Get server data using osquery

Get server data using osquery

Clock Icon2018.05.06


Osquery can get be used to retrieve device data using SQL commands. Specifically, it is possible to get data in Tables.

Downloading & Installing

It runs everywhere

Windows, macOS, CentOS, FreeBSD, and almost every Linux OS released since 2011 are supported with no dependencies.

Let's try installing it by referring to Downloading & Installing Osquery .

For example, I am installing to CentOS7 below.

$ curl -L | sudo tee /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-osquery
$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
$ sudo yum-config-manager --enable osquery-s3-rpm
$ sudo yum install osquery

Execute osqueryi

Let’s now try using interactive mode as an example.

# osqueryi
Using a virtual database. Need help, type '.help'

meta command


to list all tables

osquery> .table
  => acpi_tables
  => apt_sources
  => arp_cache

.schema table_name

to list the schema

osquery> .schema shell_history
CREATE TABLE shell_history(`uid` BIGINT, `time` INTEGER, `command` TEXT, `history_file` TEXT);

pragma table_info(table_name);

to display table details

osquery> pragma table_info(shell_history);
| cid | name         | type    | notnull | dflt_value | pk |
| 0   | uid          | BIGINT  | 0       |            | 0  |
| 1   | time         | INTEGER | 0       |            | 0  |
| 2   | command      | TEXT    | 0       |            | 0  |
| 3   | history_file | TEXT    | 0       |            | 0  |

Execute query


to display system load average

osquery> select * from load_average;
| period | average  |
| 1m     | 0.000000 |
| 5m     | 0.010000 |
| 15m    | 0.050000 |


to display block devices

osquery> select * from block_devices;
| name       | parent    | vendor | model | size     | block_size | uuid                                 | type | label |
| /dev/xvda  |           |        |       | 16777216 | 512        |                                      |      |       |
| /dev/xvda1 | /dev/xvda |        |       | 16775168 |            | ********-****-****-****-************ | xfs  |       |


to display login history

osquery> select * from last where username like 'centos';
| username | tty   | pid   | type | time       | host                              |
| centos   | pts/0 | 10158 | 7    | 1519072204 | ***.***.***.2                     |
| centos   | pts/0 | 1185  | 7    | 1519073094 | ***.***.***.2                     |
| centos   | pts/1 | 21429 | 7    | 1519113254 | d***-***-***-***.******.*****.net |
| centos   | pts/0 | 2815  | 7    | 1519113982 | d***-***-***-***.******.*****.net |
| centos   | pts/1 | 13023 | 7    | 1519405082 | ***.***.***.2                     |
| centos   | pts/1 | 13054 | 7    | 1519405100 | ***.***.***.2                     |
| centos   | pts/2 | 15834 | 7    | 1519415807 | ***.***.***.2                     |
| centos   | pts/2 | 16006 | 7    | 1519415868 | ***.***.***.2                     |
| centos   | pts/0 | 27795 | 7    | 1519456885 | d***-***-***-***.******.*****.net |


to display memory information in bytes

osquery> select * from memory_info;
| memory_total | memory_free | buffers | cached    | swap_cached | active     | inactive  | swap_total | swap_free |
| 3973382144   | 1826029568  | 2117632 | 669937664 | 0           | 1718042624 | 256385024 | 0          | 0         |


We can set output mode using .mode MODE.

.mode MODE       Set output mode where MODE is one of:
                   csv      Comma-separated values
                   column   Left-aligned columns see .width
                   line     One value per line
                   list     Values delimited by .separator string
                   pretty   Pretty printed SQL results (default)

We can change the mode and get ec2_instance_metadata table data.


to display EC2 instance metadata

osquery> .mode line
osquery> select * from ec2_instance_metadata;
      instance_id = i-*****************
    instance_type = t2.medium
     architecture = x86_64
           region = us-west-2
availability_zone = us-west-2c
   local_hostname = ip-***-***-***-***.us-west-2.compute.internal
       local_ipv4 = ***.***.***.***
              mac = **:**:**:**:**:**
  security_groups = defaultCentOS 7 -x86_64- - with Updates HVM-1801_01-AutogenByAWSMP-
          iam_arn = arn:aws:iam::************:instance-profile/iamrolename
           ami_id = ami-********
   reservation_id = r-********
       account_id = ********
   ssh_public_key = ssh-rsa ********

Execute pipe a query as stdin


to display EC2 instance tags

$ echo "select * from ec2_instance_tags;" | osqueryi --json | jq .
I0225 20:11:24.138509  5701 http_client.cpp:309] HTTP(S) request re-directed to:
    "instance_id": "i-*****************",
    "key": "Name",
    "value": "Prd"
    "instance_id": "i-*****************",
    "key": "Service",
    "value": "Dev"


We illustrated how to get server data using osquery commands.



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