQ |
ー |
XR |
X-Ray |
XS |
ー |
XT |
Amazon Textract |
Amazon Augmented AI |
AWS Amplify |
XU |
ー |
XV |
ー |
XW |
ー |
XX |
ー |
XY |
API Gateway |
XZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
YA |
Amazon GameLift |
YB |
AWS Transfer Family |
Systems Manager |
YC |
Amazon Honeycode |
ごみ箱 |
AWS Supply Chain |
YD |
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis |
YE |
OpsWorks |
YF |
ー |
YG |
ー |
YH |
ー |
YI |
ー |
YJ |
ー |
YK |
ー |
YL |
Security Lake |
YM |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
YN |
DataSync |
DynamoDB |
AWS AppSync |
Athena |
YO |
WorkSpaces Web |
YP |
AWS Payment Cryptography |
Amazon Managed Blockchain |
YQ |
ー |
YR |
ー |
YS |
Amazon CodeCatalyst |
Amazon Keyspaces |
Systems Manager |
Athena |
YT |
IoT Analytics |
Kinesis Analytics |
Amazon Transcribe |
QuickSight |
YU |
ー |
YV |
ー |
YW |
ー |
YX |
ー |
YY |
ー |
YZ |
ー |
入力値 |
サービス1 |
サービス2 |
サービス3 |
サービス4 |
ZA |
Launch Wizard |
AWS Organizations |
AWS Mainframe Modernization |
Amazon Bedrock |
ZB |
ー |
ZC |
ー |
ZD |
ー |
ZE |
Amazon Personalize |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
ZF |
ー |
ZG |
ー |
ZH |
ー |
ZI |
MediaConnect |
AWS Compute Optimizer |
AWS Transfer Family |
ZJ |
ー |
ZK |
ー |
ZL |
ー |
ZM |
ー |
ZN |
ー |
ZO |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
Amazon DataZone |
Amazon Redshift |
AWS Signer |
ZP |
ー |
ZQ |
ー |
ZR |
ー |
ZS |
ー |
ZT |
ー |
ZU |
Athena |
ZV |
ー |
ZW |
ー |
ZX |
ー |
ZY |
ー |
ZZ |
ー |
順位 |
サービス名 |
登場回数 |
1 |
Athena |
26 |
2 |
AWS Private Certificate Authority |
20 |
2 |
AWS Amplify |
20 |
4 |
Nimble Studio |
17 |
4 |
Database Migration Service |
17 |
6 |
Security Lake |
16 |
7 |
Amazon EventBridge |
15 |
7 |
Storage Gateway |
15 |
7 |
Amazon Bedrock |
15 |
10 |
OpsWorks |
14 |
10 |
Amazon Macie |
14 |
12 |
AWS SimSpace Weaver |
13 |
12 |
Kinesis |
13 |
12 |
Systems Manager |
13 |
最後になりましたが、 #クラスメソッド20th で投稿日の本日7月7日が設立20年目となります。おめでとうございます!
それでは、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の荒平(@0Air)がお送りしました!