Amazon RedshiftでCOPY実行時エラーを確認する際はpsqlコマンドで『\x』と併せて使うと良い感じ
Amazon Redshiftでデータ投入周りの作業を行っている際、ふとした事で掲題の情報を知り、実際使ってみたら『ええやん』となったのでご紹介してみたいと思います。
-x --expanded 拡張テーブル形式モードを有効にします。 これは\xコマンドと同じです。
# SELECT * FROM public.orders LIMIT 1; order_id | order_date | priority | quantity | sales | discount_rate | ship_mode | profit | unit_price | ad_expenses | shipping_cost | customer_name | prefecture | city | area | shop_name | customer_segment | product_category | product_sub_category | product_id | product_name | product_description | product_container | base_margin | supplier | deliver_date | ship_date ----------+------------+----------+----------+-------+---------------+------------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+------------+------+------+-----------+------------------+------------------+----------------------+------------+--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------+-------------+----------+--------------+------------ 97 | 2011-12-30 | 中 | 26 | 9446 | 0.03 | 通常航空便 | 2824 | 289 | 244146 | 50 | 仙波 敏男 | 栃木 | 栃木 | 関東 | Willis | 消費者 | 事務用品 | ラベル | P190 | Avery 498 | This is the field which has product description for Avery 498 | 小型ボックス | 0.38 | Argot | 2010-01-30 | 2010-01-30 (1 row)
# \x Expanded display is on. # SELECT * FROM public.orders LIMIT 1; -[ RECORD 1 ]--------+-------------------------------------------------------------- order_id | 97 order_date | 2011-12-30 priority | 中 quantity | 26 sales | 9446 discount_rate | 0.03 ship_mode | 通常航空便 profit | 2824 unit_price | 289 ad_expenses | 244146 shipping_cost | 50 customer_name | 仙波 敏男 prefecture | 栃木 city | 栃木 area | 関東 shop_name | Willis customer_segment | 消費者 product_category | 事務用品 product_sub_category | ラベル product_id | P190 product_name | Avery 498 product_description | This is the field which has product description for Avery 498 product_container | 小型ボックス base_margin | 0.38 supplier | Argot deliver_date | 2010-01-30 ship_date | 2010-01-30 #
# \x Expanded display is on. # SELECT * FROM stl_load_errors ORDER BY starttime DESC LIMIT 1; -[ RECORD 1 ]---+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- userid | 100 slice | 3 tbl | 650906 starttime | 2017-02-14 xx:xx:xx.xxxxxx session | 24392 query | 480537 filename | s3://xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/sample-xxxxxxx.csv line_number | 1 colname | userid type | char col_length | 5 position | 2 raw_line | 'userid','username','userdata','regdate' raw_field_value | userid err_code | 1204 err_reason | Char length exceeds DDL length
# \x Expanded display is off.