GitHub GraphQL APIでVulnerability Alertを取得する
こんにちは、CX事業本部 IoT事業部の若槻です。
Dependabot alertのalert一覧を取得したく方法を調べていたところ、REST APIやCLIにはAPIが無く、GraphQL APIにのみAPIが用意されていました。
今回は、GitHub GraphQL APIでのVulnerability Alert(Dependabot alert)の取得を試してみました。
GitHub GraphQL APIの基本的な使い方はこちらに書いてあります。
curlで試してみます。Personal access tokensが必要なのでこちらで発行しておきます。
$ GH_API_TOKEN=<GH_API_TOKEN> $ query="\"query { viewer { login }}\"" $ curl \ -H "Authorization: bearer $GH_API_TOKEN" \ -X POST -d "{ \"query\": ${query}}" \ https://api.github.com/graphql {"data":{"viewer":{"login":"cm-rwakatsuki"}}}
Vulnerability Alertの取得(Explorer)
GitHubが用意しているExplorerでGraphQL APIを試すこともできます。
こちらを参考にExplorerでVulnerability Alertの一覧を取得してみます。
query($repo_name:String!, $owner:String!) { repository(name: $repo_name, owner: $owner) { vulnerabilityAlerts(first: 100) { nodes { createdAt dismissedAt state securityVulnerability { package { name } advisory { description } } } } } } { "owner": "cm-rwakatsuki", "repo_name": "aws-cdk-v2-project" }
{ "data": { "repository": { "vulnerabilityAlerts": { "nodes": [ { "createdAt": "2022-04-28T14:12:40Z", "dismissedAt": "2022-05-02T14:26:44Z", "state": "DISMISSED", "securityVulnerability": { "package": { "name": "log4js" }, "advisory": { "description": "### Impact\r\nDefault file permissions for log files created by the file, fileSync and dateFile appenders are world-readable (in unix). This could cause problems if log files contain sensitive information. This would affect any users that have not supplied their own permissions for the files via the mode parameter in the config.\r\n\r\n### Patches\r\nFixed by:\r\n* https://github.com/log4js-node/log4js-node/pull/1141\r\n* https://github.com/log4js-node/streamroller/pull/87\r\n\r\nReleased to NPM in log4js@6.4.0\r\n\r\n### Workarounds\r\nEvery version of log4js published allows passing the mode parameter to the configuration of file appenders, see the documentation for details.\r\n\r\n### References\r\n\r\nThanks to [ranjit-git](https://www.huntr.dev/users/ranjit-git) for raising the issue, and to @peteriman for fixing the problem.\r\n\r\n### For more information\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this advisory:\r\n* Open an issue in [logj4s-node](https://github.com/log4js-node/log4js-node)\r\n* Ask a question in the [slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/log4js-node/shared_invite/enQtODkzMDQ3MzExMDczLWUzZmY0MmI0YWI1ZjFhODY0YjI0YmU1N2U5ZTRkOTYyYzg3MjY5NWI4M2FjZThjYjdiOGM0NjU2NzBmYTJjOGI)\r\n* Email us at [gareth.nomiddlename@gmail.com](mailto:gareth.nomiddlename@gmail.com)\r\n" } } }, { "createdAt": "2022-04-30T14:14:00Z", "dismissedAt": "2022-04-30T14:21:10Z", "state": "OPEN", "securityVulnerability": { "package": { "name": "moment" }, "advisory": { "description": "### Impact\nThis vulnerability impacts npm (server) users of moment.js, especially if user provided locale string, eg `fr` is directly used to switch moment locale.\n\n### Patches\nThis problem is patched in 2.29.2, and the patch can be applied to all affected versions (from 1.0.1 up until 2.29.1, inclusive).\n\n### Workarounds\nSanitize user-provided locale name before passing it to moment.js.\n\n### References\n_Are there any links users can visit to find out more?_\n\n### For more information\nIf you have any questions or comments about this advisory:\n* Open an issue in [moment repo](https://github.com/moment/moment)\n" } } } ] } } } }
query($repo_name:String!, $owner:String!) { repository(name: $repo_name, owner: $owner) { vulnerabilityAlerts(first: 100, states: [OPEN]) { nodes { createdAt dismissedAt state securityVulnerability { package { name } advisory { description } } } } } } { "owner": "cm-rwakatsuki", "repo_name": "aws-cdk-v2-project" }
{ "data": { "repository": { "vulnerabilityAlerts": { "nodes": [ { "createdAt": "2022-04-30T14:14:00Z", "dismissedAt": "2022-04-30T14:21:10Z", "state": "OPEN", "securityVulnerability": { "package": { "name": "moment" }, "advisory": { "description": "### Impact\nThis vulnerability impacts npm (server) users of moment.js, especially if user provided locale string, eg `fr` is directly used to switch moment locale.\n\n### Patches\nThis problem is patched in 2.29.2, and the patch can be applied to all affected versions (from 1.0.1 up until 2.29.1, inclusive).\n\n### Workarounds\nSanitize user-provided locale name before passing it to moment.js.\n\n### References\n_Are there any links users can visit to find out more?_\n\n### For more information\nIf you have any questions or comments about this advisory:\n* Open an issue in [moment repo](https://github.com/moment/moment)\n" } } } ] } } } }
query($repo_name:String!, $owner:String!) { repository(name: $repo_name, owner: $owner) { vulnerabilityAlerts(first: 1, states: [OPEN]) { nodes { id } } } } { "owner": "cm-rwakatsuki", "repo_name": "aws-cdk-v2-project" }
{ "data": { "repository": { "vulnerabilityAlerts": { "nodes": [ { "id": "RVA_kwDOHJiaXM6K9Q7q" } ] } } } }
{ "data": { "repository": { "vulnerabilityAlerts": { "nodes": [] } } } }
GitHub GraphQL APIでのVulnerability Alert(Dependabot alert)の取得を試してみました。
今回方法が分かったので、「Open中のVulnerability Alertが1件以上あればWorkflow実行をFailさせる」なんていう処理をCI/CD上で作ることもできそうです。
- GitHub GraphQLにcurlでqueryを投げる - Qiita
- How to GET the list of dependabot alerts via GitHub API? - Stack Overflow
- Forming calls with GraphQL - GitHub Docs