(例えば この辺のブログ でもやってます。)
それをやろうとした時に、現状のSnowflakeではビューのDDL定義は予め作成しなければいけません。 JSONの種類が少なければ、JSON Schemaや実ファイルを見ながらなんとか作れるかと思うのですが、 種類が多くなると手作業は辛いです。
そのビュー作成を自動化する公式のブログがありましたので、 その内容をやってみつつ、(私にとって)使い易いように手を加えてみることにしました。
【 Automating Snowflake’s Semi-Structured JSON Data Handling 】
【 Automating Snowflake’s Semi-Structured JSON Data Handling: Part 2 】
今回使用するJSONは↓です。 (パート1に掲載されているサンプルJSONを、パート2の内容が確認できるよう少し複雑に直したものです。)
{ "ID": 1, "color": [{ "name": "black", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "BLACK", "type": "upper" }], "category": "hue", "type": "primary", "code": { "rgb": [255, 255, 255], "hex": "#000" } }, { "ID": 2, "color": [{ "name": "white", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "WHITE", "type": "upper" }], "category": "value", "code": { "rgb": [0, 0, 0], "hex": "#FFF" } }, { "ID": 3, "color": [{ "name": "red", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "RED", "type": "upper" }], "category": "hue", "type": "primary", "code": { "rgb": [255, 0, 0], "hex": "#FF0" } }, { "ID": 4, "color": [{ "name": "blue", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "BLUE", "type": "upper" }], "category": "hue", "type": "primary", "code": { "rgb": [0, 0, 255], "hex": "#00F" } }, { "ID": 5, "color": [{ "name": "yellow", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "YELLOW", "type": "upper" }], "category": "hue", "type": "primary", "code": { "rgb": [255, 255, 0], "hex": "#FF0" } }, { "ID": 6, "color": [{ "name": "green", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "GREEN", "type": "upper" }], "category": "hue", "type": "secondary", "code": { "rgb": [0, 255, 0], "hex": "#0F0" } }
V { "ID": 1, "category": "hue", "code": { "hex": "#000", "rgb": [ 255, 255, 255 ] }, "color": [ { "name": "black", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "BLACK", "type": "upper" } ], "type": "primary" } { "ID": 2, "category": "value", "code": { "hex": "#FFF", "rgb": [ 0, 0, 0 ] }, "color": [ { "name": "white", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "WHITE", "type": "upper" } ] } { "ID": 3, "category": "hue", "code": { "hex": "#FF0", "rgb": [ 255, 0, 0 ] }, "color": [ { "name": "red", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "RED", "type": "upper" } ], "type": "primary" } { "ID": 4, "category": "hue", "code": { "hex": "#00F", "rgb": [ 0, 0, 255 ] }, "color": [ { "name": "blue", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "BLUE", "type": "upper" } ], "type": "primary" } { "ID": 5, "category": "hue", "code": { "hex": "#FF0", "rgb": [ 255, 255, 0 ] }, "color": [ { "name": "yellow", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "YELLOW", "type": "upper" } ], "type": "primary" } { "ID": 6, "category": "hue", "code": { "hex": "#0F0", "rgb": [ 0, 255, 0 ] }, "color": [ { "name": "green", "type": "lower" }, { "name": "GREEN", "type": "upper" } ], "type": "secondary" }
また、当ブログのクエリなどは全て SYSADMIN
Automating Snowflake’s Semi-Structured JSON Data Handling
FLATTEN という関数を使って、JSONの要素名やその型を取得します。
FLATTEN は、半構造化データをリレーショナル表現に変換するために使用できます。
SELECT DISTINCT regexp_replace(regexp_replace(f.path,'\\[(.+)\\]'),'(\\w+)','"\\1"') AS path_name, DECODE (substr(typeof(f.value),1,1),'A','ARRAY','B','BOOLEAN','I','FLOAT','D','FLOAT','STRING') AS attribute_type, REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(f.path, '\\[(.+)\\]'),'[^a-zA-Z0-9]','_') AS alias_name FROM colors, LATERAL FLATTEN(v, RECURSIVE=>true) f WHERE TYPEOF(f.value) != 'OBJECT'
PATH_NAME ATTRIBUTE_TYPE ALIAS_NAME "ID" FLOAT ID "category" STRING category "code"."hex" STRING code_hex "code"."rgb" ARRAY code_rgb "code"."rgb" FLOAT code_rgb "color" ARRAY color "color"."name" STRING color_name "color"."type" STRING color_type "type" STRING type
ここまでの情報が手に入れば、あとはJavaScriptでぐるぐるすれば ビューのDDLを生成できそうですね。
Automating Snowflake’s Semi-Structured JSON Data Handling: Part 2
シンプルな構造のJSONを扱ったパート1に対して、 パート2では、 カラム名の大/小文字の考慮・カラム型の判定方法の考慮・配列の要素への対応・オブジェクトの配列への対応、 を行っています。
(私の環境の問題かもしれませんが、公式ブログ上のコードは \
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE create_view_over_json (TABLE_NAME varchar, COL_NAME varchar, VIEW_NAME varchar, COLUMN_CASE varchar, COLUMN_TYPE varchar) RETURNS VARCHAR LANGUAGE javascript AS $$ // CREATE_VIEW_OVER_JSON - Craig Warman, Snowflake Computing, DEC 2019 // // This stored procedure creates a view on a table that contains JSON data in a column. // of type VARIANT. It can be used for easily generating views that enable access to // this data for BI tools without the need for manual view creation based on the underlying // JSON document structure. // // Parameters: // TABLE_NAME - Name of table that contains the semi-structured data. // COL_NAME - Name of VARIANT column in the aforementioned table. // VIEW_NAME - Name of view to be created by this stored procedure. // COLUMN_CASE - Defines whether or not view column name case will match // that of the corresponding JSON document attributes. When // set to 'uppercase cols' the view column name for a JSON // document attribute called "City.Coord.Lon" would be generated // as "CITY_COORD_LON", but if this parameter is set to // 'match col case' then it would be generated as "City_Coord_Lon". // COLUMN_TYPE - The datatypes of columns generated for the view will match // those of the corresponding JSON data attributes if this param- // eter is set to 'match datatypes'. But when this parameter is // set to 'string datatypes' then the datatype of all columns // in the resulting view will be set to STRING (VARCHAR) or ARRAY. // // Usage Example: // call create_view_over_json('db.schema.semistruct_data', 'variant_col', 'db.schema.semistruct_data_vw', 'match col case', 'match datatypes'); // // Important notes: // - JSON documents may contain attributes that are actually reserved words, which // may cause SQL compilation errors to be thrown during the CREATE VIEW execution. // The easiest work-around in this case is to specify the 'match col case' for the // COLUMN_CASE parameter since this causes column names to be enclosed by double // quotes when the view is generated. // - Sometimes there cases where the JSON documents attributes with the same name // but actually contain data with different datatypes. For example, one document // might have an attribute that contains the value "1" while another document // has the same attribute with a value of "none". This may lead to problems since // Snowflake will interpret the datatype of the first document as being numeric, // while the second would be a string value. Specifying 'string datatypes' for the // COLUMN_TYPE parameter should help alleviate such issues. // - Column names for arrays in the JSON document structure will be prefixed by the // path to the array. For example, consider a simple array such as: // "code": { // "rgb": [255,255,0] // The corresponding view columns in this case would be code_rgb_0, code_rgb_1, and // code_rgb_2. // - Column names for object arrays are similarly generated. For example, consider an // object array such as: // contact: { // phone: [ // { type: "work", number:"404-555-1234" }, // { type: "mobile", number:"770-555-1234" } // The corresponding view columns in this case would be contact_phone_type and // contact_phone_number. // - This procedure will work for arrays that are one level deep in the JSON structure. // Nested arrays will be materialized in the view as columns of type ARRAY. // - This procedure does not provide provisions for handling cases where multiple JSON // document schemas exist within a given dataset. In other words, the views it // generates reflect "flattened" versions of all the underlying JSON document schemas // found within the given dataset. Multi-schema support could be added by // implementing a pre-process step whereby JSON document records are written to // separate columns (or tables) based on their schema prior to generating // corresponding views with this procedure, possibly through the use of materialized // views. An alternative approach would be to add WHERE clauses to this procedure's // element and array queries so as to isolate the proper JSON schema for each // execution (note that this would require inclusion of corresponding WHERE clauses // in the generated views as well). // - Execution of this procedure may take an extended period of time for very // large datasets, or for datasets with a wide variety of document attributes // (since the view will have a large number of columns) // // Attribution: // I leveraged code developed by Alan Eldridge as the basis for this stored procedure. var alias_dbl_quote = ""; var path_name = "regexp_replace(regexp_replace(f.path,'\\\\[(.+)\\\\]'),'(\\\\w+)','\"\\\\1\"')" // This generates paths with levels enclosed by double quotes (ex: "path"."to"."element"). It also strips any bracket-enclosed array element references (like "[0]") var attribute_type = "DECODE (substr(typeof(f.value),1,1),'A','ARRAY','B','BOOLEAN','I','FLOAT','D','FLOAT','STRING')"; // This generates column datatypes of ARRAY, BOOLEAN, FLOAT, and STRING only var alias_name = "REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(f.path, '\\\\[(.+)\\\\]'),'[^a-zA-Z0-9]','_')" ; // This generates column aliases based on the path var table_list = TABLE_NAME; var col_list = ""; var array_num = 0; if (COLUMN_CASE.toUpperCase().charAt(0) == 'M') { alias_dbl_quote = "\""; } // COLUMN_CASE parameter is set to 'match col case' so add double quotes around view column alias name if (COLUMN_TYPE.toUpperCase().charAt(0) == 'S') { attribute_type = "DECODE (typeof(f.value),'ARRAY','ARRAY','STRING')"; } // COLUMN_TYPE parameter is set to 'string datatypes' so typecast to STRING instead of value returned by TYPEPOF function // Build a query that returns a list of elements which will be used to build the column list for the CREATE VIEW statement var element_query = "SELECT DISTINCT \n" + path_name + " AS path_name, \n" + attribute_type + " AS attribute_type, \n" + alias_name + " AS alias_name \n" + "FROM \n" + TABLE_NAME + ", \n" + "LATERAL FLATTEN(" + COL_NAME + ", RECURSIVE=>true) f \n" + "WHERE TYPEOF(f.value) != 'OBJECT' \n" + "AND NOT contains(f.path,'[') "; // This prevents traversal down into arrays // Run the query... var element_stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText:element_query}); var element_res = element_stmt.execute(); // ...And loop through the list that was returned while (element_res.next()) { // Add any non-array elements and datatypes to the column list // They will look something like this when added: // col_name:"name"."first"::STRING as "name_first", // col_name:"name"."last"::STRING as "name_last" // Note that double-quotes around the column aliases will be added // only when the COLUMN_CASE parameter is set to 'match col case' if (element_res.getColumnValue(2) != 'ARRAY') { if (col_list != "") { col_list += ", \n";} col_list += COL_NAME + ":" + element_res.getColumnValue(1); // Start with the element path name col_list += "::" + element_res.getColumnValue(2); // Add the datatype col_list += " as " + alias_dbl_quote + element_res.getColumnValue(3) + alias_dbl_quote; // And finally the element alias } // Array elements get handled in the following section: else { array_num++; var simple_array_col_list = ""; var object_array_col_list = ""; // Build a query that returns the elements in the current array var array_query = "SELECT DISTINCT \n"+ path_name + " AS path_name, \n" + attribute_type + " AS attribute_type, \n" + alias_name + " AS attribute_name, \n" + "f.index \n" + "FROM \n" + TABLE_NAME + ", \n" + "LATERAL FLATTEN(" + COL_NAME + ":" + element_res.getColumnValue(1) + ", RECURSIVE=>true) f \n" + "WHERE REGEXP_REPLACE(f.path, '.+(\\\\w+\\\\[.+\\\\]).+', 'SubArrayEle') != 'SubArrayEle' "; // This prevents return of elements of nested arrays (the entire array will be returned in this case) // Run the query... var array_stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText:array_query}); var array_res = array_stmt.execute(); // ...And loop through the list that was returned. // Add array elements and datatypes to the column list // The way that they're added depends on the type of array: // // Simple arrays: // These are lists of values that are addressible by their index number // For example: // "code": { // "rgb": [255,255,0] // These will be added to the view column list like so: // col_name:"code"."rgb"[0]::FLOAT as code_rgb_0, // col_name:"code"."rgb"[1]::FLOAT as code_rgb_1, // col_name:"code"."rgb"[2]::FLOAT as code_rgb_2 // // Object arrays: // Collections of objects that addressible by key // For example: // contact: { // phone: [ // { type: "work", number:"404-555-1234" }, // { type: "mobile", number:"770-555-1234" } // These will be added to the view column list like so: // a1.value:"type"::STRING as "phone_type", // a1.value:"number"::STRING as "phone_number" // Along with an additional LATERAL FLATTEN construct in the table list: // FROM mydatabase.public.contacts, // LATERAL FLATTEN(json_data:"contact"."phone") a1; // while (array_res.next()) { if (array_res.getColumnValue(1).substring(1) == "") { // The element path name is empty, so this is a simple array element if (simple_array_col_list != "") { simple_array_col_list += ", \n";} simple_array_col_list += COL_NAME + ":" + element_res.getColumnValue(1); // Start with the element path name simple_array_col_list += "[" + array_res.getColumnValue(4) + "]"; // Add the array index simple_array_col_list += "::" + array_res.getColumnValue(2); // Add the datatype simple_array_col_list += " as " + alias_dbl_quote + element_res.getColumnValue(3) + "_" + array_res.getColumnValue(4) + alias_dbl_quote; // And finally the element alias - Note that the array alias is added as a prefix to ensure uniqueness } else { // This is an object array element if (object_array_col_list != "") { object_array_col_list += ", \n";} object_array_col_list += "a" + array_num + ".value:" + array_res.getColumnValue(1).substring(1); // Start with the element name (minus the leading '.' character) object_array_col_list += "::" + array_res.getColumnValue(2); // Add the datatype object_array_col_list += " as " + alias_dbl_quote + element_res.getColumnValue(3) + array_res.getColumnValue(3) + alias_dbl_quote; // And finally the element alias - Note that the array alias is added as a prefix to ensure uniqueness } } // If no object array elements were found then add the simple array elements to the // column list... if (object_array_col_list == "") { if (col_list != "") { col_list += ", \n";} col_list += simple_array_col_list; } // ...otherwise, add the object array elements to the column list along with a // LATERAL FLATTEN clause that references the current array to the table list else { if (col_list != "") { col_list += ", \n";} col_list += object_array_col_list; table_list += ",\n LATERAL FLATTEN(" + COL_NAME + ":" + element_res.getColumnValue(1) + ") a" + array_num; } } } // Now build the CREATE VIEW statement var view_ddl = "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW " + VIEW_NAME + " AS \n" + "SELECT \n" + col_list + "\n" + "FROM " + table_list; // Now run the CREATE VIEW statement var view_stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText:view_ddl}); var view_res = view_stmt.execute(); return view_res.next(); $$;
CALL create_view_over_json('colors', 'v', 'colors_flat', 'uppercase cols', 'match datatypes');
: フラット化したい対象のVARIANT型のカラムを持つテーブル名COL_NAME
: 作成するビュー名COLUMN_CASE
uppercase cols
: 列名は大文字で定義match col case
: 列名の大/小文字はJSONの要素(key名)に従う
match datatypes
: JSON内の情報からカラム型を定義(型を1つに特定できないとエラー)string datatypes
: 全て文字列型(と配列)として定義
この ストアドプロシージャ を使って、当ブログ冒頭のサンプルJSONをフラット化した結果が↓です。
ID CATEGORY CODE_HEX CODE_RGB_0 CODE_RGB_1 CODE_RGB_2 COLOR_NAME COLOR_TYPE TYPE 1 hue #000 255 255 255 black lower primary 1 hue #000 255 255 255 BLACK upper primary 2 value #FFF 0 0 0 white lower 2 value #FFF 0 0 0 WHITE upper 3 hue #FF0 255 0 0 red lower primary 3 hue #FF0 255 0 0 RED upper primary 4 hue #00F 0 0 255 blue lower primary 4 hue #00F 0 0 255 BLUE upper primary 5 hue #FF0 255 255 0 yellow lower primary 5 hue #FF0 255 255 0 YELLOW upper primary 6 hue #0F0 0 255 0 green lower secondary 6 hue #0F0 0 255 0 GREEN upper secondary
オブジェクトの配列だった COLOR
var attribute_type = "DECODE (substr(typeof(f.value),1,1),'A','ARRAY','B','BOOLEAN','I','FLOAT','D','FLOAT','STRING')"; // This generates column datatypes of ARRAY, BOOLEAN, FLOAT, and STRING only
スキーマ: VARIANT型(JSON)のカラムのテーブルだけが複数存在relational
スキーマ: jsonスキーマのテーブルをフラット化したビューの作成先(空っぽ)create_view_over_json
ストアドプロシージャ: 前章のモジュールと同じものを作成済みconvert_json_in_schema
ストアドプロシージャ: 今回新たに作成するもの(後述)
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE convert_json_in_schema (JSON_SCHEMA_NAME varchar, COL_NAME varchar, RELATIONAL_SCHEMA_NAME varchar) RETURNS VARCHAR LANGUAGE javascript AS $$ // 処理対象のテーブルの取得 const GET_TABLES_SQL = `SHOW TABLES IN SCHEMA ${JSON_SCHEMA_NAME};`; let get_tables_stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText:GET_TABLES_SQL}); let tables_res = get_tables_stmt.execute(); let tables = []; // スキーマ内のJSON格納テーブル名の配列 while(tables_res.next()) { tables.push(tables_res.getColumnValue("name")); } // 結果を格納するテーブルを作成 const UNIXTIME = String((new Date()).getTime()).substring(0, 10); const RES_TABLE_NAME = `${UNIXTIME}_results`; const CREATE_DEST_SQL = (`CREATE TABLE ${RELATIONAL_SCHEMA_NAME}."${RES_TABLE_NAME}" ( json_schema_name VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '${JSON_SCHEMA_NAME}', table_name VARCHAR(100), result BOOLEAN);`).replace(/\r?\n/g, ""); let create_stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText:CREATE_DEST_SQL}); create_stmt.execute(); // 別のストアドプロシージャを呼び出して、ビューを作成する for (const table_name of tables) { const CALL_SQL = `CALL create_view_over_json('${JSON_SCHEMA_NAME}.${table_name}', '${COL_NAME}', '${RELATIONAL_SCHEMA_NAME}.${table_name}', 'uppercase cols', 'match datatypes');`; let call_stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText:CALL_SQL}); let is_view_created; try { let call_res = call_stmt.execute(); call_res.next(); is_view_created = Boolean(call_res.getColumnValue(1) == "true"); } catch { is_view_created = false; } // 結果を記録 const OUTPUT_SQL = `INSERT INTO ${RELATIONAL_SCHEMA_NAME}."${RES_TABLE_NAME}" (table_name, result) VALUES ('${table_name}', ${is_view_created});`; let output_stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText:OUTPUT_SQL}); output_stmt.execute(); } return `Done. Check results at ${RELATIONAL_SCHEMA_NAME}."${RES_TABLE_NAME}" !!!`; $$
CALL convert_json_in_schema('json', 'v', 'relational');
各テーブルの処理結果は、 {実行時刻}_results
ですが…Parquetなどはすでに列定義の検出ができるようになっているようなので、 JSONも簡単にフラット化できるようになることを切に願っています…
- Automating Snowflake’s Semi-Structured JSON Data Handling
- Automating Snowflake’s Semi-Structured JSON Data Handling: Part 2
- 半構造化データ型
- ステップ3。データをフラット化する
- Snowflake 半構造化データ用の関数を色々使ってみた
- Snowflake 半構造化データサポートの解説 | Snowflake Advent Calendar 2019 #SnowflakeDB
- ストアドプロシージャの概要
- ストアドプロシージャ API
- Snowflakeで半構造化データのカラム定義検出を試してみた
- ステージングされた半構造化データファイル内の列定義の検出