Snyk IaCでTerraformコードのセキュリティ解析をしてみた
今回は、Snyk IaCを使用してTerraformコードのセキュリティスキャンをしてみようと思います。
Snyk IaCとは
Snyk IaCとは、Snyk社が作成したIaCのセキュリティスキャンツールです。
Terraform, CloudFormation, ARMに対応しており、幅広いIaCツールのセキュリティスキャンが行える利点があります。
Snyk IaCは、Snyk CLIまたはGUI(Web)でセキュリティスキャンを実行できます。
今回は、Snyk CLIを使用してTerraformのコードを解析したいと思います。使用するコードは以下になります。
data "aws_availability_zones" "azs" {
all_availability_zones = false
state = "available"
module "vpc" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
name = "my-vpc"
cidr = ""
azs = data.aws_availability_zones.azs.names
private_subnets = ["", "", ""]
public_subnets = ["", "", ""]
enable_nat_gateway = false
enable_vpn_gateway = false
tags = {}
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
bucket = "snyk-test-bucket"
まずは、基本的のsnyk iac test
snyk iac test
Snyk Infrastructure as Code
- Snyk testing Infrastructure as Code configuration issues.
✔ Test completed.
Low Severity Issues: 7
[Low] CloudWatch log group not encrypted with managed key
Info: Log group is not encrypted with customer managed key. Scope of use of the key cannot be controlled via KMS/IAM policies
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-415
Path: resource > aws_cloudwatch_log_group[flow_log] > kms_key_id
File: .terraform/modules/vpc/examples/vpc-flow-logs/main.tf
Resolve: Set `kms_key_id` attribute with customer managed key id
[Low] CloudWatch Log group retention period not set
Info: Amazon CloudWatch log group does not specify retention period. Logs will be kept indefinitely and incur AWS costs
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-134
Path: resource > aws_cloudwatch_log_group[flow_log] > retention_in_days
File: .terraform/modules/vpc/examples/vpc-flow-logs/main.tf
Resolve: Set `retention_in_days` attribute to required value, e.g. set `365`
[Low] Default VPC resource detected
Info: Default VPC resources is being maintained. Default VPC is designed to help get started with AWS, however dedicated VPCs are recommended for any production deployments
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-423
Path: resource > aws_default_vpc[this]
File: .terraform/modules/vpc/main.tf
Resolve: Remove `aws_default_vpc` resource
[Low] Public IPs are automatically mapped to instances
Info: Instances launched in this subnet will automatically have public IP assigned. Instances will be potentially accessible over public internet, which may lead to unauthorized access
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-427
Path: resource > aws_subnet[public] > map_public_ip_on_launch
File: .terraform/modules/vpc/main.tf
Resolve: Set `map_public_ip_on_launch` attribute with value `true`
[Low] S3 bucket versioning disabled
Info: S3 bucket versioning is disabled. Changes or deletion of objects will not be reversible
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-124
Path: resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > versioning > enabled
File: main.tf
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `versioning.enabled` attribute to `true`. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_versioning resource.
[Low] S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled
Info: S3 bucket will not enforce MFA login on delete requests. Object could be deleted without stronger MFA authorization
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-127
Path: resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > versioning > mfa_delete
File: main.tf
Resolve: Follow instructions in `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/MultiFactorAuthenticationDelete.html` to manually configure the MFA setting. For AWS provider < v4.0.0 set `versioning.mfa_delete` attribute to `true` in aws_s3_bucket resource. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 set 'versioning_configuration.mfa_delete` attribute to `Enabled`. The terraform change is required to reflect the setting in the state file
[Low] S3 server access logging is disabled
Info: The s3 access logs will not be collected. There will be no audit trail of access to s3 objects
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-45
Path: input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > logging
File: main.tf
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, add `logging` block attribute. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_logging resource.
Medium Severity Issues: 2
[Medium] IAM Policy grants full administrative rights
Info: The IAM Policy grants all permissions to all resources. Any identity with this policy will have full administrative rights in the account
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-119
Path: data > aws_iam_policy_document[generic_endpoint_policy]
File: .terraform/modules/vpc/examples/complete-vpc/main.tf
Resolve: Set `Actions` and `Resources` attributes to limited subset, e.g `Actions: ['s3:Create*']`
[Medium] Non-encrypted S3 Bucket
Info: Non-encrypted S3 Bucket. A non-encrypted S3 bucket increases the likelihood of unintentional data exposure
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-4
Path: input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket]
File: main.tf
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `server_side_encryption_configuration` block attribute. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 add aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration resource.
High Severity Issues: 1
[High] Wildcard action in IAM Policy
Info: The IAM policy allows all actions on resource. Granting permission to perform any action is against 'least privilege' principle
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-69
Path: data > aws_iam_policy_document[generic_endpoint_policy] > statement
File: .terraform/modules/vpc/examples/complete-vpc/main.tf
Resolve: Set `statement.action` attribute to specific actions e.g. `s3:ListBucket`
Test Summary
Project name: XXXXXXXXXXX
✔ Files without issues: 38
✗ Files with issues: 4
Ignored issues: 0
Total issues: 10 [ 0 critical, 1 high, 2 medium, 7 low ]
New: Share your test results in the Snyk Web UI with the option --report
上記の通り、snyk iac test
そのため、今回検知されている[Low] CloudWatch log group not encrypted with managed key
作成されるリソースに対してコード解析を行う場合は、terraform plan
解析にはひと工夫必要で、terraform plan
の「-out」オプションは、結果をバイナリ形式で出力します。ファイルを解析を行うため、terraform show -json
terraform plan -out=tfplan.binary
terraform show -json tfplan.binary > tf-plan.json
snyk iac test tf-plan.json
snyk iac test tf-plan.json
Snyk Infrastructure as Code
- Snyk testing Infrastructure as Code configuration issues.
✔ Test completed.
Low Severity Issues: 6
[Low] Public IPs are automatically mapped to instances
Info: Instances launched in this subnet will automatically have public IP assigned. Instances will be potentially accessible over public internet, which may lead to unauthorized access
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-427
Path: resource > aws_subnet[public["2"]] > map_public_ip_on_launch
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: Set `map_public_ip_on_launch` attribute with value `true`
[Low] Public IPs are automatically mapped to instances
Info: Instances launched in this subnet will automatically have public IP assigned. Instances will be potentially accessible over public internet, which may lead to unauthorized access
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-427
Path: resource > aws_subnet[public["0"]] > map_public_ip_on_launch
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: Set `map_public_ip_on_launch` attribute with value `true`
[Low] Public IPs are automatically mapped to instances
Info: Instances launched in this subnet will automatically have public IP assigned. Instances will be potentially accessible over public internet, which may lead to unauthorized access
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-427
Path: resource > aws_subnet[public["1"]] > map_public_ip_on_launch
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: Set `map_public_ip_on_launch` attribute with value `true`
[Low] S3 bucket versioning disabled
Info: S3 bucket versioning is disabled. Changes or deletion of objects will not be reversible
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-124
Path: resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > versioning > enabled
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `versioning.enabled` attribute to `true`. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_versioning resource.
[Low] S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled
Info: S3 bucket will not enforce MFA login on delete requests. Object could be deleted without stronger MFA authorization
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-127
Path: resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > versioning > mfa_delete
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: Follow instructions in `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/MultiFactorAuthenticationDelete.html` to manually configure the MFA setting. For AWS provider < v4.0.0 set `versioning.mfa_delete` attribute to `true` in aws_s3_bucket resource. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 set 'versioning_configuration.mfa_delete` attribute to `Enabled`. The terraform change is required to reflect the setting in the state file
[Low] S3 server access logging is disabled
Info: The s3 access logs will not be collected. There will be no audit trail of access to s3 objects
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-45
Path: input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > logging
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, add `logging` block attribute. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_logging resource.
Medium Severity Issues: 1
[Medium] Non-encrypted S3 Bucket
Info: Non-encrypted S3 Bucket. A non-encrypted S3 bucket increases the likelihood of unintentional data exposure
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-4
Path: input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket]
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `server_side_encryption_configuration` block attribute. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 add aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration resource.
Test Summary
Project name: XXXXXXXXXXX
✔ Files without issues: 0
✗ Files with issues: 1
Ignored issues: 0
Total issues: 7 [ 0 critical, 0 high, 1 medium, 6 low ]
New: Share your test results in the Snyk Web UI with the option --report
terraform apply後の挙動
一旦、先ほどの脆弱性を是正せずterraform apply
terraform plan -out=tfplan.binary
terraform show -json tfplan.binary > tf-plan.json
snyk iac test tf-plan.json
snyk iac test tf-plan.json
Snyk Infrastructure as Code
- Snyk testing Infrastructure as Code configuration issues.
✔ Test completed.
No vulnerable paths were found!
Test Summary
Project name: XXXXXXXXXXX
✔ Files without issues: 1
✗ Files with issues: 0
Ignored issues: 0
Total issues: 0 [ 0 critical, 0 high, 0 medium, 0 low ]
New: Share your test results in the Snyk Web UI with the option --report
実は、Snyk IaCはデフォルトではterraform plan
snyk iac test tf-plan.json --scan=planned-values
Snyk Infrastructure as Code
- Snyk testing Infrastructure as Code configuration issues.
✔ Test completed.
Low Severity Issues: 6
[Low] Public IPs are automatically mapped to instances
Info: Instances launched in this subnet will automatically have public IP assigned. Instances will be potentially accessible over public internet, which may lead to unauthorized access
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-427
Path: resource > aws_subnet[public["2"]] > map_public_ip_on_launch
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: Set `map_public_ip_on_launch` attribute with value `true`
[Low] Public IPs are automatically mapped to instances
Info: Instances launched in this subnet will automatically have public IP assigned. Instances will be potentially accessible over public internet, which may lead to unauthorized access
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-427
Path: resource > aws_subnet[public["0"]] > map_public_ip_on_launch
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: Set `map_public_ip_on_launch` attribute with value `true`
[Low] Public IPs are automatically mapped to instances
Info: Instances launched in this subnet will automatically have public IP assigned. Instances will be potentially accessible over public internet, which may lead to unauthorized access
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-427
Path: resource > aws_subnet[public["1"]] > map_public_ip_on_launch
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: Set `map_public_ip_on_launch` attribute with value `true`
[Low] S3 bucket versioning disabled
Info: S3 bucket versioning is disabled. Changes or deletion of objects will not be reversible
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-124
Path: resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > versioning > enabled
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `versioning.enabled` attribute to `true`. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_versioning resource.
[Low] S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled
Info: S3 bucket will not enforce MFA login on delete requests. Object could be deleted without stronger MFA authorization
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-127
Path: resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > versioning > mfa_delete
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: Follow instructions in `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/MultiFactorAuthenticationDelete.html` to manually configure the MFA setting. For AWS provider < v4.0.0 set `versioning.mfa_delete` attribute to `true` in aws_s3_bucket resource. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 set 'versioning_configuration.mfa_delete` attribute to `Enabled`. The terraform change is required to reflect the setting in the state file
[Low] S3 server access logging is disabled
Info: The s3 access logs will not be collected. There will be no audit trail of access to s3 objects
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-45
Path: input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket] > logging
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, add `logging` block attribute. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_logging resource.
Medium Severity Issues: 1
[Medium] Non-encrypted S3 Bucket
Info: Non-encrypted S3 Bucket. A non-encrypted S3 bucket increases the likelihood of unintentional data exposure
Rule: https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-4
Path: input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[bucket]
File: tf-plan.json
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `server_side_encryption_configuration` block attribute. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 add aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration resource.
Test Summary
Project name: XXXXXXXXXXX
✔ Files without issues: 0
✗ Files with issues: 1
Ignored issues: 0
Total issues: 7 [ 0 critical, 0 high, 1 medium, 6 low ]
New: Share your test results in the Snyk Web UI with the option --report
以上、簡単ではありますがSnyk IaCを使用してTerraformコードのセキュリティスキャンしてみたでした。
Terraform, CloudFormation, ARMと幅広いIaCツールのセキュリティスキャンができる部分が大変魅力的です。