Created a Tableau Online site for first time
Hemanth of Alliance Department here. In this blog, I tried creating a tableau online site.
A visual Analytics platform, which makes use of data to provide useful pictorial and graphical representations. Tableau visualizes the data and reveals patterns for analysis in business intelligence. Tableau provides BI search, spreadsheet integration, and other analysis functions. It connects to varieties of data sources which is not supported by other BI tools. Tableau has garnered interest among various sectors.
Tableau Online [Tableau Cloud]
A fully hosted SAAS product that allows performing data analytics through the cloud from any device, anywhere, and at any time. Tableau Online can create advance visualizations while extracting data from various sources and getting useful results from them. It can be used even on your IPad or Android tablet, go to tableau online and sign in. Complete data security without needing a VPN.
let's Create the Tableau Online Site
Go to tableau website here
Now hovering to the product tab and clicking on Tableau cloud
Now click on start free trial
Again click on start free trial
Now fill out the form and click request free trial
Checking the mail with which you had entered in the above form and you'll receive a similar email as shown below, click on activate my site
Greeted with a welcome message and creating an account
Here click on create an account
Now fill out the details and press create my account button
Check the mail to receive mail as below to activate your tableau account
Now sign in using the above entered credentials as filled in the above form and click on sign-in
Type your website name and press activate now button
I have successfully created my first Tableau Online site