Advent Calendar 2013:AWS CloudFormation Big Bang Template Summary
This entry is English translation of アドベントカレンダー2013:AWS CloudFormationビッグバンテンプレートまとめ
We, Classmethod AWS Engineers, have made an Advent Calendar blog post in 2013 which titled as 'AWS CloudFormation Big Bang Template'.These contents has a link button which causes a construction of convenient tools automatically.
Not all of us has mastered CloudFormation when this blog plan, but we challenged this topic, held a study group as a side task, and we completed this event yesterday!
So, please let me introduce the entries below. All of the entries have the demonstration and/or production button, which links to AWS Management Console CloudFormation Launch Wizard. This button will launch some EC2 instances and/or other AWS services.
We have already written lots of entries about CloudFormation. The introduction entries are below :
- CloudFormation入門 | Developers.IO
- CloudFormationのヘルパースクリプトcfn-initによるインスタンスの初期化 | Developers.IO
- 【AWS】CloudFormationの作成ノウハウをまとめた社内向け資料を公開してみる | Developers.IO
Lastly, let me introduce the comment of Daisuke Miyamoto, who is the planner of this Advent Calendar.
I'm Miyamoto, who is the planner of this Advent Calendar. Now, we have overissued twenty-four templates. How was this challenge? Are you pleased or satisfied by these entries?
For AWS novices, who uses written template, CloudFormation is very easy to use because all of the processes are operated by CloudFormation by a few of parameter inputs. Therefore, I think this product is really valuable for those who doesn't get used to AWS.
On the other hand, for AWS seniors, I recommend you to try to write any template. By writing CloudFormation template, you can acquire knowledge about the components of each AWS product(for example, Autoscaling consists of AutoScalingGroup and LaunchConfiguration) and the relationship between them(AutoScalingGroup refers LaunchConfiguration). I mean CloudFormation helps you understand AWS architecture more deeply!
For AWS professionals, please read these entries for the reference for cfn-init, WaitHandle and so on. These templates are helpful for those who want to understand the depth of CloudFormation
Lastly, I think the 'template' must be generic, reusable, stable, and safe. Each template are public and accessible on Github. So please use them, and publish a issue or make Pull-Request for these templates! In fact, 'fullbok', the 1st template, has already received a Pull-Request.(soon available on new release) I hope contribution from all over the world.
Merry Christmas!!!