AWS IoT SiteWise Assistant について学べるビルダーズセッションに参加しました #AWSreInvent
先日に AWS IoT SiteWise の新機能として、SiteWise Monitor ダッシュボード上で生成 AI アシスタントによる支援を受けられる AWS IoT SiteWise Assistant が発表されました。これによりユーザーは SiteWise 上の産業データのコンテキストを効率的に理解し、迅速な意思決定や問題解決が可能となります。
今回、AWS re:Invent 2024 でこの AWS IoT SiteWise Assistant について学べるセッションに参加してきたので、その内容をレポートします。
参加したセッションは Builders' session(1 時間のハンズオンセッション)の形式でした。
MFG303-R | Building a generative AI–powered shop floor assistant [REPEAT]
Learn how to build a generative AI assistant to analyze data from industrial IoT sensors, documents, manuals, and other manufacturing systems. Also learn how to provide natural language summaries of operation statuses and current issues with suggestion actions, and how to help operators, manufacturing engineers, and factory leaders conduct Q&A–based exploratory root cause analysis to increase overall plant productivity. You must bring your laptop to participate.
産業用 IoT センサー、ドキュメント、マニュアル、その他の製造システムからのデータを分析するための生成 AI アシスタントの構築方法を学びます。また、提案アクションを使用して操作ステータスと現在の問題の自然言語による要約を提供する方法、およびオペレーター、製造エンジニア、工場リーダーが Q&A ベースの探索的根本原因分析を実施して工場全体の生産性を向上させる方法も学びます。参加するにはラップトップを持参する必要があります。
ハンズオンの内容については AWS Workshops のカタログで公開されているので、環境さえ用意できれば自身で試すことが可能です。
- Speaker
- Vikram Krishna, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services EU S.a.r.l.
- Roberto Catalano, Solutions Architect, AWS
- Shravan Vurputoor, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS
- Krishna Doddapaneni, WW Tech Lead - Industry Partners IoT, AWS
- Raju Gottumukkala, Senior WW IIoT Solutions Architect, AWS
- Date & time:
Mon, December 2 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM PST
- Location:
MGM Grand | Level 3 | 350
- Session types:
Builders' session
- Topic:
,Internet of Things
- Industry :
,Energy & Utilities
,Manufacturing & Industrial
- Area of interest:
Generative AI
,Newly announced content
- Level:
300 – Advanced
- Role:
Developer / Engineer
,Solution / Systems Architect
- Services:
AWS IoT SiteWise
- 構成図左の Factory に代わって、EC2 インスタンスが工場の組立ラインが生成するライブセンサーデータをシミュレートします。
- AWS IoT SiteWise に作成された工場の機器アセットのデジタル表現がライブデータを収集します。
- AWS IoT Events に作成されたアラームが機器の動作の逸脱を検出します。
- AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor に作成されたダッシュボードが機器の状態を表示します。
- 機器のマニュアルと標準操作手順(SOP)を使用してナレッジベースを構築します。
- AWS IoT SiteWise Assistant がナレッジベースを使用してユーザーの質問に回答します。
まず AWS IoT SiteWise に各種工場機器のモデルおよびアセットを作成します。
Python スクリプトを使用してシミュレートされたライブセンサーデータの SiteWise への送信を開始します。
溶接ロボットモデルのアラームを作成します。注意点としてこの操作を行うのは AWS IoT Events ではなく SiteWise のコンソールからとなります。
溶接ロボットのジョイント2の温度が、「Joint Temperature High Threshold」で設定されたしきい値を超えた場合に、重大度4のアラームが発報されます。
続いて、AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor のダッシュボードの作成と、Amazon Kendra によるナレッジベースの作成の手順を行うところでしたが、時間切れとなりこれら手順は実施できませんでした。(シャトルバスが渋滞に巻き込まれて入場が遅れなければあるいは...)
デモ環境の SiteWise Monitor ダッシュボードでアラームを選択して右上の Generate summary をクリックすると、右側のチャット UI にアラーム発砲の原因、影響、対策およびアラーム詳細情報が回答で出力されました。
# Alarm Summary: Welding_Robot_Joint_2_High_Temp
## Alarm Details
- **Alarm Name:** Welding_Robot_Joint_2_High_Temp
- **Asset Name:** Welding Robot
- **Asset Model Name:** Welding Robot Model
- **Severity:** 4
- **Input Property Name:** Joint 2 Temperature
- **Alarm State Details:**
- Timestamp: 2024-11-20T22:07:34Z
- State Name: ACTIVE
- State Detail: The input property value 85.3125 is GREATER than the threshold value 80.0.
- **Alarm Current State:**
- Timestamp: 2024-11-20T22:07:34Z
- State Name: ACTIVE
- State Detail: The input property value 85.3125 is GREATER than the threshold value 80.0.
- **Path from Root:** AnyCompany e-Bikes(157bb143-b19f-45b4-8547-d9c4555327f9) -> Bike Assembly Line 1(b76e2ca0-b716-4049-b886-e653d043b792) -> Seattle(de0c5f1e-872a-42d5-8ce9-2bb4a8fa1cf8) -> Welding Station(d7d26ad6-8405-4d61-9ba8-d6d70d4ab11d) -> Welding Robot(9a6112e0-2633-4e8e-ba01-7841c2f5101a)
- **Child Assets:** None
## Root Cause and Potential Impact
Based on the information retrieved from the knowledge base, the root cause of the "Welding_Robot_Joint_2_High_Temp" alarm could be:
- The joint temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold of 80°C, which can indicate a thermal issue with the joint.
- Potential causes include hindered free movement of the joints, incorrect TCP configuration, high payload, or mounting issues.
The potential impact of this alarm is that the welding robot may need to be shut down to prevent further damage to the joint, which could disrupt the production process.
## Mitigation
To mitigate the issue, the following steps can be taken:
- Check that nothing is hindering the free movement of the joints.
- Verify the TCP configuration, payload, and mounting settings are correct.
- If the issue persists, contact the local Universal Robots service provider for further assistance.
続いて What are the error codes related to this alarm?
Based on the information retrieved from the knowledge base, the following error codes are related to the "Welding_Robot_Joint_2_High_Temp" alarm:
- **C62A1 - Joint temperature: High (80 C)**: This error code indicates that the joint temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold of 80°C.
- **C62A11 - Joint temperature: Shut down (85 C)**: This error code indicates that the joint temperature has exceeded the shut down threshold of 85°C, and the robot may need to be shut down to prevent further damage.
- **C62A13 - Shutdown: Static load too high**: This error code indicates that the static load on the joint is too high, which can contribute to the high temperature issue.
- **C70A - Close to gearbox shear limit**: This error code indicates that the acceleration or deceleration of the joint is too high, which can also lead to high temperatures and potential mechanical issues with the gearbox.
The knowledge base also provides some recommended mitigation steps, such as:
- Checking that nothing is hindering the free movement of the joints
- Verifying the TCP configuration, payload, and mounting settings
- Reducing the acceleration in the user program
- Performing a complete rebooting sequence
- Replacing the joint if the issue persists
So in summary, the key error codes related to this "Welding_Robot_Joint_2_High_Temp" alarm are C62A1, C62A11, C62A13, and C70A.
続いて Clear all をクリックした上で、チェックボックスにチェックを入れて Generate summary をクリックすると、過去の生産データに基づいて、製造速度は安定しているが、長期的な傾向やパターンを分析するには、より多くのデータが必要であるという回答が出力されました。
# Property Summary
## Frames_Produced_5m at the Welding Station
**Asset Name:** Welding Station
**Property Name:** Frames_Produced_5m
**External ID:** Welding_Station_Frames_Produced_5m
### Property Details and Insights
The historical data for the "Frames_Produced_5m" property at the Welding Station shows a single data point, with a value of 3.0 frames produced, recorded on 2024-12-02T23:45:00Z. As this is the only data point available, it is not possible to analyze any trends or historical patterns. However, the current value of 3.0 frames produced is consistent with the single historical data point, indicating that the production rate has remained stable in the latest resolution window.
### Comparison of Current and Historical Values
The current value of 3.0 frames produced is consistent with the single historical data point available, suggesting that the production rate has remained stable in the latest resolution window.
Since there is only one property present in the provided data, it is not possible to evaluate the values across multiple properties to generate additional insights.
### Overall Summary
Overall, the limited data available for the "Frames_Produced_5m" property at the Welding Station indicates a stable production rate of 3.0 frames produced, based on the single historical data point and the current value. However, more data would be required to analyze any trends or patterns over a longer time period.
続いて Clear all をクリックした上で、ジョイント 4 と 5 にチェックを入れて Generate summary をクリックすると、両ジョイントの温度の比較情報が出力されました。
# Property Summaries and Comparison
## Joint 4 Temperature
**Asset Name:** Welding Robot
**Property Name:** Joint 4 Temperature
**Property Alias:** /Tag Providers/default/UR/Joint_4_Temp
**External ID:** Robot_Joint_4_Temperature
**Unit:** °C
### Property Details and Insights
The analysis of the historical values for the "Joint 4 Temperature" property shows a relatively stable trend over the past 5 minutes, with the temperature ranging from 35.36°C to 35.94°C. The latest value of 35.94°C recorded at 2024-12-02T23:49:23Z is slightly higher than the historical average, but still within the observed range.
## Joint 5 Temperature
**Asset Name:** Welding Robot
**Property Name:** Joint 5 Temperature
**Property Alias:** /Tag Providers/default/UR/Joint_5_Temp
**External ID:** Robot_Joint_5_Temperature
**Unit:** °C
### Property Details and Insights
Comparing the latest value of the "Joint 5 Temperature" property to the historical trend, the current temperature of 37.06°C is slightly elevated compared to the previous 5 minutes, which ranged from 36.59°C to 37.11°C. This suggests a potential increase in temperature for this particular joint.
### Comparison of Properties
Evaluating the values across the two properties, the "Joint 5 Temperature" has consistently been higher than the "Joint 4 Temperature" over the past 5 minutes. This may indicate that the welding robot is experiencing higher temperatures in the fifth joint compared to the fourth joint, which could be worth further investigation to ensure optimal performance and prevent any potential issues.
最後に チャットで Perform the same analysis for welding robot asset for the last 24 hours from the current time
# Property Summaries and Comparison for Welding Robot (Last 24 Hours)
## Joint 4 Temperature
**Asset Name:** Welding Robot
**Property Name:** Joint 4 Temperature
**Property Alias:** /Tag Providers/default/UR/Joint_4_Temp
**External ID:** Robot_Joint_4_Temperature
**Unit:** °C
### Property Details and Insights
The analysis of the historical values and trends for the "Joint 4 Temperature" property shows that the temperature has been relatively stable over the past 24 hours, with values ranging between 34.27°C and 35.91°C. The temperature shows a repeating pattern, with peaks and troughs occurring approximately every 4 hours. This suggests that the welding robot's joint 4 temperature follows a diurnal (daily) cycle, likely due to the robot's usage patterns and the surrounding environmental conditions.
The current value of 35.9375°C is within the range of temperatures observed over the past 24 hours. The current value is slightly higher than the average of the last few 15-minute intervals, but it is not significantly different from the typical values seen throughout the day.
## Joint 5 Temperature
**Asset Name:** Welding Robot
**Property Name:** Joint 5 Temperature
**Property Alias:** /Tag Providers/default/UR/Joint_5_Temp
**External ID:** Robot_Joint_5_Temperature
**Unit:** °C
### Property Details and Insights
For the "Joint 5 Temperature" property, the historical values show a more dynamic pattern, with the temperature ranging from around 32.60°C to 37.06°C over the past 24 hours. The temperature appears to follow a similar cyclical pattern to the Joint 4 Temperature, but with more pronounced peaks and troughs. The current value of 37.0625°C is at the higher end of the observed range, indicating that the joint 5 temperature may be slightly elevated compared to the typical values seen throughout the day.
### Comparison of Properties
Overall, the analysis of the historical values for both properties suggests that the welding robot's joint temperatures are generally within expected ranges, with some minor fluctuations over the course of the day. The insights gained from this analysis could be used to monitor the robot's performance, identify any potential issues, and optimize its operation to ensure efficient and reliable operation.
AWS re:Invent 2024 で AWS IoT SiteWise Assistant について学べるビルダーズセッションに参加してきたのでレポートしました。
新機能として発表された後に少しだけ触りあぐねていた AWS IoT SiteWise Assistant を触ることができました。触ってみた感想としては産業データをリアルタイムに収集できる AWS IoT SiteWise というサービスの可能性を大きく引き出せるアップデートだと感じました。AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor と Amazon Kendra を活用することにより、ダッシュボードや AI アシスタント、RAG の構築もマネージドに行うことができます。AWS が製造業 × AI に対して確かな一手を出してきたなという印象を持ちました。