[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] 平均ファイルサイズが小さいほどファイルメタデータの割合は大きくなるのか確認してみた
以下記事でAmazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP(以降FSx for ONTAP)のボリュームとSSDのサイジング方法を整理してみました。
ファイルメタデータは、通常、ファイルが消費するストレージ容量の 3~7% を消費します。この割合は、平均ファイルサイズ (平均ファイルサイズが小さいほど多くのメタデータが必要になります) と、ファイルのストレージ効率化で、どれだけ節約できるかによって異なります。ファイルメタデータはストレージ効率化による節約の恩恵を受けないことに注意してください。ファイルシステム上のメタデータに使用される SSD ストレージの容量を見積もるには、次のガイドラインが使用できます。
平均ファイルサイズ ファイルデータに対する、メタデータサイズの割合 4 KB 7% 8 KB 3.50% 32 KB 以上 1~3%
1つのinodeのサイズは288Bです。そのため、ファイルサイズが4KiBの場合のinodeに対する割合は288B / 4096B * 100 ≒ 7.0%
しかし、ファイルサイズが32KiBの場合のinodeに対する割合は288B / (4096 * 2^5) * 100 ≒ 0.2%
- 平均ファイルサイズが小さいほどファイルメタデータの割合は大きくなる傾向がある
- 検証した限り、32KiBの場合は例外
# ボリュームの確認 ::> volume show -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB -fields size, available, used, files, tiering-policy vserver volume size available used files tiering-policy ------- --------- ----- --------- ----- ----- -------------- SVM vol_32KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all SVM vol_4KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all SVM vol_8KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all 3 entries were displayed. # ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 280KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 552KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 272KB 0% Total Footprint 1.85MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_4KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 280KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 552KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 272KB 0% Total Footprint 1.85MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_8KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 280KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 552KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 272KB 0% Total Footprint 1.85MB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 220KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 8KB 0% Total Used 6.67MB 5% Total Physical Used 280KB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_4KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 220KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 8KB 0% Total Used 6.67MB 5% Total Physical Used 280KB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_8KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 220KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 8KB 0% Total Used 6.67MB 5% Total Physical Used 280KB 0%
# inode数の使用状況の確認 ::> df -i -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB Filesystem iused ifree %iused Mounted on Vserver /vol/vol_32KiB/ 96 3788 2% /vol_32KiB SVM /vol/vol_4KiB/ 96 3788 2% /vol_4KiB SVM /vol/vol_8KiB/ 96 3788 2% /vol_8KiB SVM 3 entries were displayed. # inodeを20,100個割り当てられるように変更 ::> volume modify -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB -files 20100 Volume modify successful on volume vol_32KiB of Vserver SVM. Volume modify successful on volume vol_4KiB of Vserver SVM. Volume modify successful on volume vol_8KiB of Vserver SVM. 3 entries were modified. # inode数の使用状況の確認 ::> df -i -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB Filesystem iused ifree %iused Mounted on Vserver /vol/vol_32KiB/ 96 20001 0% /vol_32KiB SVM /vol/vol_4KiB/ 96 20001 0% /vol_4KiB SVM /vol/vol_8KiB/ 96 20001 0% /vol_8KiB SVM 3 entries were displayed. # inodeを20,100個割り当てられるように変更した結果、各階層の使用量が変わるのか確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_4KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_8KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # inodeを20,100個割り当てられるように変更した結果、ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_4KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_8KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% 3 entries were displayed.
は増えていませんが、Footprint in Performance Tier
# SVMのルートボリュームをマウント $ sudo mount -t nfs svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/ /mnt/fsxn/ # SVMのルートボリュームがマウントできていることを確認 $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/ nfs4 973M 2.0M 971M 1% /mnt/fsxn # テストファイルを保存する各ボリュームにアクセスする $ ls -l /mnt/fsxn/vol_4KiB/ total 0 $ ls -l /mnt/fsxn/vol_8KiB/ total 0 $ ls -l /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB/ total 0 # テストファイルを保存する各ボリュームを認識できているか確認 $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/ nfs4 973M 2.0M 971M 1% /mnt/fsxn svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_4KiB nfs4 122M 256K 122M 1% /mnt/fsxn/vol_4KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_8KiB nfs4 122M 320K 122M 1% /mnt/fsxn/vol_8KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB nfs4 122M 320K 122M 1% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB # 平均ファイルサイズが4KiBの書き込み $ for i in {0000..19999}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_4KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=4K count=1 done # 平均ファイルサイズが8KiBの書き込み $ for i in {0000..9999}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_8KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=8K count=1 done # 平均ファイルサイズが32KiBの書き込み $ for i in {0000..2499}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=32K count=1 done # テストファイル作成後の各ボリュームの使用量を確認 $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/ nfs4 973M 2.1M 971M 1% /mnt/fsxn svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_4KiB nfs4 122M 86M 36M 71% /mnt/fsxn/vol_4KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_8KiB nfs4 122M 83M 40M 68% /mnt/fsxn/vol_8KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB nfs4 122M 90M 33M 74% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB
ボリュームの使用量は32KiB > 4KiB > 8KiB
ONTAP CLIからも確認してみましょう。
# ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 89.16MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 11.89MB 13% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 78.12MB 87% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 868KB 0% Total Footprint 91.32MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_4KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 85.98MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 7.98MB 9% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 78.12MB 91% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 120KB 0% Total Footprint 87.41MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_8KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 82.25MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 4.68MB 6% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 78.12MB 94% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 564KB 0% Total Footprint 84.11MB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_4KiB, vol_8KiB, vol_32KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 88.12MB 69% Filesystem Metadata 244KB 0% Inodes 728KB 1% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 96KB 0% Total Used 95.56MB 75% Total Physical Used 89.16MB 70% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_4KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 79.64MB 62% Filesystem Metadata 244KB 0% Inodes 5.62MB 4% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 488KB 0% Total Used 92.38MB 72% Total Physical Used 85.98MB 67% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_8KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 78.90MB 62% Filesystem Metadata 240KB 0% Inodes 2.82MB 2% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 296KB 0% Total Used 88.65MB 69% Total Physical Used 82.25MB 64% 3 entries were displayed.
いずれのボリュームもFootprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
ですが、Footprint in Performance Tier
平均ファイルサイズ | プライマリストレージの使用量 | プライマリストレージの割合 | Inodesの使用量 | プライマリストレージの使用量 - Inodesの使用量 |
4KiB | 7.98MB | 9% | 5.62MB | 2.36MB |
8KiB | 4.68MB | 6% | 2.82MB | 1.86MB |
32KiB | 11.89MB | 13% | 728KB | 11.162MB |
Inode分を差し引いても32KiB > 4KiB > 8KiB
平均ファイルサイズが32KiBのパターンをリトライ (その1)
# ボリュームの確認 ::> volume show -volume vol_32KiB_2 -fields size, available, used, files, tiering-policy vserver volume size available used files tiering-policy ------- ----------- ----- --------- ----- ----- -------------- SVM vol_32KiB_2 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all # inodeを20,100個割り当てられるように変更 ::> volume modify -volume vol_32KiB_2 -files 20100 Volume modify successful on volume vol_32KiB_2 of Vserver SVM. # ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_32KiB_2 Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_2 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0%
$ for i in {0000..2499}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_2/random_block_file_${i} bs=32K count=1 done
テストファイル作成後、ONTAP CLIでボリュームの使用量を確認します。
# ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_32KiB_2 Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_2 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 89.17MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 12.18MB 13% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 78.12MB 87% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 1.14MB 0% Total Footprint 91.62MB 0% # ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_32KiB_2 Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_2 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 88.12MB 69% Filesystem Metadata 244KB 0% Inodes 728KB 1% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 104KB 0% Total Used 95.57MB 75% Total Physical Used 89.17MB 70%
# ボリュームの確認 ::> volume show -volume vol_64KiB, vol_128KiB, vol_256KiB -fields size, available, used, files, tiering-policy vserver volume size available used files tiering-policy ------- ---------- ----- --------- ----- ----- -------------- SVM vol_128KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all SVM vol_256KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all SVM vol_64KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all 3 entries were displayed. # inodeを20,100個割り当てられるように変更 ::> volume modify -volume vol_64KiB, vol_128KiB, vol_256KiB -files 20100 Volume modify successful on volume vol_128KiB of Vserver SVM. Volume modify successful on volume vol_256KiB of Vserver SVM. Volume modify successful on volume vol_64KiB of Vserver SVM. 3 entries were modified. # ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_64KiB, vol_128KiB, vol_256KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_128KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_256KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_64KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_64KiB, vol_128KiB, vol_256KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_128KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_256KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_64KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% 3 entries were displayed.
# 平均ファイルサイズが64KiBの書き込み for i in {0000..1249}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_64KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=64K count=1 done # 平均ファイルサイズが128KiBの書き込み for i in {0000..624}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_128KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=128K count=1 done # 平均ファイルサイズが256KiBの書き込み for i in {0000..312}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_256KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=256K count=1 done # テストファイル作成後の各ボリュームの使用量を確認 $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/ nfs4 973M 2.2M 971M 1% /mnt/fsxn svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_4KiB nfs4 122M 86M 36M 71% /mnt/fsxn/vol_4KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_8KiB nfs4 122M 83M 40M 68% /mnt/fsxn/vol_8KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB nfs4 122M 90M 33M 74% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB_2 nfs4 122M 90M 33M 74% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_2 svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_64KiB nfs4 122M 84M 38M 69% /mnt/fsxn/vol_64KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_128KiB nfs4 122M 82M 41M 67% /mnt/fsxn/vol_128KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_256KiB nfs4 122M 80M 42M 66% /mnt/fsxn/vol_256KiB
ボリュームの使用量は64KiB > 127KiB > 256KiB
ONTAP CLIからも確認してみましょう。
# ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_64KiB, vol_128KiB, vol_256KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_128KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 81.12MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 4.21MB 5% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 78.12MB 95% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 1.21MB 0% Total Footprint 83.64MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_256KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 79.91MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 2.73MB 3% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 78.25MB 97% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 1.07MB 0% Total Footprint 82.29MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_64KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 83.80MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 5.92MB 7% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 78.12MB 93% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 252KB 0% Total Footprint 85.35MB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_64KiB, vol_128KiB, vol_256KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_128KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 80.65MB 63% Filesystem Metadata 240KB 0% Inodes 192KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 40KB 0% Total Used 87.52MB 68% Total Physical Used 81.12MB 63% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_256KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 79.54MB 62% Filesystem Metadata 240KB 0% Inodes 104KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 32KB 0% Total Used 86.30MB 67% Total Physical Used 79.91MB 62% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_64KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 83.14MB 65% Filesystem Metadata 240KB 0% Inodes 372KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 56KB 0% Total Used 90.20MB 70% Total Physical Used 83.80MB 65% 3 entries were displayed.
いずれのボリュームもFootprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
は78.12MBですが、Footprint in Performance Tier
平均ファイルサイズ | プライマリストレージの使用量 | プライマリストレージの割合 |
64KiB | 5.92MB | 7% |
128KiB | 4.21MB | 5% |
256KiB | 2.73MB | 3% |
# ボリュームの確認 ::> volume show -volume vol_512KiB, vol_1024KiB, vol_2048KiB -fields size, available, used, files, tiering-policy vserver volume size available used files tiering-policy ------- ----------- ----- --------- ----- ----- -------------- SVM vol_1024KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all SVM vol_2048KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all SVM vol_512KiB 128MB 121.3MB 280KB 3884 all 3 entries were displayed. # inodeを20,100個割り当てられるように変更 ::> volume modify -volume vol_512KiB, vol_1024KiB, vol_2048KiB -files 20100 Volume modify successful on volume vol_1024KiB of Vserver SVM. Volume modify successful on volume vol_2048KiB of Vserver SVM. Volume modify successful on volume vol_512KiB of Vserver SVM. 3 entries were modified. # ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_512KiB, vol_1024KiB, vol_2048KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_1024KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_2048KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_512KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 260KB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 804KB 100% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 0B 0% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 544KB 0% Total Footprint 2.09MB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_512KiB, vol_1024KiB, vol_2048KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_1024KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_2048KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_512KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 40KB 0% Filesystem Metadata 208KB 0% Inodes 8KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Total Used 6.65MB 5% Total Physical Used 260KB 0% 3 entries were displayed.
# 平均ファイルサイズが512KiBの書き込み for i in {0000..156}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_512KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=512K count=1 done # 平均ファイルサイズが1,024KiBの書き込み for i in {0000..78}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_1024KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=1024K count=1 done # 平均ファイルサイズが2,048KiBの書き込み for i in {0000..39}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_2048KiB/random_block_file_${i} bs=2048K count=1 done # テストファイル作成後の各ボリュームの使用量を確認 $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/ nfs4 973M 2.4M 971M 1% /mnt/fsxn svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_4KiB nfs4 122M 86M 36M 71% /mnt/fsxn/vol_4KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_8KiB nfs4 122M 83M 40M 68% /mnt/fsxn/vol_8KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB nfs4 122M 90M 33M 74% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB_2 nfs4 122M 90M 33M 74% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_2 svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_64KiB nfs4 122M 84M 38M 69% /mnt/fsxn/vol_64KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_128KiB nfs4 122M 82M 41M 67% /mnt/fsxn/vol_128KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_256KiB nfs4 122M 80M 42M 66% /mnt/fsxn/vol_256KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_512KiB nfs4 122M 80M 43M 66% /mnt/fsxn/vol_512KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_1024KiB nfs4 122M 80M 42M 66% /mnt/fsxn/vol_1024KiB svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_2048KiB nfs4 122M 81M 41M 67% /mnt/fsxn/vol_2048KiB
ボリュームの使用量は2,048KiB > 512KiB > 1,024KiB
ONTAP CLIからも確認してみます。
# ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_512KiB, vol_1024KiB, vol_2048KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_1024KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 79.99MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 1.11MB 1% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 79MB 99% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 120KB 0% Total Footprint 81.41MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_2048KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 80.82MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 1.07MB 1% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 80MB 99% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 252KB 0% Total Footprint 82.38MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_512KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 79.51MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 1.26MB 2% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 78.50MB 98% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 252KB 0% Total Footprint 81.07MB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_512KiB, vol_1024KiB, vol_2048KiB Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_1024KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 79.66MB 62% Filesystem Metadata 240KB 0% Inodes 36KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 56KB 0% Total Used 86.39MB 67% Total Physical Used 79.99MB 62% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_2048KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 80.51MB 63% Filesystem Metadata 240KB 0% Inodes 24KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 56KB 0% Total Used 87.22MB 68% Total Physical Used 80.82MB 63% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_512KiB Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 79.16MB 62% Filesystem Metadata 240KB 0% Inodes 60KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 56KB 0% Total Used 85.91MB 67% Total Physical Used 79.51MB 62% 3 entries were displayed.
各ボリュームのFootprint in Performance Tier
平均ファイルサイズ | プライマリストレージの使用量 | プライマリストレージの割合 |
512KiB | 1.26MB | 2% |
1,024KiB | 1.11MB | 1% |
2,048KiB | 1.07MB | 1% |
平均ファイルサイズが32KiBのパターンをリトライ (その2)
平均ファイルサイズ | プライマリストレージの使用量 | プライマリストレージの割合 |
4KiB | 7.98MB | 9% |
8KiB | 4.68MB | 6% |
32KiB | 11.89MB | 13% |
64KiB | 5.92MB | 7% |
128KiB | 4.21MB | 5% |
256KiB | 2.73MB | 3% |
512KiB | 1.26MB | 2% |
1,024KiB | 1.11MB | 1% |
2,048KiB | 1.07MB | 1% |
# 32KiBのファイルを1,250個作成 for i in {0000..1249}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_files_1249/random_block_file_${i} bs=32K count=1 done # 32KiBのファイルを625個作成 for i in {0000..624}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_files_624/random_block_file_${i} bs=32K count=1 done # 32KiBのファイルを313個作成 for i in {0000..312}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_files_312/random_block_file_${i} bs=32K count=1 done # ボリュームの使用量を確認 $ df -hT -t nfs4 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/ nfs4 973M 1.9M 971M 1% /mnt/fsxn svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB_files_1249 nfs4 122M 45M 77M 37% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_files_1249 svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB_files_624 nfs4 122M 23M 100M 19% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_files_624 svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_32KiB_files_312 nfs4 122M 12M 111M 10% /mnt/fsxn/vol_32KiB_files_312
ONTAP CLIでプライマリストレージの割合を確認します。
# ボリュームの階層毎のデータサイズの確認 ::> volume show-footprint -volume vol_32KiB_files_1249, vol_32KiB_files_624, vol_32KiB_files_312 Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_files_1249 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 44.74MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 5.91MB 13% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 39.06MB 87% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 244KB 0% Total Footprint 46.29MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_files_312 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 11.43MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 2.82MB 22% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 9.78MB 78% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 1.18MB 0% Total Footprint 13.91MB 0% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_files_624 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ----- Volume Data Footprint 22.51MB 0% Footprint in Performance Tier 4.15MB 18% Footprint in FSxFabricpoolObjectStore 19.53MB 82% Volume Guarantee 0B 0% Flexible Volume Metadata 1.31MB 0% Delayed Frees 1.17MB 0% Total Footprint 24.99MB 0% 3 entries were displayed. # ボリュームの使用量の確認 ::> volume show-space -volume vol_32KiB_files_1249, vol_32KiB_files_624, vol_32KiB_files_312 Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_files_1249 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 44.08MB 34% Filesystem Metadata 232KB 0% Inodes 372KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 68KB 0% Total Used 51.14MB 40% Total Physical Used 44.74MB 35% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_files_312 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 11.07MB 9% Filesystem Metadata 224KB 0% Inodes 104KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 40KB 0% Total Used 17.83MB 14% Total Physical Used 11.43MB 9% Vserver : SVM Volume : vol_32KiB_files_624 Feature Used Used% -------------------------------- ---------- ------ User Data 22.06MB 17% Filesystem Metadata 224KB 0% Inodes 192KB 0% Snapshot Reserve 6.40MB 5% Deduplication 4KB 0% Performance Metadata 40KB 0% Total Used 28.91MB 23% Total Physical Used 22.51MB 18% 3 entries were displayed.
各ボリュームのFootprint in Performance Tier
ファイル数 | プライマリストレージの割合 |
312 | 22% |
624 | 18% |
1249 | 13% |
Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPにおいて、平均ファイルサイズが小さいほどファイルメタデータの割合は大きくなるのか確認してみました。
以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!