OpenAI APIを使ってレアジョブ英会話のDaily News Articleの準備を瞬殺させる
オンライン英会話のレアジョブにはディスカッション用のDaily News Articleという教材があり、以下の流れでレッスンは進みます。
- 記事に関連するアイスブレイク
- 単語の学習(5単語固定)
- パラグラフ単位の理解確認
- 記事要約
- ディスカッション
- 記事が長かったり難しかったりして、知らない単語が多い場合
- ベンチマークとなるような要約がほしい場合
- 記事のテーマに疎く、議論を膨らませにくいので、参考意見がほしい場合
)の引数に Daily News Article の URL を渡すだけです。
$ pip install -U requests beautifulsoup4 openai $ export OPENAI_API_KEY=... $ python prepare-for-rarejob.py https://www.rarejob.com/dna/2023/03/25/father-of-cellphone-sees-dark-side-but-also-hope-in-new-tech PERSONA you're a married woman in her 30s living in Tokyo with an elementary school-aged child and a Labrador Retriever while working part-time. URL https://www.rarejob.com/dna/2023/03/25/father-of-cellphone-sees-dark-side-but-also-hope-in-new-tech/ TITLE Father of cellphone sees dark side but also hope in new tech ARTICLE ...(省略) SUMMARY Martin Cooper, the man credited with inventing the cellphone 50 years ago, has expressed concerns about the impacts of his invention on society, from the loss of privacy to internet addiction and content harmful to children. Cooper, who was receiving a lifetime award at a trade show in Barcelona, said he had “no way of knowing” he had made history when he made the first public call from a portable telephone in 1973. Despite his worries, he also said he believed the technology’s best days lay ahead, particularly in fields such as education and healthcare. WORDS 1. Frets (/frɛts/) - Japanese Translation: 悩む - Definition: To worry or be anxious about something - Sample sentence: She frets over her children's safety whenever they're out of the house. 2. Impacts (/ˈɪmpækt/) - Japanese Translation: 影響 - Definition: The effect or influence that something has on someone or something - Sample sentence: The new policy will have a big impact on the company's finances. ... 10. Tuning (/ˈtuːnɪŋ/) - Japanese Translation: 調節 - Definition: To adjust or modify something to make it optimal or better - Sample sentence: He spent hours tuning his guitar to get the perfect sound for the concert. DISCUSSION ... Question:Internet addiction is something that can affect anyone, especially the youth. How do you think this could be combatted (ex. limit everyday usage, limit young people’s access to some sites)? Discuss. Answer:As a married woman in my 30s living in Tokyo with an elementary school-aged child and a Labrador Retriever while working part-time, I believe that limiting everyday usage is the key to combating internet addiction. It is important to set boundaries and establish healthy habits for ourselves and our children. It may be useful to limit access to certain sites or even have set times of the day designated for internet usage. Additionally, developing offline hobbies and activities can redirect our attention away from the internet and help us find joy in other areas of our lives. As a parent, it is my responsibility to monitor my child's internet usage and educate them on the importance of balance and self-control in regards to their online activities. ...
""" レアジョブ Daily News Articleに対して以下を実施 - 要約 - 難しい単語抽出 - ディスカッションの回答例を提示 実行 $ pip install -U requests beautifulsoup4 openai $ export OPENAI_API_KEY=... $ python prepare-for-rarejob-daily-news.py https://www.rarejob.com/dna/2023/03/20/google-to-expand-misinformation-prebunking-in-europe/ """ import os import sys import bs4 import requests from openai import OpenAI # API KEY OPEN_API_KEY = os.environ["OPEN_API_KEY"] client = OpenAI(api_key = OPEN_API_KEY) # Model MODEL = "gpt-4" # Persona PERSONA = "you're a married woman in her 30s living in Tokyo with an elementary school-aged child and a Labrador Retriever while working part-time." print("PERSONA") print(PERSONA) print() # URL if len(sys.argv) > 1: url = sys.argv[1] else: url = "https://www.rarejob.com/dna/2023/03/25/father-of-cellphone-sees-dark-side-but-also-hope-in-new-tech/" print("URL") print(url) print() # Retrieve news ## XXX:If default UA is passed, the server responds with 403 error. headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } req = requests.get(url, headers=headers) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(req.text, "html.parser") # Title title = soup.h1.text print("TITLE") print(title) print() # Article article = soup.find("div", class_="article").text.strip() print("ARTICLE") print(article) print() # Summary print("SUMMARY") response = client.chat.completions.create( model=MODEL, messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": "Summarize in one paragraph." + article, }, ], ) print(response.choices[0].message.content.strip()) print() # Unfamiliar words print("WORDS") response = client.chat.completions.create( model=MODEL, messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": "Extract the top 10 least common words in the following article and give their pronunciations, Japanese translations, definitions, and usages." + article, }, ], ) print(response.choices[0].message.content.strip()) print() # viewpoint discussions print("DISCUSSION") for div in soup.find_all("div", class_="discussion_cont"): for discussion_cont in div.find_all("li"): print("Question:" + discussion_cont.text) response = client.chat.completions.create( model=MODEL, messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": discussion_cont.text + "Answer in one paragraph from the perspective that " + PERSONA, }, ], ) print("Answer:" + response.choices[0].message.content.strip()) print()
Viewpoint Discussionsでは状況分析系/現状分析したり、意見を述べたりします。
- As an AI language model, I do not have a country or nationality.
- As an AI language model, I don't have personal ideas
- As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions
PERSONA = "you're a married woman in her 30s living in Tokyo with an elementary school-aged child and a Labrador Retriever while working part-time."
Answer in one paragraph from the perspective that you're a married woman in her 30s living in Tokyo with an elementary school-aged child and a Labrador Retriever while working part-time.
As a parent, it is my responsibility to monitor my child's internet usage and educate them on the importance of balance and self-control in regards to their online activities.
「未知の単語=あまり使われない単語」という前提で、記事内にある使用頻度の低い上位10位までの単語("extract the top 10 least common words") を抽出しています。
このプログラムでは requests
デフォルトのUser-Agentでアクセスするとサーバーが403エラーを返すため、Mac ChromeのUser-Agentを渡しています。
headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } req = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
OpenAI APIを使い、オンライン英会話RareJobのDaily News Article教材の予習をサクッと済ませる方法を紹介しました。